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[WIP] X39s Medical System 2 (XMS2)

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Thanks again for informing us of the updated alpha release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Radiation (using modules/functions you can define radial zones) <-- Please tell me what you think about this

Radiation would be a good idea. But to make it realistic some kind of radiation meters would be needed to let players know if they are exposed to radiation or not.

Also simulating NBC protection in vehicles would be a good thing.

And of course all types of popular radiation (alpha beta and gamma) should be simulated because they are quite different. Gamma rays are most dangerous while alpha ones are not so much dangerous. Alpha rays cannot even penetrate a sheet of paper or skin so using gas mask (otherwise dangerous radiating particles could be sucked in) would be enough.

Sorry for my English.

But i think that simulating effects of CS gas, pepper spray and toxic things would be more usefull.

Edited by macieksoft

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Hi everyone.

I have loved the XMS1 but my buddies (and I) want more immersion for medic.

We try to install XMS2, BUT, we can't use it. Launching ONLY XLib & XMS2, the test mission, and I can't treat myself. The interaction UI isn't showing. I can just notice different mouse arrow for maybe half a second but nothing more. Besides, i can treat myself with the ingame menu with 1st aid kit or medikit, not normal I guess.

I think i'm doing something really wrong. Can you help me?

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  Adeubal said:
Hi everyone.

I have loved the XMS1 but my buddies (and I) want more immersion for medic.

We try to install XMS2, BUT, we can't use it. Launching ONLY XLib & XMS2, the test mission, and I can't treat myself. The interaction UI isn't showing. I can just notice different mouse arrow for maybe half a second but nothing more. Besides, i can treat myself with the ingame menu with 1st aid kit or medikit, not normal I guess.

I think i'm doing something really wrong. Can you help me?

suddenly the alpha which is public currently is not rly usable with the module due some problems ...

you can fix that by calling the init function by yourself instead of using the module



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Eh really thx for the fast answer. I may be stupid, but where i can find the init function ? (i know where to write it... just in case :) ) I have seen in your utube video but definition is too low. Can't read.

You can't have to tell me what to type, just where to find it :)

Keep going with your amazing stuff. I send you all encouragement for your work.

Edited by Adeubal

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as there is no real documentation up yet

the git is your best friend to understand XMS2s current state


the function you need to call is X39_MS2_fnc_initUnit

just in case you dont know, this function should be callen ONCE per client like so:

[{player}] call X39_MS2_fnc_initUnit

if you dont take care that it is not callen on isDedicated true and/or hasInterface false, you also can change the parameters section to this:

[{player}, true, true] call X39_MS2_fnc_initUnit

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Understood. Thanks for that and good luck for the rest of your outstanding work

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Updated front page with more up to date images



I also would like to remind you guys that there is a skype chat for the general public you can join and contribute to the mod (in case youre not able to join, simply PN me and i will invite you to there)

support/questions and even some closed beta leaks will most likely be posted in there (also it is always important for a modder to know that people ARE interested in his project (or different: every post/message about XMS2 helps to get me motivated even more))

also to keep you guys up to date, here is the current changelog of the closed BETA

BETA 1.1    Fixed
       |- X39_MS2_var_Pain_showDiagnosticsMessagesUnconscious = true caused pain messages to appear unconscious
       |- When damaged by yourself, bleeding was never added
       |- A few script errors (suddenly i forgot to note them down ... so no details here)
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_lowerPulseIfPermaKnockedOut                    - default: true
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Respiratory_UseForHeartCalculations                    - default: true
       |- x39_xms2_oropharyngeal item was renamed to x39_xms2_kingLt
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Drugs_Adrenaline_useAdrenalineForHeartCalculations to X39_MS2_var_Drugs_Adrenaline_useForHeartCalculations
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_GlobalModificator from 1 to 10
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_ChanceForAterialDamageP from 0.30 to 0.20
       |- Extended X39_MS2_fnc_registerAction functions parameters to support more specific ui actions
BETA 1.0
       |- XMS2 BaseModule not working in MP (caused by incorrect configuration of it (isGlobal = 0))
       |- Incorrect X39_MS2_fnc_getMorphine function which caused morphine to be reseted as soon as the second change after 0 was made
       |- Incorrect X39_MS2_fnc_addMorphine function which used calculated morphine value instead of pure causing morphine to fall down extremly fast
       \- Fixed tournique function (was equivalent to ateria functions)
       |- Aspirin item model
       |- x39_xms2_nasopharyngeal item
       |- x39_xms2_oropharyngeal item
       |- x39_xms2_bagvalvemask item
       \- Implemented MedicalUiStatusEffects
       \- Various unused internal variables
       |- MedicalUi drugsList update code (had problems with correct execution of drugs)
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_BlackedOutPulseModificator from 0.2 to 0.1
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Damage_knockOutLimitP from 0.5 to 0.3
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Damage_DeathLimitP from 0.8 to 0.5
       \- variable X39_MS2_var_Drugs_Naloxone_MorphineImpactMultiplicator from 1 to 8



