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How to use turrets/mortars in ArmA 3.

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Simple question as asked in the thread title. How to use turrets/mortars in ArmA 3. Looking for a simple answer not smartass/bullshit responses. No, search was useless. No, google did not provide proper results. No, the manual in ArmA 3 is a joke and provides no useful information regarding the subject.

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You're going to have to narrow it down a bit. How to use the artillery computer? How to main manually? How to set up a mortar (as above)?

To use manual aiming:

  • select ammo type
  • put aimpoint on target
  • use [F] (next weapon) to select the range setting that best suits the target - an "X" through the aimpoint and a "RANGE" message at the bottom center of the screen indicates that your range setting is incorrect
  • use [page up/down] to set ELEV value to REL value - use [shift] to slow elevation change speed
  • fire weapon

It's far more accurate to drop rounds from above, so it's best to use the highest possible range setting.

If you find your rounds are falling short, reduce your ELEV value in small (.1 - .25) increments to walk them in. If they are falling long, increase your ELEV value.

Thanks, indeed the manual and the guide are a joke in helping us (including GBU bombs and others subjects)

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