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About cz_bpk

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. cz_bpk

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    1. Very nice mod, the ship looks awesome and works very good. 2. Same problem with explosives, when this mod is activated, i am not able to place any explosives.
  2. cz_bpk

    Helicopter DLC bugs reports

    Have the same problem with waypoint "Drop Cargo", works fine with vehicles but not with crates.
  3. I use this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170867-lbData-gt-String-to-Object&p=2589349&viewfull=1#post2589349
  4. That's a very good question, honestly i don't know ;-)
  5. Hi Maurdekye In the ON ACT field write: null = createMarker ["respawn_west", position resp2]; I think that should do the trick?
  6. You can find it in the game editor. From the editor you click "Config Viewer (Ctrl G)", here you get the full config list. The list is HUGE, but its fairly easy to get familiar with using it.
  7. cz_bpk

    Spawning/Scripting C-17 Airborne

    Thank you SilentSpike This is a lot better than the example i gave. Now i have some sqf files to update :-)
  8. cz_bpk

    Spawning/Scripting C-17 Airborne

    If you use the example i posted first, the C-17 get spawned with crew, but with engines off, wheels down etc. The plane starts with taking a dive to about 300m and then flies normal. :-) Your example might be a better solution, will try it out.
  9. what you are looking for is: configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _chosenweapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems" This will give you a list over compatible items in the Optic Slot
  10. cz_bpk

    Spawning/Scripting C-17 Airborne

    Lappihuan you are right. The function works with stock air. But if you use the function on the "globemaster_c17" it will crash - somehow it has no crew.
  11. cz_bpk

    Spawning/Scripting C-17 Airborne

    Hi Infiltrator_2K I do it like this: _vehCreate = [[getMarkerPos _mrkXx select 0, getMarkerPos _mrkXx select 1,1000], 180, "globemaster_c17", West] call Bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; It spawns the plane in 1000m height, so the crew has time to get the plane flying, vomit express the first 400m drop ;-), but it works. If i spawn the plane lower it will crash. Hope it helps.
  12. cz_bpk

    Unreadable compass

    I have the exact same issue/problem!
  13. Thermal scope on rifle shows fences as hot, making it more difficult to spot enemy units. This has been an issue since the last patch to version 1.22.125300 (Not Development Build) I am not aware if it is a matter of adjustment in the game, or it is a bug. Anybody else have the issue or know a solution? Thanx in advance. (Image shows Nightstalker on rifle)
  14. cz_bpk

    Re Texturing question

    If you start up the editor i Arma 3, and insert the vehicle you want to retexture, in the top right corner of the "Insert Unit dialog" you will find the classname of the vehicle ex: Hunter = B_MRAP_01_F Next you click on the button "Config Viewer" (Ctrl + G), here you select "cfgVehicles" and select the calssname of the vehicle you want to retexture. In the right pane scroll to "hiddenSelectionsTextures", here you can see the name of the pbo and the path for the images. Example Hunter/B_MRAP_01_F: hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\soft_F\MRAP_01\data\MRAP_01_base_CO.paa","\A3\soft_F\MRAP_01\data\MRAP_01_adds_CO.paa",""}; Pbo = soft_F (Normal path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Addons\soft_f.pbo) Images = MRAP_01_base_CO.paa and MRAP_01_adds_CO.paa Hope this is useful.
  15. Way to go - god thinking :-) It's a bit difficult to keep the uav on the targets, but with some practice it works fine. A autopilot would be very useful.