Edited by X39

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Wow! This is it! Medics have now a real work! :yay:

Where is the link ? *impatient*

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Is that possible to use this system in SP, on a certain, hand-picked group of AIs? I know you're not focusing on it, but it'd be a neat feature if AIs could work with the system. Not enemies, of course, I was thinking of a small squad like in ArmA2 campaign. Does the medical system require the affected unit to be an actual, human player, or is it possible to implement on bots/SP squadmates? Also, is it possible to have a bot medic healing human players?

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  Dragon01 said:
Is that possible to use this system in SP, on a certain, hand-picked group of AIs? I know you're not focusing on it, but it'd be a neat feature if AIs could work with the system. Not enemies, of course, I was thinking of a small squad like in ArmA2 campaign. Does the medical system require the affected unit to be an actual, human player, or is it possible to implement on bots/SP squadmates? Also, is it possible to have a bot medic healing human players?

currently it is not possible to have >1 unit (regardless of AI or not) per instance without any issues (there are some variables which are used global instead of local to unit but that would be more or less easy to be changed)

that could change in the future if i get more scripters working on the project (currently the workload is extremly high and little progress is made per week due only me working on the project)

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I wish I had time to learn scripting and help you out. This mod looks like a wonderful addition, it's a bit of a shame it's limited like that. Also, I imagine that having to load up MP just to make a test run with more than one unit doesn't help. Perhaps some day I'll try getting into ArmA scripting and help you out a bit. I'm mostly an SP player, largely because I don't have time for MP. Not to mention I wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than a hardcore realism game, which would likely mean joining a clan and at least semi-regular sessions... Hard to do.

The perspectives I see for this mod are just incredible, especially if you had more manpower to work on it. And not only for players, think just how much of an improvement it would be if you implemented, say, a simplified pain simulation and internal organ damage for AI. Just that, all our woes about "ironclad AI" would be over. :) Especially for snipers, an ability to aim at and hit different internal organs would add a whole new layer to gameplay. Just a thought. :)

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Can confirm now that XMS2 WILL have conditional hallucinations

And another call for all those willed & skilled scripters




lil leak for ~7h

have fun


Edited by X39

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I just wanna know if this mod has mouth to mouth animation!

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Seriously though, do you think xms2 will have an audience? Not that matters, but I just wonder how many clans would use such a system, it seems over-engineered, I think xms was as far as our clan would ever take it.

But still

Impressed by the project you've taken on.

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

I meant xmed not xms.

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  Lightspeed_aust said:
I just wanna know if this mod has mouth to mouth animation!

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Seriously though, do you think xms2 will have an audience? Not that matters, but I just wonder how many clans would use such a system, it seems over-engineered, I think xms was as far as our clan would ever take it.

But still

Impressed by the project you've taken on.

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

I meant xmed not xms.

Xmed =xms1 ^^

Xms 1 & 2 are designed to be flexible (you canturn on/off all features you want)

So yes

its an allround solution

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Hello folks

just wanted to update you quickly by handing you out the latest changelog of XMS2

