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Ive tried 5 different dePBO programs and still CANNOT dePBO dubbing_radio_f_data.

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I know its big but I cant seem to get any PBO program to unpack it. They all freeze or fail in some other way. Ive tried:

- PBO Manager > hangs

- ArmaUnPBO > extracts empty files

- PboView > wont open. doesnt think its an ArmA PBO

- cpbo > does nothing

- Mikero's > I think I'm doing it wrong. Where is this "dePbo.dll" on his site?

Could some kind person let me know if they can unpack dubbing_radio_f_data, and if so, how? Thanks.

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Use the new bi tools. Install them. then go to the arma3 tools folder (which is under the same folder arma 3 is). Open the "BankRev" folder. In that BankRev folder is the "BankRev.exe". Now all you do is drag the pbo directly on top of that exe. Your new pbo folder will be in the same place as your pbo.

It works for all pbo's in Arma3. Except the locked Arma2DLC pbo's. But you can get those anywhere now.

And packing the pbo, all you do is drag the folder on top of the "addonbuilder" exe and it will create the pbo in the same place as folder.

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Try Eliteness

OK, I was finally able to get eliteness to work. Froze for 40 minutes though. I could never get pbo manager to finish though. I let it run for well over an hour.

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Eliteness doesn't take more than 10 seconds or so. You might not have downloaded the right things. The download site is very confusing.

You might also want to uninstall (as opposed to deleting) all the other pbo programs. They might interfere with each other. It happened to me before. Download the tools from steam. It will save headaches having bis own tools. Once the tools install, start the tools from the steam interface. It will put all the details into your registry. After that you can run them from wherever you want. If you don't run from steam first it won't work correctly.

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use extractPbo from mikero suite - keep in the mind the file is almost 1 GB large

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