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Wet work diving finns

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Strangest thing is happening here, I get the required equipment (everything needed according to checklist, in fact it does it automatically).

But as soon as I get out where it's supposed to get out of the sub, I notice I have no finns and I just swim like a boss lagging behind miles behind the others without any finns.

What's up with this?

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As far as I know the fins are still only part of the wetsuit, you do have wetsuit equipped?

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I didn't get a wetsuit, and can't find any in base? Or is it all inclusive with the rebreather? I only got this (which is according to the objectives enough for the mission): http://oi59.tinypic.com/10gd0sl.jpg

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

I fixed it, with a workaround. Instead of going to report -> briefing -> rearm -> assemble, I just went rearm -> drop helmet -> go to strategic map -> wetwork.

Now I have everything.

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Same for me; I'm swimming slow as can be; my team mates make it to shore way ahead of me; end up in a fire fight, and from one to all of 'em get killed before I can get close to shore! :protest:

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I did not have this problem, but somehow ended up walking around with the fins stuck on my hip for awhile after I had finished that mission. Even though I no longer had the rebreather or wet suit or goggles on, or even in my inventory. At some point they magically vanished but I did not notice when it happened. I had them for a couple of missions tho. Wasn't a problem or a big deal...it just looked awfully strange and I couldn't figure out how to get rid of them.

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The uniform Kerry is wearing in that mission is a special one configured to be like a wetsuit, hence why the fins go with him after he gets out of the water. Fins are always part of the wetsuit uniform, not their own piece of gear. It's weird if you had them for more than one mission though.

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I probably didn't. Like I said I hadn't noticed when they went away. I just remember seeing it several different times so it must have been during the same mission.

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This is a bug. As soon as I can I will create an issue in the tracker.

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