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Zeus Lightning without module

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found the function/script, how could i implement that in my mission without having zeus as depency?

dont know how to call the lighning on a gamelogic via trigger for example.

Author: Karel Moricky

Zeus lightning strike



_logic = _this select 0;
_activated = _this select 2;
if (_activated) then {
_pos = position _logic;
_dir = _logic getvariable ["dir",random 360];

//--- Play sound (tied to the explosion effect)
if (local _logic || {local _x} count (objectcurators _logic) > 0) then { //--- ToDo: Find out why 'local' returns false
	_bolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt",_pos,[],0,"can collide"];
	_bolt setposatl _pos;
	_bolt setdamage 1;

_light = "#lightpoint" createvehiclelocal _pos;
_light setposatl [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + 10];
_light setLightDayLight true;
_light setLightBrightness 300;
_light setLightAmbient [0.05, 0.05, 0.1];
_light setlightcolor [1, 1, 2];

sleep 0.1;
_light setLightBrightness 0;
sleep (random 0.1);

_class = ["lightning1_F","lightning2_F"] call bis_Fnc_selectrandom;
_lightning = _class createvehiclelocal [100,100,100];
_lightning setdir _dir;
_lightning setpos _pos;

_cursorTarget = _logic getvariable ["bis_fnc_curatorAttachObject_object",objnull];
_duration = if (isnull _cursorTarget) then {(3 + random 1)} else {1};

for "_i" from 0 to _duration do {
	_time = time + 0.1;
	_light setLightBrightness (100 + random 100);
	waituntil {
		//--- Attach to target under cursor
		if (local _logic && !isnull _cursorTarget) then {_lightning setpos position _cursorTarget;};
		time > _time

deletevehicle _lightning;
deletevehicle _light;

//--- Disable engine lightnings
0 setlightnings 0;

//--- Delete curator placed module
if (count objectcurators _logic > 0) then {
	deletevehicle _logic;

//--- Save variable for outside use
if (_logic call bis_fnc_isCuratorEditable) then {
	uinamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_moduleLightning_created",true];

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Try implementing this function and see if it does what you are asking, maybe even with some modifications.

zlb_target = {
private ["_targeter","_lasertarget","_center","_group","_zlb","_pos"];
_targeter = _this select 0;
_lasertarget = laserTarget _targeter;
if (isNull _lasertarget) exitWith {hint "No target selected !"};
_pos = getPos _lasertarget;
_center = createCenter sideLogic;    
_group = createGroup _center;
_list = nearestObjects [_lasertarget, ["MAN","CAR","TANK","AIR"],10];
_zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_lasertarget,[],0,""];
	_x setDamage 1;
} forEach _list;

Or maybe a onMapSingleClick application:

// Dialog Support TEMPLATE
// onMapSingleClick -->  BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler
// Zeus Lightning Bolt
private ["_caller"];
_caller = _this select 0;
omsz = false;

titleText ["Open Map and Click on Zeus Lightning Bolt Target location.", "PLAIN"];

["mk_zeuslb", "onMapSingleClick", {
titleText ["", "PLAIN"];

_center = createCenter sideLogic;    
_group = createGroup _center;  
_target = getPos (nearestObject _pos);
_zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];

["mk_zeuslb", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
omscz = true;
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; 

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  KingoftheSandbox said:
how would i define and call the first function? sorry but its late here=)^^

for the function call, usse an addAction like this:

place the above function in an sqf file and call it zlb_target.sqf then

In your mission's init.sqf:

[] spawn compile PP "scripts\zlb_target.sqf"; 

then call the function from a trigger, radio, or action_menu_script.sqf

player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Zeus LB Target</t>", {[[player],'zlb_target',true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP}, [player], 1, false, true, ""]; 

Edited by tomturner

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this is working, but i think you understood me wrong.

want it really simple. some gamelogics i give variables & then call the lightning there via trigger with blufor present

Edited by KingoftheSandbox

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sorry if it doesn't pertain but, this is what I use for ambient lightning, it was from a BI mission, and I have altered it slightly

private ["_position", "_direction", "_distance"];
_position 	= [_this, 0, position player, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_distance	= [_this, 1, 500, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_direction 	= [_this, 2, random 360, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;

//Relative positionn
private "_relativePosition";
_relativePosition = [_position, _distance, _direction] call bis_fnc_relPos;

//The bold
private "_bolt";
_bolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt", _relativePosition, [], 0, "can_collide"];
_bolt setVelocity [0, 0, -10];

//The lighting
_lighting = "lightning_F" createvehiclelocal _relativePosition;
_lighting setdir random 360;
_lighting setpos _relativePosition;

