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Red/Blue 3d effect

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Today I found.......wait for it..........my mother playing Arma3! ;) I was AFK for a moment and hit Esc to pause. She noticed a red/blue overlay which looked like a 3d representation if you put red/blue goggles on.

And she was right! In the menu screen you can indeed see depth with such goggles.

My question then arrised:

Is there way to minupilate the post processing effects? In order to recreate the effect in the menu.

I know NVIDIA has drivers for it. But Im talking about in game scripting/modding.

Did anyone allready do this? Or else does anyone want to point me in the right direction?

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I posted here intentionally since I wanted to use this thread to show my progress (after someone would point me in the right direction) Thank you

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Lol this is simply called chromatic aberration and has nothing to do with 3d effects.

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Interesting....becausebit did give a 3d effect. You can try it your self.

So can we recreate the chromaric aberration effect with scripting?

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Looking at the source...I feel stupid now that I couldnt find it my self.

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you should probably make something more elaborate though. what you need is two cameras. and then you use pp to make them blue and red. to overlay one over the other you'd probably need to use a semi transparent PIP dialog display thingy. i'd love to see a proof of concept of that kind of thing. sadly though the PIP is not very fast and has lower resolution. so it would be more of a gimmick. still interesting though.

you should look for that PIP scope concept someone made. should be good to get you started.

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There are already a few ways to do red/blue 3d in arma, most video cards nowadays can do it out of the box. Arma has a bunch of things that makes 3d mode unplayable though.

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My question then arrised:

Is there way to minupilate the post processing effects? In order to recreate the effect in the menu.

I know NVIDIA has drivers for it. But Im talking about in game scripting/modding.

Did anyone allready do this? Or else does anyone want to point me in the right direction?

As per my initial post

Allready working on something and it start to look OK. :cool:

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Ok, I have done a simple "chromAberration" Postprocessing effect over the horizontal axis.

The 3D effect is infact there on the left side of the screen. This is due to the fact the red/blue shifts over the X-axis of the screen. In the centre of the screen the effect is non-excistent and on the rightside you have to reverse your red/blue glasses. I am confident that if the PP effects can be altered somehow a 3D effect over the whole screen can be accomplished.

Here is the editor file with two actions to increase the horizontal off-set of the red/blue colors.


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But it doesnt work that way, its not rendering two different points, it is simply warping the red and blue channels of the rendered image. The 3d effect is just an illusion caused by the separate channels when viewed with 3d glasses. There is no way to actually make it work, it is just a coincidental illusion

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I see your point now. The shifting of the channels originates from the centre of the screen. And the origin can not be changed.

Project on hold :D

But here something nice to stare at then:


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