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Ofp r mission #3 -steal tanks

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Ok..After 10 + attemps at this Mission I guve up..and need help! Its #3 I think in Resistance. The one where you have to steal the tanks. You get the 2 option plan (A-yourself and B-the Whole Gang).

Anyone have any stategy that works? I got hte farthest the first time...when I just charged.. but died tried to go back for a damaged second tank.. After that I may have over thought the mission and used too much strategy.. any Ideas/Tips?



Stoners House of Pancakes!


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While Opf:R is still not out in many places Resistance mission discussions go in the Resistance forum smile.gif

Moving to Resistance smile.gif

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I selected option A then ran around to the woods behind the tanks, crawled into the area and took out the 3 guards closest to the tanks. Next I called for reinforcements and we took out everyone that was left (it was easy to shoot the Soviets as they ran down the hill from the castle - no cover). I captured all the tanks and the three trucks.

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Well, I'm glad it went that good for you, which mode where you playing it? (Cadet and Veteran). I did the same thing but it didn't end so well. I got my hands on 1 T80 and thats all. There were 3 of us left so I went to our base where I took care of the BMP and T72 without damaging the T80 and I ditched the T80 since the Tasmanian Devil said tanks were coming *strong*. I didn't want to take the chance of having to start the mission over again and hiked on foot to the end of the mission.

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Cadet BUT I could play it again with an entirely different outcome. That's why I like Flashpoint - you never know what's going to happen.

Near the end, we were jumped, after capturing the tanks, by a BMP and then a T-72. Took both out without a problem.

I spent quite a bit of time collecting weapons at the end of that mission only to loose ALL of them on the next mission when I was hit by that "weapons cache deleted" bug.

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Call for yer boy's just before you take out the guys guarding the tanks,

Jump in the t80 as gunner, change to HEAT and start blasting the hill with the russian camp

get yer boy's into each tank, assign some with drivers only then get them to follow you up towards the castle, drive round the castle and head for the waypoint.

wink.gif no need to engage the russian reinforcements! who will be coming from your east.

(am I a man or a mouse...... pass the cheese please!!wink.gif

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You can also do it with Option B, the important thing is to approach from the hill behind the tanks as someone already mentioned.

I took all the lads with me, put everyone prone and crawled down the hill.  Either you or the boys will take out the guards, esp the rpg guy. Then call for the reinforcements, crawl into the T80 as driver and put the other lads in the other tanks. But save one tank for the reinforcements to man.  Then it's duck soup--blastarama.  Some spetznatz paratroopers will land near the top of the castle hill but if you take the tank up there, your gunner will take them out. A tank and a BMP will approach from the south but these are easily dispatched.

You should be able to steal all the tanks plus a BMP.

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for info u can take the option A and clean up the whole tank camp:

just dont forget in the mission #1 to take a Bizon+ammo from the spetnaz that come take u in your home,i ve done the full campaign with the bizon in my weapon cache *and yes i got the ammo lost bug, easy to resolve, just load the last cinematic and that's it the ammo/weapon are back*

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I had a dragunov by this time, and i chose option A. I snuck around the castle ruins to where i could see everything. There were some crew down in front of me, and some soldiers to my left. I tossed a grenade at the guys at my left, which usually always kills them all, and then my other grenade at the guys in front of me. This usually doesnt take everyone out, so i hurried back around the side of the castle, but i could still see down to the tank base, so anyone that tried to flee from the ruins was an easy target. Then, simply stay there, call reinforcements, and wait for the Mi17 to drop off all the spetz natz's, and snipe them as well. Then, do as you will with the tanks, but be sure to go ahead and stop the Russian armored reinforcements YOURSELF. It is imperative that all 12 of your men survive, otherwise, you wont be able to make a full tank platoon later on.

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this step is the easiest but may take pratice, so get out paper and pencil

1. Go w/ plan "A" and go in alone

2. Run through the woods as fast as you can till you get within visionual range of the base, to your right there are 2 patroling soldiers.

3. Lob a gernade in there general direction and quickly kill the single tank crew man standing next to the BMP, and take his NV gogles

4. Throw another gernade over the building twards the 4 tanks, this will hopefully kill the 2 other patroling guards or atleast one of them, if they are still alive, equip the NV gogles, if they arn't seen than run like mad to the t-80 use the machine gun (you don't wana risk damaging those trucks incase you need to use them) and kill any of the remaining sentries

5. By now a bunch of crew men are going for their tanks, mow them down w/ the machine gun or if at a distance away from the vehicles, use a heat. make certian non of them get in those tanks.

6. By now you would get a radio message from the tasmainian devel, nows the time to call your buds to snag the tanks but theres a MI-17 that comes in from over the forest around the direction of the castel if you rather wana be safe kill the chopper or the spetz before you call in your soldiers, if your in a suitable area imeaditley shoot it down w/ a sabot or heat, the big fat mi-17 is quite simple to shoot down w/ the main gun of a tank. If you didn't get the chopper, don't worry simply go to ware those spetz snatz are landing and kill them w/ a heat or a machine gun, but make sure you get them all cuzz they will mow your advancing men is you miss one or two.

