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Proman Public crCTI

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We encountered something confusing, someone else in our group managed to JIP without any issue, yet no one else is able to replicate it.

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Hi there,

sorry for the delay, not much time to script right now, but:

Did you disable the AI in the lobby for some groups while the mission was already running?

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version 1.8

-implemented Marksmen DLC

-fixed Ammobox bug

-deactivated "Who is in your vehicle-Created by [KH]Jman [not supported till author fixes bug after 1.42]"

-fixed receiving screen bug

-minor tweaks


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@ ShredNinja

Update your ArmA3.

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If you guys are still working on this do you plan to add ACE to the list of supported mods as well as ACRE ?

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Hey Bl1P old friend.


There some ppl who asked me for ACE. We had it in A2 and some features were cool.

So far I have no experience with ACE in A3. Is it worth to build it in the mission ?

Iam not sure about ACRE but TFAR should allready work with the crCTI.

There are a few parameters in the lobby for it.

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Hey Muecke.


I think ACE is good yes and I imagine it could only benefit the mission.

Its very well documented so adding it to the mission params should not be a problem. (famous last words)

Then individual servers can set if they want some ace features on or off.


Although I think some things in ACE would always be on no matter what you do.


Anyway I know its a pain in the arse to alter a mission just for a mod so do it if ya want not cause some old fart like me asked :)

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Yep !

You know what I need to collect some experience with ACE in future.

Then will see if it makes sense. Got other stuff in work first.

btw join our server next time so we can free some towns together and let the gold old days live again.. ;)

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I made a "Proman Public crCTI" on Tanoa for those of you who have a DEV Server running.


Download: HIT ME



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I have a question regarding default parameters.


I run a private dedicated server with some friends, I would like to change the default parameters so whenever the game restarts, the default parameters will be other then the now default parameters.

Which file do I need to change these default parameters?


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51 minutes ago, deadhead said:

I have a question regarding default parameters.


I run a private dedicated server with some friends, I would like to change the default parameters so whenever the game restarts, the default parameters will be other then the now default parameters.

Which file do I need to change these default parameters?


Folder "Hpp"

File "Parameters.hpp"

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52 minutes ago, deadhead said:

I have a question regarding default parameters.


I run a private dedicated server with some friends, I would like to change the default parameters so whenever the game restarts, the default parameters will be other then the now default parameters.

Which file do I need to change these default parameters?



Open the mission pbo and look for the folder "hppand inside edit the file "Parameters.hpp". :f:

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3 minutes ago, Muecke said:

Folder "Hpp"

File "Parameters.hpp"


You just beat me as i was typing. Will have to type faster. :f:

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I do have another question though, we are playing the game for 2 hours now, with only 10 towns and the lag is immense, I run it on an online dedicated server @ gameservers.com and the server fps is around 20 fps, does someone have a solution for this?

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Server fps 20 is good, we play with 15 fps sometimes.

There are many many scripts running in the background and every ai is getting orders all the time.

If the fps is getting under 10 the mission will reduce the viewdistance until the server has restored the fps.

Also you can use headlessclients too.

At the end all these things are workarounds to the arma engineproblems.

ArmA cant handle the memory somehow. You will need to restart the game and reconect to the server.

Fps is good then.




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On 07/07/2017 at 12:18 PM, Muecke said:

Server fps 20 is good, we play with 15 fps sometimes.

There are many many scripts running in the background and every ai is getting orders all the time.

If the fps is getting under 10 the mission will reduce the viewdistance until the server has restored the fps.

Also you can use headlessclients too.

At the end all these things are workarounds to the arma engineproblems.

ArmA cant handle the memory somehow. You will need to restart the game and reconect to the server.

Fps is good then.




Yeah FPS server are around 20, but FPS client are really bad its unplayable. That mission was working few year ago now its not possible to play

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Dears, please help.  I cant start the game, becouse I cant close the start items menu. Even i cant close the game, becouse the game does not respond to keys.

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Does this mission/map have a save feautur, i know at one point it did. Me and several buddies wanna play LAN on it together but wanna keep our progress.

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On 2/10/2020 at 2:31 PM, gman2900 said:

Does this mission/map have a save feautur, i know at one point it did. Me and several buddies wanna play LAN on it together but wanna keep our progress.



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