BETA 1.3
	|- ScriptIssue when using defib or blackOutUnit with specific params
	|- X39_MS2_fnc_unInitUnit function (threw script issues & did not worked correctly)
	|- applyDrug was not working propper in some cases
	|- DrugRequest was created when other unit is non-local & unconscious
	|- ResearchHq medical building <- used to heal a unit to 100% to finally make ingame use of the modification possible
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_ChanceForAterialDamageP from 0.2 to 0.05 (equals a 5% chance for aterial damage which only can be healed in a "hospital" (the medical HQ in XMS2s empty section)
BETA 1.2
	|- 0000096: Tourniquett make knocked people bleed
	|- 0000097: SplendidCam destroys overlay display
	|- Overlay getVariable calls where invalidly setVariable calls
	\- ScriptIssue when running DEBUG version & throwing something
	\v- Hallucination system
	 |- Function X39_MS2_fnc_registerHallucinations
	 \- variable X39_MS2_var_Feature_Hallucinations								- default: true
	\- variable X39_MS2_var_UIs_XMS2_Overlay_ShownInCurrentMission
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_GlobalModificator from 1 to 2
	\- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_AterialDamageMultiplicator* from 10 to 3
BETA 1.1
	|- X39_MS2_var_Pain_showDiagnosticsMessagesUnconscious = true caused pain messages to appear unconscious
	|- When damaged by yourself, bleeding was never added
	\- A few script errors (suddenly i forgot to note them down ... so no details here)
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_lowerPulseIfPermaKnockedOut					- default: true
	\- variable X39_MS2_var_Respiratory_UseForHeartCalculations					- default: true
	|- x39_xms2_oropharyngeal item was renamed to x39_xms2_kingLt
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Drugs_Adrenaline_useAdrenalineForHeartCalculations to X39_MS2_var_Drugs_Adrenaline_useForHeartCalculations
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_GlobalModificator from 1 to 10
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_ChanceForAterialDamageP from 0.30 to 0.20
	\- Extended X39_MS2_fnc_registerAction functions parameters to support more specific ui actions
BETA 1.0
	|- XMS2 BaseModule not working in MP (caused by incorrect configuration of it (isGlobal = 0))
	|- Incorrect X39_MS2_fnc_getMorphine function which caused morphine to be reseted as soon as the second change after 0 was made
	|- Incorrect X39_MS2_fnc_addMorphine function which used calculated morphine value instead of pure causing morphine to fall down extremely fast
	\- Fixed tourniquet function (was equivalent to ateria functions)
	|- Aspirin item model
	|- x39_xms2_nasopharyngeal item
	|- x39_xms2_oropharyngeal item
	|- x39_xms2_bagvalvemask item
	\- Implemented MedicalUiStatusEffects
	\- Various unused internal variables
	|- MedicalUi drugsList update code (had problems with correct execution of drugs)
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_BlackedOutPulseModificator from 0.2 to 0.1
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Damage_knockOutLimitP from 0.5 to 0.3
	|- variable X39_MS2_var_Damage_DeathLimitP from 0.8 to 0.5
	\- variable X39_MS2_var_Drugs_Naloxone_MorphineImpactMultiplicator from 1 to 8



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Thanks again for informing us of the updated release :cool:

Sorry to hear you decided to quit for now, but enjoy the time off!

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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lets boost up work again

project is back up and work on it will start as planned on the 1. februrary (after february another short break will appear during exams)

just to quickly inform you guys

Thigns that will change by now:

- no closed whatever anymore (due lack of interest its simply not worth the stress ... if you get something from this mod just be aware that it is not tested fully as i have no testers here and wont test the entire mod by myself every release)

- less work progress reports (means you get updates whenever one is ready, i wont inform you about any progress as it seems like nobody is interested and im wasting my time with writing little posts (even with those release posts)

Things i still need for more progress:

- Feedback

- people helping to get progress done in the project



Edited by X39

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And i´m back to support your work.

I did a first check on everything and with some minor correction in the DamageValues, Bleedingrate and other stuff like the Mod is

stable enough to give him a chance to play with. Needs some minor fine tuning.

Again your Mod is INCREDIBLE configurable and Does Simulate a FREAKING LOT of stuff.

Correction for the first page:

Adrenalin feature: Impact on Pain - It works, is live but still yellow. Should be green?

Integration in AGM like you did with XMS1 would be very useful.

But for more details and feedback to your Mod i´m using your new Github. Love it! <3<3<3

Again i will help all the guys which want to use XMS2 with their server config.

This weekend i will try to puplic the first playable server config for "realistic and immersiv" gameplay and make a test server ready.

Stay tuned and ...