7. by now your men should already be on the way, mop up any soldiers to make sure all your men survive, and repair your t-80 if needed, park the t-80 closest to ware the location to ware your men will come under your comand, and do this w/ as many tanks as possible before your men show up

8. Don't bother w/ that BMP its crap and is useless stick to the 1 t-80 and the 3 t-72s. when your men come in order them in each tank if you managed to safe almost all your men from other missions, than you should have about 11 guys, order 3 guys in each tank BUT yours, put yourself in any tank as driver and order a gunner, you don't need nothing else. if you managed to keep both of your medics alive, order them in the T-80. on a side note its DEFINITLY IMPORTANT you keep your medics alive at all costs, in the next missions your definitly gona need them, keep AT least one alive should they both die, restart the mission, matter of fact i would advise you keep both of them alive and restart a mission should one die, medics are a rare resource and are hard as hell to complete missions w/out them.

9. You and your men should have jacked the following:

1 T-80

3 T-72s

on your way back to base, your gona run into a enemy t-72 and i think a bmp, they won't cause much trouble. once delt its clear sailing.

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i put 2 men with pk's and made 2 small groups. one group i stationed to the tip of the forest so they could take out the men in the base and any that got down the hill. with the other group i went on a prone position and crawled to the woods on the other side of the road, i stationed 2 of the men on the tip of the forest and got one to go with me.

i ordered the group i had positioned earlier to open fire and called for support, then i set the man with me right in front of the parked tanks so he could take out any returning crew. i ran as soon as the sirens started going and got into the bmp, loaded HEAT and killed all the as many RPG men as i could with my machine gun. as soon as HEAT was loaded i looked for the fattest juiciest group and fired, btw i LOVE how people FLY when a tank shell nails them, very very nice improvement on the visual BIS, but i digress. from then the enemy didn't have much of a chance and when the spetnaz paradropped they were met with co-ax fire as my team regrouped in the base. i loaded everyone up in the tanks, the ammo truck and the repair trucks then sent the tanks team ahead of me while i escorted the trucks. i used the road to escape and my men destroyed the incoming tanks, escape was slow but we made it, in all i lost one man.

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Plan "B" works well for me. Run directly down the hill from your start point skirting the forest, cross the road between the two small forests (be carefull crossing that open area sometimes you get spotted, so best take a wide berth there), go through the second one and follow the road that leads to the rear of the small town with the 4 Tanks, BMP and trucks. Now head to the rearmost building with your small group, go prone and tell the others to "Hold Fire", crawl until your close, if you time it just right you can see all 5 men nearish the BMP at one time (From here you should be looking up the hill towards the castle from the other side of the small town). Shoot all 5 men and immediately order 2 men in T80, 2 in one of the T72's and one each in the other 2 T72's, order them "Weapons Free" and they will take out most of the men running down the hill from the relative safety of the tanks, also immediately call your remaining men into camp and get them in the other Vehicles, ie 1 in BMP, 1 more in a T72, 1 in one each of the repair trucks, and you take the ammo truck (make sure all the men coming down the hill are dead first before entering trucks!!wink.gif, now take the RPG from the dead patrolling soldier (if you didn't have one already) and three rounds for it, the chopper should be buzzing about by this time, so order your men "Aware" and let them take care of the Spetsnaz (best to tell the guys in the trucks to move in some sort of cover to avoid them getting killed). Move towards the road between the two small forests you crossed earlier and wait for the T72 and BMP (leave your men behind), as soon as they are in sight, blow the BMP then the T72, job done (sometimes you get really lucky and the T72 doesn't actually blow up, it just kills the men inside when you hit it with the 2 rpg's, so now you have another T72 which you repair on the way past, and move a man into). Get your rear back to the camp/small town get in the ammo truck, go up the hill collecting all the weapons/equipment you can (also you can put some weapons in the BMP) and head to the end of the mission with your men in tow.

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This was a boring mission. If you do it by the schoolbook (ambush the camp by yourself) then it is very hard to finish.

Instead, I called in reinforcements after that I spotted i good shooting place in the woods. When I saw the refinforcement comming behind me I started to shoot at everything in the camp. (got most of the russians). Then the reinforcemnts and I ran together into the camp. (took out 1-2 remianing russians). Ordered the reinforcemnts to crew up the tanks (while I was pumping towards the hill and castle).

The whole tank colon (got 4 tanks) took off to the "dropping zone". All survived, afew was wounded!

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I was really dissapointed with this mission. After securing the base I ordered everyone into a tank in pairs of 2. I then formed the tanks into a straight line facing down the hill below the base, also placing the BMP just behind the wall of tanks. Then I waited...and waited. WHERE WERE THE ENEMY TANKS! Tazmanian Devil said that they were coming on strong this time, yet no tanks arrived. After giving up waiting I ordered the remaining troops to grab any repair and ammo trucks. On my way home I only encountered a T-72 and BMP. Not exactly 'coming on strong' eh?

