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Blender to Addon Builder HUGE issue.

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If a moderator can edit the thread title from Addon Builder to Object builder...I would be glad.. thanks Edited by Babylonjoke

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Don't think that's the right place for answers like that. Please, send me a PM.


Still, I need help to fix that out, please

Edited by Babylonjoke

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If you press [I] to smooth all the faces immediately after import (before saving), do the split hard edges stay split, or have they merged?

I'm trying to work out whether the verts are merging on import, or when the normals are "refreshed" by saving the file.

I say "refreshed" because I've noticed that when I import .obj, the little blue vertex normal indicators don't show until after I save the model or copy&paste it in and out of the viewport - I was wondering if it was related behaviour.

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Thanks da12th, good try,but doesnt work at all...

Good smoothing mesh : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63614702/good%20mesh.PNG

Bad smoothing mesh (after import pressed I) : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63614702/bad%20mesh.PNG

If you cant spot the difference I just suggest you to look at the trigger part... :(

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Aye, I see. I guess the splits must merge at import. I've encountered the balls-ing up of smoothing groups myself when importing stuff from Maya, but I don't physically split the hard edges on my models, so I wondered if it would make a difference.

Agreed that it's a pain in the arse. The way I always attempted to sort it out manually was to smooth everything then open up the O2 UV editor with Edit\AutoSelect in Object turned on and trace around the edges of the UV islands and harden those edges (as you said, this is how it should be done when baking from hi-poly) - but really, having to do that manually is wholly inadequate when the hard/soft edges should stay the as they are when imported as .obj. :\

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Yeah hard edges requires seams... but not the way around, a seam doesn't require necessarly an hard edge... so even if I select the edges I need in the uv still wouldn't be accurate...

Unfortunately thats not only the OBJ case, also FBX and .3ds gives me absolutly weird results.

I've tryed importing the model in another 3d software (3ds max/maya) and exporting it from there... nothing has changed...

I'm out of energy

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That's not a fix, just a walkaround from the community. On this model might could work well, as there are edges marked... But what about the other models I have? Most of them doesn't have edge sharp marked and all of them are tris, that means no edge loop selection (I know I could make them quads, but these models are HP-LP bakes, I dont want to fuck up something by making them tris again later) ... It's a pain in the ass.

That's something really bad if a tool automerge or autosplit edges. Doesn't make sense.

If that's my fault and I do something wrong exporting/importing/saving, please, tell me.

If not, well, I'll make a ticket that will get burried probably.

Edit: Even using Alwarren tools I'm not getting correct shading.

Edited by Babylonjoke

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Tryed with another model , this time FBX, directly exported out of Maya. SAME THING.

I might be using some wrong setting in object builder.

Herp , I'm lost.

Edited by Babylonjoke

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