... have fun :yay:

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lets implement some temperature simulation

current ideas ( the (/) means its implemented, the (x) means its not implemented):

  • (/) rain affects temperature
  • (/) ocean affects temperature
  • (/) campfires affect temperature
  • (/) terrain affects temperature (example: your in the open space)
  • (/) terrain affects temperature (example: your at a high position)
  • (/) wind affects temperature (example: wind is strong and you have no shelter)

as temperature also needs dehydration, this will probably be added too

just my quick thoughts

more ideas? give them to me! NAO!!!!!!111eleven



Thanks for your incredible ammount of feedback (sarcasm)

the feature is now implemented

so no ideas needed anymore here

Edited by X39

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Release BETA 2.0




BETA 2.0
       |v- variable X39_MS2_var_Blackout_allowTurningTempBlackoutToPermaByChance had no impact on blackouts
       |\- variable X39_MS2_var_Blackout_turnTempToPermaBlackoutChanceP
       |- [DEBUG MODE ONLY]((not rly a fix actually ...)) while using XMS with AI on own computer, AI overlays got calculated too
       \- X39_MS2_var_Events_EnableSetEvents was not affecting all change events
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Blackout_turnTempToPermaWakeUpAtAdrenalineP                            - default: 0.2
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_startRainAffectionAt                                    - default: 0.5
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_maxReductionByOcean                                        - default: 2.0
       |v- Wetness tracking (part of temperature simulation)
       ||- function X39_MS2_fnc_getWetness
       ||- function X39_MS2_fnc_setWetness
       ||- function X39_MS2_fnc_addWetness
       ||- player variable "X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetness"
       ||- wetness overlay texture can now be displayed
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessModificator                                        - default: 1.0
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessValueReductionPerTick                            - default: 0.01
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessMaxReductionWithoutFire                            - default: 0.25
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessImpactOnTemperatureChangeModificator_Negative    - default: 2
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessImpactOnTemperatureChangeModificator_Positive    - default: 0.5
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessReductionIncreaseByFireModificator                - default: 10
       ||- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_wetnessIncreaseModificator                                - default: 0.2
       |\- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_oceanSetsWetnessToFull                                    - default: true
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_fireplaceClasses                                        - default: ["FirePlace_burning_F", "Land_Fire_burning"]
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_windStrengthImpactModificator                            - default: 0.125
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_special_DisableTimeIntensiveCallsTick                                - default: false
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_aslHeightReductionStart                                    - default: 1000
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_aslMaxReductionHit                                        - default: 3000
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_aslImpactPerTick                                        - default: 0.5
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_environmentTemperatureP                                    - default: 1
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_reductionByEnvironmentOnHighBodyTemperaturePerTick        - default: 0.001
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_speedIncreasePerTick                                    - default: 0.04
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_allowUnitSpeedToAffectTemperatureIncrease                - default: true
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_fireplaceIncreasePerTick                                - default: 1
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_reductionByBeingPronePerTick                            - default: 0.25
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_environmentChangePerTick_day                            - default: 0.01
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_environmentChangePerTick_night                            - default: -0.025
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_maxTempChangeByEnvironmentP_day                            - default: 1
       |- variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_maxTempChangeByEnvironmentP_night                        - default: 0.25
       |- event "FlatLineChanged"
       \v- Implemented CPR
        |- added function X39_MS2_fnc_getCprPresent
        |- added function X39_MS2_fnc_setCprPresent
        |- added function X39_MS2_fnc_addCprCount
        |- added function X39_MS2_fnc_getCprCount
        |- added function X39_MS2_fnc_setCprCount
        |- added unit variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_cprPresent                                        - default: false
        |- added unit variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_cprCount                                            - default: 0
        |- added variable X39_MS2_var_InteractionMenu_Defibrillate_CprNeeded                        - default: true
        |- added variable X39_MS2_var_InteractionMenu_Defibrillate_ChanceWithoutCprP                - default: 25
        \- STARTCPR medical action
       |- "DoNotTriggerEvent" parameter from X39_MS2_fnc_setHearing
       \- "DoNotTriggerEvent" parameter from X39_MS2_fnc_setRespiratory
       |- Seperated CfgFunctions from the config.cpp file into functions.cpp
       |- added more alpha to bleeding and water overlay textures
       |- renamed variable X39_MS2_var_Temperature_maxReductionWhileRaining to X39_MS2_var_Temperature_maxReductionByRaining
       \- renamed variable X39_MS2_var_Heart_enableHeartSimulation to X39_MS2_var_Feature_enableHeartSimulation


- Implemented CPR

- Enhanced temperature simulation

- now only using github for task/issue management

- started work on wiki (see http://wiki.unitedtacticalforces.de/index.php/XMS2 )

- The MedicalUI will be reworked in a future patch AGAIN (still not happy with it ...) a part of this rework will be that XLib will get a new module for right click context menus

Edited by X39

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