//The light source
_light = "#lightpoint" createvehiclelocal _relativePosition;
_light setpos _relativePosition;
_light setLightBrightness 30;
_light setLightAmbient [0.5, 0.5, 1];
_light setlightcolor [1, 1, 2];

//Some delay
sleep (0.2 + random 0.1);

//Clean up
deletevehicle _bolt;
deletevehicle _light;
deletevehicle _lighting;

//Some delay
sleep (1 + random 1);

//Random thunder sample
private "_thunder";
_thunder = ["thunder_1", "thunder_2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

//Play thunder sound
playSound _thunder; 

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Don't know if this is already solved for you but the easiest way is to set-up a gamelogic and then use:

nul = [GL, nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleLightning;

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IndeedPete's instructions with fnc_moduleLightning isn't working for you? Did you name your gamelogic GL or replace the GL in the spawn parameters to this or the name of your game logic?

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Was the problem solved? Is it possible to combine PlacidPaul's

  Reveal hidden contents

code with this zeus lighting

  Reveal hidden contents

and it will also do damage?

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Why would you want to combine it? Without taking a closer look I'd say both scripts have similiar outcome. Only difference is that the Zeus lightning will cause extensive damage on the position where it is called.

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PlacidPaul's lightining is in the air and never comes to land, and the zeus's lightinig is coming from the air to land, dinamically creating danger.

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Yeah, my example really is only for ambient effect. Although it wasn't completely relevant to thread I thought it was useful. It's advantage would be that you could create a lighting storm when you want with the intensity you want. This is his BI used it.

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Thanks for all above! I've got this script working, which is giving random Zeus lightnings to the position of gamelogic "GL":



spawn {
 while {true} do {

nul = [GL, nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleLightning;

randomInterval = [0.5, 2, 5] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

sleep randomInterval;


However I'm calling it from the init.sqf with this _nul = [player] execVM "SurfersStrobeLightning.sqf" but I would like to activate it from a trigger and most importantly deactivate it once the player is leaving the trigger area.

And as a second request, could you teach me how to trigger this as an alternative? I don't get it visible:

_bolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt", _pos, [], 0, "can collide"]; 

or this from the init of an invisible object:

MyBolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt", getpos this, [] ,0 ,"can collide"]; 

As a third question, would you know if this is safe in MP and JIP compatible since these are still Bömische Wälder for me.

Thanks a lot in advance!


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Might not be the answer you're looking for but you could also integrate that into the GL aproach I sent you the other day. :) (Sorry to any confused readers, it's about a PM conversation I had with Surfer.)

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Ah yeah, I totally put that aside when I moved back to the triggered option (to confuse readers even more). Will give it a try, you see I'm doing my first humble scripts ;-)

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Sure, but a lightning trigger should exactly work like the other triggers we've created for your mission. Still expecting MP issues though.^^

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  Surfer said:



spawn {
 while {true} do {

nul = [GL, nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleLightning;

randomInterval = [0.5, 2, 5] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

sleep randomInterval;


However I'm calling it from the init.sqf with this _nul = [player] execVM "SurfersStrobeLightning.sqf" but I would like to activate it from a trigger and most importantly deactivate it once the player is leaving the trigger area.


To follow this up: I managed to exit the above .sqf via the command "if (ArgumentThatTurnsTrue) then exitWith {}" from inside the .sqf

So I've got my script working but if anybody could clear how the below can be made visible I would be grateful!

_bolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt", _pos, [], 0, "can collide"];  

or this from the init of an invisible object: 

MyBolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt", getpos this, [] ,0 ,"can collide"];

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  PlacidPaul said:
sorry if it doesn't pertain but, this is what I use for ambient lightning, it was from a BI mission, and I have altered it slightly

Sorry for the bump. I'm simply wondering how I would use this script in a mission (I only need to preview it in the editor).

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I'm not very good at this but maybe the below will help your progress:

- Create a gamelogic item called GL in the editor.

- Create a radiotrigger for testing reasons.

- Inside this trigger put on activation:

    nul = [GL, nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleLightning;

The lightning should strike at the position of your GL.

This is not tested, so anybody please correct me if it doesn't work.

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  Surfer said:
I'm not very good at this but maybe the below will help your progress:

- Create a gamelogic item called GL in the editor.

- Create a radiotrigger for testing reasons.

- Inside this trigger put on activation:

    nul = [GL, nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleLightning;

The lightning should strike at the position of your GL.

This is not tested, so anybody please correct me if it doesn't work.

That works absolutely fine. I just wish I could create a somewhat realistic looking storm, but I appreciate your help!

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