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C-17 Globemaster lll - ArmA 2 Mod (Alpha Stage, needs lots of work)

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Anyone trying to use this on server? I am getting an error that the wop file that was added is not part of the serverkey and therefore cannot be used on server.

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  On 6/6/2015 at 1:28 PM, bgregory said:

Anyone trying to use this on server? I am getting an error that the wop file that was added is not part of the serverkey and therefore cannot be used on server.

the wob_gui file is from mudkip  (wop_gui.pbo.Mudkip.bisign)

the bisign-file work only with mudkip-serverkey.


I binarized a new update v1.7, because I fixed the error "bad lock radius" with new geometry-LOD.

I put the new wob_gui_MISbisign. This works with the MIS_2.bikey.


Watch out!

All my new addon will have the new server key, because I have a new PC.

When the time comes, I rise again.

I need to update this evening test.

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version 1.7
- new Geometry-LOD (fixed "bad lock radius"-error / the model can not be longer than 34 m. The tail has been cut away.)
- new Shadow-LOD (fixed flaps shadows)
- reduced reflector-light
- fixed green light at right wing
- added more flares
- adaptet config.cpp

- bisign file and serverkey for wob_gui

- CBA removed



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New mod v1.7 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey samrmur , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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  On 3/16/2014 at 3:19 AM, samrmur said:

C-17 Globemaster lll (v1.6)




This project has gone from person to person but was never completed. I was able to get the mod through a friend who told me that no one is willing to complete at this point so it will most likely stay the way it is now. If I had known how to make mods, I would have done it myself, but I don't know a thing about coding to begin with, so I'm asking the entire ArmA Modding Community to help finish it and hopefully release it to the public in a Beta or even a complete form and to continue working on it from there.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af301/sameralabi/arma2oa2014-03-1418-22-52-21_zpscbe05665.png (585 kB)


This pack includes multiple types of C-17s

- Boeing C-17 Globemaster lll

- Boeing C-17 Altus

- Boeing C-17 Canada 701

- Boeing C-17 Canada 703

- Boeing C-17 Canada 704

- Boeing C-17 Canada 705

- Boeing C-17 Dover

- Boeing C-17 Edwards

- Boeing C-17 Elmendorf

- Boeing C-17 Hiskman

- Boeing C-17 IAF

- Boeing C-17 March

- Boeing C-17 McChord

- Boeing C-17 McGuire

- Boeing C-17 Mississippi

- Boeing C-17 NATO

- Boeing C-17 NATO Papa

- Boeing C-17 Qatar

- Boeing C-17 RAAF

- Boeing C-17 RAF

- Boeing C-17 RCAF

- Boeing C-17 Stewart

- Boeing C-17 The Rock

- Boeing C-17 Travis

- Boeing C-17 UAE

- Boeing C-17 Wright-Patt


- Can load up to 4 Humvees

- Can load up to 54 players

- Has a working ramp and Boarding Door


- Pilot controls Second Pilot movement.

- You can walk right through the C-17.

- First person in the back does not sit properly.


- Better looking Interior (Created by MordeaniisChaos)


- Two Jumping Memory Point, one to the left and the right of the plane near the Para doors

- Two working and animating Para Doors

- Better looking seats

- New Interior

- Opening Para doors



- Added: ShadowLod

- Fixed: Landcontact

- Fixed: model.cfg

- Fixed: config.cpp


- Added: Distance Lod's

- New: Geometry Lod

- Fixed: Memory Lod

- Added: View Geometry

- Added: Fire Geometry

- Added: Surfaces sounds in Roadway Lod

- Fixed: C_17_wreck model

- Fixed: model.cfg

- Fixed: config.cpp

- Added: Royal Jordanian plane


- Added: New Flare System

- Added: Open Cargo Doors Halfway

- Fixed: Vehicle Dropping Script

- Changed: Vehicle Dropping Script (Users have to manually open the Cargo Door Halfway then use Detach Cargo)

- Removed: Boosters & Brakes (For now, I am trying to fix them)


- Fixed: Config Script Errors

- Fixed: Vehicle Loading Script

- Fixed: Seat Issues (Made look a lot better when they are sitting)


- Fixed: Plane Movement, plane flies heavier.

- Changed: Boosters are 0-200KPH instead of 100-400KPH

- Fixed: Second Pilot seeing seats outside of plane

- Fixed: Back seat issue, players will now seat correctly.

- Fixed: Walking through the C-17 (Somewhat, still needs lots of work.)


- Fixed: Plane Movement (Still needs some work)

- Added: Better Textures for C-17.

- Removed: Shininess


- Added: Boosters for combat take off (Use Action 18)

- Added: Brakes after landing (Use Action 19)

- Added: Flares

- Fixed: C-17 Weakness

- Added: Flaps

- Fixed: C-17 movement (Somewhat)

- Fixed: Shininess, it should now be less shiny.

- Fixed: Cargo Glitches

- Fixed: Players dying when jumping out of the plane (Only in the back seat)

- Removed: Navigator & Co-Pilot Seat

- Fixed: Players being half into the seat (They are somewhat diagonal though)

v0.2.1 alpha

- Added: Missing Config File

v0.2 alpha

- Fixed: Script Error

- Added: @wop_gui into pack

v0.1 alpha

- Initial Release




Mukcep - Original Author

samrmur - Released the C-17 for ArmA 2

S@ndBob - Help fix model errors

-=XTRA=-Larsiano - Helped fix script errors

randomslap - ArmA 3 C-17 Porter (Has helped me fix the ArmA 2 version as well)

Members of 173rd Airborne Brigade Realism Unit http://www.173rd.us/

hello friends, someone will have a file of version 1.7 with the closure of armaholic I can no longer find it. Could you share it with me?

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