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Task Force Arrowhead Radio for ArmA-II CO

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Well, here you go:

  Bastian Suter said:

The problem should be fixed now, could you confirm?


Bastian Suter

BattlEye Innovations

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Yes, it is fixed for me!

Thanks so much for your support man, my group and I will be using this mod for a long time!

Thanks again,


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Hi, we're still playing ArmA 2 OA and ArmA 3 and we did fine with TFAR (for A2 and A3) until the TeamSpeak plugin for A3 changed (before they share the same plugin), now we have 2 plugins in Team Speak 3 plugins folder named "task_force_radio_win64_A2.dll" and "task_force_radio_win64_A3.dll" and we rename every time the plugin we need to "task_force_radio_win64.dll".

Now the questions:

1) Can we merge the "radio-sounds" folders from the 2 plugins? Wich one goes first?

2) Are you going to update TFAR for ArmA 2 OA so we can use the same plugin?


We cannot leave the renamed dll because, also if plugin seems to activate and work, when you try with anoter player, radio will not work and direct speak works only if you are a few inches next to another player, so the plugin need to be named "task_force_radio_win64.dll"

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1) Don't know. I think i've seen a post describing a crash when using custom sounds with the new plugin. You can try, though. The correct order would be A2 -> A3... probably.

2) Don't know. For sever-e/al reasons i'm not interested in supporting the radio anymore, sorry. In any case, if there WILL be an update, for two weeks at least i will be too busy with other things so i don't have the time to work on it (on the bright side, NKey should be able to fix all the newly emerged problems by then); it will be mostly untested; and it very well could be the last update. If you don't see an update before the end of this year, you can consider this project dropped for good.


Now, to the person that was so eager to see this post in Skype: enjoy your meal, Pig-kun.

Edited by Levrex

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Levrex tnx for the reply, two days ago one of our clanmates made a tool to change the plugins with a simple batch file. So every time we need to change plugin we simply run the batch file and we choose which plugin (and relative folder) install in TS3 plugins folder.. ;)

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Okay, well, here's the patch.


I have no idea how it works in multiplayer, but it should work at least.

Note that MR-3000L, AN/PRC-117f, R-168 and DTR-650 don't have the speaker option (dunno where to put it, meh), but you can cheat by copying the settings from another radio.

  Changelog (rc4) said:

- Fixed that a TFAR hint did not disappear after death in case the player was talking on the radio in that sad moment.

- German and Turkish language support.

- Fixes and changes from 0.9.3 — 0.9.7 (A3 mod) added, most notably speakers function addition. Now you can put the radio in a vehicle's trunk or under the bush, and it would still (probably) keep you and everybody nearby informed on the situation.

- AN/ARC-210, AN/ARC-164: changed some buttons.

- MR-6000L: use square red button to switch between speakers and earphones.

- AN/PRC-152: use the top knob to switch between speakers and earphones. Use 9 button to set current channel as additional.

- FADAK: the same as above (in this case, use the previously mentioned "top silver pin").

- AN/PRC-148: for the same purpose, use the GR button.

- R-55, PD-785, GM-380: speakers/earphones — asterisk button.

- Fixed «Drop ruck» ACE-2 function. Now the manpack's model will be displayed properly.

- New dialogs for AN/PRC-154, RF-7800STR, PNR-1000A. Those radios also can be programmed by means of a little gadget called tf_microdagr. Night versions included.

- New dialogs for manpack radios AN/PRC-155 and RT-1523G. Night versions included too.

- New button sounds.

- Test mission finally made it to the archive. Let's praise that poor piece of .pbo.


Edited by Levrex

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Testing out the RC4 release, it appears that you cannot hear someone using the direct voice function (using the normal TS PTT key). It appears to act as if you're not near the player as I can see them transmit over TS, yet I cannot hear them. Everything else seems to work fine though as the radio dialogs and the radios themselves work correctly.

The mod does register when you are talking in direct (I ran the test map with a hint when you speak).

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Well, expected that.

