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Unreadable compass

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The compass is really hard to read.

I can't tell (don't remember) if it's related to the latest patch but it's a recent bug (less than 2 weeks for me).



Anybody has the same issue ? Any solution ?


EDIT: of course, the screenshot was taken without any addon activated.

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Probably something within your graphics settings. Try messing with them. If that doesn't work, go ahead and verify your steam cache.

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Thx for the feedback.

I tried both your advices but I still have the same issue. I'll investigate more on that.

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I think a member of my community has had this issue. I will ask around and see. There might be a mod out there that changes how the compass looks (I dont mean the size cause somehow I dont think that would work :p) That might be a temporary fix for now

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Sometime in the past week my compass turned black and is now unreadable. Is there a fix for this?

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So I found someone who had this issue, it only occurs when playing vanilla but we have a small mod to modify the compass which fixed it. So I would recommend trying to find a mod that will change the compass. I think the mod we are running that changes it is AGM. You can get rid of pretty much everything if you dont want it. Just delete all the .pbo's you dont want. So I believe you can just use the AGM_Map.pbo

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1.22 hot fix did something, the above tracker holds the answer.

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