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Slammer,T100 & other tracked vehicles cannot accelerate and turn at the same time

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Tank/tracked vehicle physics in Arma3 really bother the hell out of me. They are so much worse than arma2 or even flashpoint. What is most disappointing about this is we are now using PhysX, so there is no reason why they shouldn't handle better than ever before. They feel "wooden" and uninspiring...they feel like tech demo physics for an indy game. I used to love driving across the country side in previous arma games in a tracked vehicle, not in Arma 3 though... I have been trying to figure out exactly why Arma3 tracked vehicles feel so bad compared to previous arma games. Some if is down to sound effects not being great, some is down to odd behaviour at or around 0 MPH (there are some oddities when moving from stopped / changing from forward to reverse etc.), some of it is just plain physics problems.

One problem I found that makes them feel worse than Arma2 is this: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17645

Slammer,T100 & other tracked vehicles cannot accelerate and turn at the same time. Steering input cuts acceleration.

Observed Behaviour:

When driving tracked (T100/Slammer) vehicles, giving a steering input cuts forward power. This adds to the unresponsive feeling of tracked vehicles in Arma3. If you are driving down a road, every time you give a steering input, your speed drops suddenly more than it should and it also causes some vehicles to have erratic steering. It also makes the vehicles seem sluggish. Tracked vehicles are also difficult to manuver at low speeds because of this problem.

Expected Behaviour:

When you give a steering input while moving, forward acceleration input should still be maintained, as it was in Arma2.


A good way to see this problem is to take a tracked vehicle (Slammer/T100) and try to drive in a continuous circle by holding forward power and turning at the same time. The vehicle will keep slowing down until it is turning on it's own axis rather than maintaining a constant radius circle (as it does in Arma2).

You can also see the problem by simply driving around and watching the speed indicator/ behaviour on the vehicle.

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Confirmed. I´m glad you made this thread since I noticed this absurd behaviour some days ago. If you drive forward and even touch A or D you immediately loose speed and engine RPM

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Tank behaviour is weird anyway. For example, when you speed down a hill, once one of your tracks loose traction, you immediately decelerate to walking speed. In some tanks it even leads to a violent change in direction.

This turning behaviour may be part of the problem, in itself it already is mildly annoying so a fix would be appreciated even if the other things can't be adressed.

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Totally agreed. Tried driving around in the kuma the other day, and something felt really, REALLY off. I hope this problem gets attention from the devs.

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It's much more difficult to add/edit those things than you think they are.

All love to the guys, especially zGuba who puts a lot of work into these, and from what I know when I last tested them they felt a lot better than compared to the early days.

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