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[MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

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On 10/10/2020 at 11:51 AM, Vdauphin said:


Here is the code adding the interaction: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/int/add_actions.sqf#L24

The {serverCommandAvailable "#logout" || !isMultiplayer} is the condition when the interaction is available

You need to tweak this to fit your need.


I would suggest to do it like it is done for side mission: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/int/add_actions.sqf#L114

 {player getVariable ["side_mission", false]} this mean only player with the variable "side_mission" on true will have the interaction. This variable is define directly inside the init box of the unit in mission.sqm (https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/mission.sqm#L1025)


Good luck


Worked like a charm. Thank you very much!

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how i can town radius swich to 500m .i mean not costom location. by defoult it is 800m in mission. and if it possible  hidout costom location.or hideouts out of towns

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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.20.8 hotfix is here!

Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only. But there is also a RHSUS version!


Changelog :

  • Mission.sqm not changed.
  • FIX: Adjust weapon holder clean up distance to match the clean up distance of dead bodys (@Zakant).
  • FIX: Make sure convoy side mission don't select marine (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: EMP side mission stuck if ammo cache destroyed by non-explosive ammos (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Killed-event handler can run twice for the same entity in some cases (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Side rescue, pilot can join player group if an air vehicle fly above (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Enemies group with only unconscious AI respawn as civilian (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Syntax error when debug log is on in call militia (@Vdauphin).

Have fun!!!

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Hello Vdauphin!


Your mission is amazing. However I have run into a problem with the database system on a dedicated server. (RHSUS version with changed mission.sqm - added vehicles and base moved)

I save the mission through the ACE interaction menu, then I restart the server and when I launch the mission, every vehicle that is named (btc_veh_1,btc_veh_2,btc_veh_3,.. etc) explodes on the spot (I suspect it is because they are trying to spawn on top of each other). Vehicles added to the mission (but not named) are fine and do not explode.

The only fix for this is to delete the database file, but that obviously deletes our progress. 

Do you have any idea what might be wrong? 


Thank you! 

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11 hours ago, Martinosos said:

Your mission is amazing.

Thank you


11 hours ago, Martinosos said:

Do you have any idea what might be wrong? 

I can't really tell. This kind of issue come from user messing with mission editing. With vehicle edition I would hardly recommend to follow the wiki: http://vdauphin.github.io/HeartsAndMinds/Add-vehicle-or-boat-to-H&M-system

Reasons of your problem could be:

- Check your .rtp (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files#Location), find all error appearing in it and resolve them.

- Most of the time people miss to name a vehicle in their mission.sqm

- You are using the BI vehicle respawn system


Good luck

  • Thanks 1

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Yes! It was my laziness. I have added a helicopter as an background in a hangar and forgot to name it. Once corrected the explosions stopped! Thank you!

One more question - How can I add ACE spare wheels and tracks to vehicles? As I don't want to do it manually every time when starting the mission. The EDEN editor Object: ACE Options doesn't seem to work.

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55 minutes ago, Martinosos said:

How can I add ACE spare wheels and tracks to vehicles? As I don't want to do it manually every time when starting the mission.

Do it just once. The database save ACE cargo. This is the point of a database.


55 minutes ago, Martinosos said:

The EDEN editor Object: ACE Options doesn't seem to work. 

You should not activate this option because each time the database is loading, saved wheels will respawn and a new wheel from the ACE option will be added.

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When you are  flying by Helicopter over the cities, villages, capitals and hills with enemy activation zones (The speed limit is on 190 km/h and nor bots neither city activates when the parameter is turned on), it would be better in this case that, one or two men could spawn in as an AA unit or AA transport inside the city or in suburbs of the city. When the speed limit (190km/h) is off,and when  you  fly over the cities with heli, the enemy spawn in and the server starts to lag. This above mentioned suggestion could resolve the lag issues. 

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36 minutes ago, Vanillavanichka said:

When you are  flying by Helicopter over the cities, villages, capitals and hills with enemy activation zones (The speed limit is on 190 km/h and nor bots neither city activates when the parameter is turned on), it would be better in this case that, one or two men could spawn in as an AA unit or AA transport inside the city or in suburbs of the city. When the speed limit (190km/h) is off,and when  you  fly over the cities with heli, the enemy spawn in and the server starts to lag. This above mentioned suggestion could resolve the lag issues. 

