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Accessory On/Off using script and addaction

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How would I be able to turn on/off my custom made IR laser using scripts and addaction instead of just "L"?

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Player addAction ["Laser On",{
_target=(_this select 0);
_caller=(_this select 1);
_id=(_this select 2);

_caller enableIRLasers true


Player addAction ["Laser Off",{
_target=(_this select 0);
_caller=(_this select 1);
_id=(_this select 2);

_caller enableIRLasers false;


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You guys rock, thanx for the info :). Is there a way to make the actions only available once accessory is attached? I've researched and tried some things but no joy yet :confused:

I'm also trying to include a script set inside my weapon mod, and I have a init.sqf(in main mod folder) with

[] execVM "myscript.sqf";

But still not getting the addactions

Edited by WarLord554

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That may be so, but the actionmenu is a real pain and having a lot of entries there is much much worse than binding a few extra keys.

( besides, the Keybinding system in ArmA is pretty much the best one I know :D )

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This is true. However I'm testing various features of my WIP PEQ16A, which includes IR Laser/Flashlight/Visible Red Laser combo. Scripting through an action menu allows all three to be used in one unit

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Here is an old test script of mine for swapping muzzles via addactions. Not exactly what you want but might give you some ideas.

LARs_var_hasMuz = [nil, nil];
LARs_var_muzEquipped = [false, false];

LARs_fnc_checkMuzzles = {
	_weapon = [] call compile format ["%1weapon player", _x];
	_weaponSlot = _x;
	if (_weaponSlot == "primary") then {
		_weaponSlot = "primaryWeapon";
	_index = _forEachIndex;
	if (_weapon != "") then {
		_silencer = [] call compile format ["(%1Items player) select 0", _weaponSlot];
		_compMuz = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
		{ _compMuz set [_forEachIndex, (toLower _x)] }forEach _compMuz;
		if ( _silencer != "" && (toLower _silencer) in _compMuz ) then {
			LARs_var_hasMuz set [_index, _Silencer];
			LARs_var_muzEquipped set [_index, true];
			LARs_var_hasMuz set [_index, nil];
			LARs_var_muzEquipped set [_index, false];
				_itemType = ([_x] call bis_fnc_itemType) select 1;
				if ( _itemType == "AccessoryMuzzle" && (toLower _x) in _compMuz ) exitWith {
					LARs_var_hasMuz set [_index, _x];
					LARs_var_muzEquipped set [_index, false];
			}forEach (items player);
		LARs_var_hasMuz set [_index, nil];
		LARs_var_muzEquipped set [_index, false];
}forEach ["primary","handgun"];


LARs_fnc_equipMuz = {
_equip = _this;
	_weaponSlot = _x;
	_muzzle = LARs_var_hasMuz select _forEachIndex;
	_equipped = LARs_var_muzEquipped select _forEachIndex;
	if (_equip ) then {
		if ( !(isNil {_muzzle}) && !(_equipped) ) then {
			[] call compile format ["player add%1Item %2;",_weaponSlot, str _muzzle];
			player removeItem _muzzle;
		if ( (_equipped) ) then {
			[] call compile format ["player remove%1Item %2;", _weaponSlot, str _muzzle];
			player addItem _muzzle;
}forEach ["primaryWeapon","handgun"];
[] call LARs_fnc_checkMuzzles;

[] call LARs_fnc_checkMuzzles;

player addEventHandler ["TAKE", {
hintSilent format ["taken %1\n\naccessoryType\n%2", (_this select 2), ([(_this select 2)] call bis_fnc_itemType) select 1];
[] call LARs_fnc_checkMuzzles;

player addEventHandler ["PUT", {
hintSilent format ["put %1\n\naccessoryType\n%2", (_this select 2), ([(_this select 2)] call bis_fnc_itemType) select 1];
[] call LARs_fnc_checkMuzzles;

player addAction ["Go Silent", {true call LARs_fnc_equipMuz;}, [], -99, false, true, "", " !(isNil {(LARs_var_hasMuz select ([primaryWeapon player, handgunWeapon player] find (currentWeapon player)))}) && !(LARs_var_muzEquipped select ([primaryWeapon player, handgunWeapon player] find (currentWeapon player))) "];

player addAction ["Go Loud", {false call LARs_fnc_equipMuz;}, [], -99, false, true, "", " LARs_var_muzEquipped select ([primaryWeapon player, handgunWeapon player] find (currentWeapon player)) "];

Just paste that into the debug console and find yourself a silencer to get the actions to appear.

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Hey thanks buddy. There is actually a muzzle attach gesture I noticed looking through the configs

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