I'll (try to) do a fix when i get back from work; but do you have ArmA-III? If you do, please tell me what would be the following:

[3,5,7] vectorDiff [7,2,5]

I want to make sure that the wiki is correct.

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Running that in Arma 3 produced [-4,3,2] as the results.

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Okay, here's the fix. Just replace the task_force_radio.pbo in @TFAR_CO\addons folder. Note that it's necessary for all players.


The patch includes two new functions, TFAR_fnc_vectorDiff and TFAR_fnc_vectorAdd, made from corresponding BIS functions. However, they work like ArmA-III operators vectorDiff and vectorAdd; also they are a whole lot faster than old BIS functions.

You can also download the updated full mod from the main link.

Watch out for buildings. Probably will get another fix because of this.

By the way, you should test whether it's possible to hear players on the second floor of a building (Chernogorsk would be ideal for this) while you are on the ground.

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OK thanks! I'll try this out this afternoon when I get off work

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Alright, that fixed the direct voice issue.

I haven't had a chance yet to test out the if we can hear people on different floors.

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Our Arma unit recently decided to swap over to TFAR due to some members being unable to fix their JayArma2Lib errors.

TFAR is working for everyone except two members.

They have a constant grey box at the bottom right of their screens where the radio transmitting notification shows.

They're both using Windows 8.1, Teamspeak version 3.0.16 and playing on Arma 2:CO.

They have tried running the following mods, and all mods are on the server...




(Tried both A2 and CO separately and together.)

I have been searching for an answer for a good few hours but coming up with nothing, or missing it completely.

I'm lost!

I'm not sure what other info you may need.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Maff, Are these the only Windows 8 users in your group that have this problem? Are they showing as connected in Teamspeak?

@CBA_CO is the correct CBA mod to use.

Have your guys try to run the following in an Administrative Command Prompt:

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@TFAR_CO_a2\task_force_radio_pipe.dll"

If @TFAR_CO_A2 isn't in your Arma 2 OA directory, change the path between the quotes to point to where your @TFAR_CO_A2\task_force_radio_pipe.dll file is.

Just a note, they will need to do this everytime after they restart their computer. I built a script that will register the TFAR plugin and start the game after, if this works, let me know if you would like a copy.

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Thanks for the speedy response, Tath.

Yes. These are the only two guys that have Windows 8.

I believe they were showing up as connected in TeamSpeak.

I'll need to wait for them to come online to double check that, and get them to try the regsvr32.

Will let you know how it goes.

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Yeah, all Win8 users i know have the same problem.

IDK if using regsvr works, but if it don't, you can try methods described in my post on the previous page.

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Regsvr works for both win7 and 8 my squad had problems with TFAR before and regsvr sorted that out. One of my guys have to do the regsvr again every time he starts his computer tho.

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Sorry for the late update...

The regsvr32 method didn't work for one of the guys.

He tried the BattlEye method in post 24 and it worked. We skipped the regsvr32 method for the second guy and both of them are able to use TFAR without any problems.

I have no idea how I missed that solution. Thanks for all your help, guys.

We have a different guy that TFAR just freezes his Arma and his TS.

I will post more info when I get it.

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The same as you would add other weapons, i suppose?

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Well, seems like this version is stable, so i'll leave things as they are.

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Thanks for letting us know RC4 qualified for a full release :cool:

Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. Soon we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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I guess that would be the last version with any major changes. If i release some more, then probably just to make the addon compatible to the future plugin versions.

If anybody wants to make their own modification of TFAR for ArmA-2, just let me know and you're free to do whatever with it (if it isn't malicious, of course).

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OK after last update TFAR ceased to work for my entire clan. regsvr method doesnt help.

At 1.st after instalation, everytime we run arma II co it overwritten the plugin to the one for old ts. that we solved by deleting the old ts plugin from the modfolder. now it keeps that 0.9.7 plugin for ts3.0.16 but when we i host the mission radios doesnt work. we have grey rectangle at the place where it shoud show radio status while speaking. It all worked fine before the update.

Battleeye method worked after few attempts.

Edited by Mirek
Found a solution.

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