Good idea, feel free to contribute.


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If i disable Load or save function will HC work on City or other located spawned unit.its work on Patrols only now.i want HC on all spawned units in mission .it possible?

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Hello and welcome,

12 hours ago, Ivan Volkanoff said:

Im looking to add in a redeploy from the FOBs back to the main base. Has anyone done this yet or point me to how to do it? Thanks!

Add this:

[btc_fob_flag, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;

here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/int/add_actions.sqf#L132


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After saving from the interaction menu, closing the server then re open it, it loads correctly everything saved, but now my ace interaction menu doesnt show me the option to save or delete, and when i look for documentation tab in the "map" screen i cant find it, its not there. How do i fix this?

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9 minutes ago, Synchronized said:

and when i look for documentation tab in the "map" screen i cant find it, its not there. How do i fix this?

Looks like your server takes time to load all H&M stuff

Use autoinit parameter to start your dedicated server (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters), wait a few seconds or minutes and then connect

When the documentation tab is here, this mean everything has been loaded.



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what about add side mission in this mission multi store building as Special Operation like hostages rescue or another scenario?

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3 hours ago, Georgians said:

hostages rescue

There is already a hostage rescue side mission.


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On 11/10/2020 at 5:37 AM, Vdauphin said:

Hello and welcome,

Add this:

[btc_fob_flag, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;

here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/int/add_actions.sqf#L132


That lets me redeploy from one FOB to another FOB but not back to the main base. Do I need to add something to the Flag at the main base? Thanks!

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8 hours ago, Ivan Volkanoff said:

That lets me redeploy from one FOB to another FOB but not back to the main base. Do I need to add something to the Flag at the main base? Thanks!

Just deploy a FOB at base. But, by default you can't. To allow that just set 0 instead of 2000 here:



Good luck

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We are here, again in November, for some news about the next H&M major release for 2021.


Random graffiti:

  • Now, population also share their disapproval through graffiti. This feature come with the database support of graffiti and ACE tag. Both can be removed with spray paint red.




Player's tag are persistent, very useful to use on IED:




  • Just don't kill them.



Clean up IED rubbish:

  • You can now remove rubbish to clear roads.



Reputation notification:

  • You can optionally see a notification every time you do something changing noticeably your reputation. The color intensity reflect how much that thing was good or bad.



BI respawn:

  • Now BI respawn is used to redeploy units to FOB and rallypoint but also optionally to some helicopters, vehicles and even your leader. Those respawn location can be selected through ACE interaction or BI respawn menu.

ACE interaction:



BI respawn menu:




Static on roof:

  • Now city could be defend by static mounted on roof to prevent helicopter player rush.



Extended BI vehicle in vehicle and towing system:

  • Now BI vehicle in vehicle is compatible with any vehicle and is persistent. Also, the towing system has been rewritten. 



Under the hood:

  • Drop most of scheduled environment because unscheduled environment is way faster.
  • Add auto restart and shutdown server.


I hope you will enjoy!

  • Thanks 3

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1 hour ago, Georgians said:

where can i download new  version to test it?

There is none but as the code is open source, you just have to browse https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds

Of course I only provide database compatibility for version available here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/releases


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Hello, all

I will start by saying thanks to all the contributors to make this so fun to play. I recently learned about H&M about a month ago & haven’t been able to stop playing it. I have a couple of problems. I can’t seem to find a settings, or a parameters to change these. I am running mission on dedicated server with 1 headless client. I will roughly have 120 to 160 enemy ai spawn just flying to the LZ. 


-ai not de-spawning when leaving the AO or moving around the map getting to the ao. Is this as design? 
-While flying to the objectives in a helicopter at low to med altitudes in a chopper, I activate zones that spawn ai, if I am playing in a large map like Tanoa it spawns lots of ai, which use up server resources.  Is there a way to counter the trigger?

-can someone explain this parameter settings to me. 
Probability for a city to be free? 

any information would be helpful 


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