Anyone else wait for the Soviet tanks to arrive in this mission?

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I waited a couple a times I did the mission. once the T72 that comes got its turret knocked out by one of the AI,(I did'nt eveen see it! ), and got ignored after by the AI. it was still driving around following us. I thought it was one of mine! tounge.gif ...

I use the Bizon approach. go in alone ,take out the BMP operater and the four guards(two near tanks, two on hillside) without the alarm going off. call for reinforcements then jump in a tank as gunner and have some fun!!. I played this mission quite a few times cause I loved mowing them all down with the (quite inaccurate IMO) tank co~ax...

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This mission stopped me from playing the rest of the campaign but I beat it sort of. I just set the time to 4x and walked around so I could attack it from the south I beleive then I slowed the time back to normal and had my squad go run to their death to take most of the fire while I ran into a T-72. All of my squad and the backup driver guys died so I just shot the rpg soldier and a few others then I hauled ass towards the end of the llevel church place, make sure you haul ass because a helicopter will shoot at you a little bit. When I got there I oddly had all of the tanks.

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God I hate this mission..

Finished in one piece once, but then I only had 8 men left, and understood quite clearly by the start of the next mission (field exercise) there was no point in even trying as I couldn´t even man all tanks. Revert.. *sigh*

BTW: To those of you saying it is easy, boring e.t.c. - would you mind telling whether you are playing easy mode or vet? Of course you can just run around playing Rambo with a Quake aiming cross in front of you, but without it, you have to aim, and especially in that mission I find it hard being hidden 10m from the T80, just jumping out and start shooting. Every time someone with a rocket launcher gets me when I get in the T80, no matter when the backup arrives, and even when I killed the 2 RPG guys doing patrol nearby.

Think I will try the moving in with the reinforcement method mithbrandir used, as I am about to throw my PC out the window by now.

The thought of Scrap being an easy mission makes me feel sick about the rest of the campaign wow.gif  And yes, I reall suck at the war thing.


Hmmm.. never mind. I reverted and did the "Fight!" mission again, found the Dragunov and Bizon in the truck (looks like most of what I put in there was gone anyway), tried using the Bizon in the "Scrap" mission, BRRRAPP.. 3x2 tank crew + 2 soldiers dead! LOL love this weapon biggrin.gif I dislike rushing in with guns blazing, so when I take out the tank crews first, I get more time to do the rest. Have 4 RPG´s on my back too.. *giggles like a maniac*

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I infiltrated the camp alone USING the BIZON I took at the first shootout from the dead Spetsnaz. With silenced weapon it took only a little patience. Then I called in the reinforcements, manned the undamaged tanks and took off. Killed the enemy reinforcement on the way back.

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I went with whichever plan was the one with no help. I walked through the forest on a direct path to the waypoint. I watched my right for that 2 man patrol and lay down and waited for the 2 guys down below. Whne they were near the one crew guy iilled all 3 of em. It seems that AI are deaf since res. cuz i find that they dont hear ak47 shots but neway i went over to take care of that other patrol (easy) then got in the t80 and blasted the guys coming from the castle. I called up the other men and told em to get in stuff. Then i went between a gap in the forests down a really steep hill to avoid the reinforcements and badda boom.

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Very easy way (for me) choose inf by self. Crawl right up the road to the tanks (theres no one watching so dont worry) till u reach the BMP. There should be a driver standing outside it, hes pretty blind so dont let him scare you. When you have a visual on both him and the patrol cut em all down and jump in the T-80 parked on the left. Load HEAT and use HEAT and MG to smash apart the COmmies at the castle coming down the hill, make sure no crew gets down or they'll enter tanks and make ur life hellish. Once all is dead, calll in ur squad, crew up all tanks with 2 men and bugger off. U'll meet a T-72 and a BMP on the way but as long as u stick together as a group they're easy. (Its very easy to go rocketing off down the slope with tanks crap brakes and get ganged by them) Right simple enough wasent it?

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Very easy way (for me) choose inf by self. Crawl right up the road to the tanks (theres no one watching so dont worry) till u reach the BMP. There should be a driver standing outside it, hes pretty blind so dont let him scare you. When you have a visual on both him and the patrol cut em all down and jump in the T-80 parked on the left. Load HEAT and use HEAT and MG to smash apart the COmmies at the castle coming down the hill, make sure no crew gets down or they'll enter tanks and make ur life hellish. Once all is dead, calll in ur squad, crew up all tanks with 2 men and bugger off. U'll meet a T-72 and a BMP on the way but as long as u stick together as a group they're easy. (Its very easy to go rocketing off down the slope with tanks crap brakes and get ganged by them) Right simple enough wasent it?

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