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How to end a mission properly on dedicated?

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Hi community,

in ArmA 3 I have - as mission editor - a bit of a problem with ending my missions properly. For we in my community play missions normaly without any triggers which indicate wether a task has been completed, etc. There are also no triggers, which could indicate that you have won. It is all in the consideration of the leader whether he declares the mission as won or failed.

I could only assume to place a trigger which is activated via radio, but I'd like to have something which is only able for the leader or admin.

Because if you just end youre mission by typing "#missions" in chat as admin you don't have the ability to see which player had how much kills.

Thanks for helping,

best regards [W] Fett_Li

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This is not really the place for mission editing question

You will get better feedback in this forum

You can either:

1) You used to be able to create a localised radio trigger using createvehiclelocal ["EmptyDetector",getPos player];

This would then only create that trigger on the machine the code was called upon (I dont know if this still works)

2) Add an action to the Mission commander using player addaction ["End Mission", "endmission.sqf"];

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You might want to consider trying out MCC. You can set it up so that only the server admin (or by player id via iniDB) can access it and there are buttons for mission won/lost that end it in a nice clean way whenever you want.

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I could only assume to place a trigger which is activated via radio, but I'd like to have something which is only able for the leader or admin.

Because if you just end youre mission by typing "#missions" in chat as admin you don't have the ability to see which player had how much kills.

You could add enableDebugConsole = 1; in your description.ext, and then use the debug console to globally execute 'endMission "END1"' or '"END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission'.

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