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Simulate sound of firefight

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Hi, I'm hoping for ideas of how to simulate the sounds of a firefight.


the Player is x meters away from a town when he hears a firefight going off from the center. When player comes closer the sound stops.

I could just set up some AI's with some simple commands. But I rather not have them drain performance or make the nearby AI react.

I want only the sound of a battle.

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Search through the mission files of the campaign. Maybe you can get something good out of it :)

You should check all the ogg files, those are the sounds.

The campaign pbo is located here: *yourarma3directory*\Addons\missions_f_epa.pbo

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Dunno if it helps but triggers can have "Effects". Insert a trigger and click "effects" on the bottom of the trigger settings dialog. Maybe you could use some of them - there is effects for explosions, firefights etc. Or you could make your own ogg file and play it during the mission.


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I have a script that I found online, I think it's an extract from the campaign, I'll post it in a couple of hours.

Here it is:


waitUntil {!isNull player};
_unit = _this select 0;

private ["_explosions"];

_explosions =

private ["_fireFights"];

_fireFights =

[_forEachIndex, _explosions, _fireFights] spawn
	private ["_index","_explosions", "_fireFights"];

	_index = _this select 0;

	scriptName format ["initAmbientSounds.sqf: random sound playing - [%1]", _index];

	_explosions = _this select 1;
	_fireFights = _this select 2;

	while {true} do
		sleep (1 + random 59);

		private ["_sound"];
		_sound = if (random 1 < 0.5) then
			_explosions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom
			_fireFights call BIS_fnc_selectRandom

		playSound _sound;
forEach [0,1,2];

Just call the script in a trigger and kill it when you don't want it to work anymore.

Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 utilizzando Tapatalk

Edited by Antorugby

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hi Antorugby,

Interesting script which I like to use in one of my missions. But it seems there is a loop which prevents it from ending, how do you kill the sqf once it's running?

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hi Antorugby,

Interesting script which I like to use in one of my missions. But it seems there is a loop which prevents it from ending, how do you kill the sqf once it's running?

Run the script like this:

BattleSound = [] execVM "nameofthescript.sqf"

And when you wanna kill it try with

terminate BattleSound 

But I'm not sure if it's gonna work, so you can try another method.

First line of the script add

 BattleSound = true 

Then change the

 while {true} 


 while {BattleSound}

and when you don't want the script to run anymore just use a trigger or something else declaring:

 BattleSound = false 

Hope I explained myself, just woke up and brain isn't running so well.

Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 utilizzando Tapatalk

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Be careful with the while command. It is recommended to use several sleep commands to slow it down a bit or it can stress your cpu depending on how big the code in the while is.

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Thanks for those comments. They make sense

Now I will do some experimentation.

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You could also set up a trigger - under effects/sound are battlefield sounds. Distant explosions / gunfire etc. Seems like it loopes automatically.

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