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Load times are really long?

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Hi all,

Does anyone else notice that the load times for the levels in Resistance are *really* long? Like 5 or 10 times as long as for OfP itself?

Also, am I missing something or is the equipment harvesting (a *great idea* BTW) just a complete mess? I don't think that it's working even close to the way that it should, stuff seems to disappear for absolutely no reason... and it's *extremely* frustrating to spend 30 minutes harvesting everything you can find, only to discover that the vagaries of the game have decided that you don't get to keep the stuff.

Are there any, well, rules for the equipment that will help with this?


Dr. Charm

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I think the long load times are because of the main screen animations(if you notice it doesn't lag on the Malden anims but does on the Nogova), once they release some patches that should get better.

Personally, I thought they should have included a new command to make your guys collect all the weapons automatically.

It gets kind of mind numbing telling each man to pick up each weapon and put it in the truck

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In multiplay, the long load times are due to the fact that resistance no longer saver the mission to the client side...that means that each and every time you play a mission you have to download it to your computer in a temp file. To get around this you can alt tab out fo the game once the mission is loaded and copy the mission from your temp file into your mpmissions file. This only works for mutliplay, if your talking about single play I have no solution for that :/

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Single play: have you got the 'Terrain Detail' turned up 'Very High'?. it can cause long load times...

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Yes, do not put those settings too high. Increasing the viewdistance and terrain detail will seriously affect performance and load speed.

The malden intro uses very little units. Just a couple of soldiers and few amored units. That's why there isnt many loading. In the Resistance intro, you have many different vehicles (which have to be loaded) and it also shows urban areas which have many different buildings. If you don't have enough memory, the swap file will be used, causing delays.

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