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Spawn unit & at elevation.

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Hi all,

1. can someone tell me what the class is for an opfor rifleman? Also, I'm looking under cfg vehicles and can't find it

2. Because its a spawned unit, how do I give him an elevation? This is so I can put him on a roof.

On top of that, this doesn't seen to be working.

O_Soldier_F = "en3_1" createVehicle markerPos "en3_1pos";

Any ideas?

Edited by TheTrooper

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_unit = "O_Soldier_F" [url="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit"]createUnit [/url]markerPos "en3_1pos", _groupName;
_unit setPos [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1, 50];

Edited by cobra4v320

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This bit in itself isn't working for some reason. ?

_unit = "O_Soldier_F" createUnit markerPos "en3_1pos", _groupName;

Edited by TheTrooper

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using createUnit;

_unit = "O_Soldier_F" createunit [markerPos "en3_1pos", _groupname];

using createuinit array

_unit = _groupname createunit ["O_Soldier_F", makerpos "en3_1pos", [],0,"NONE"];

Decide on which command you are going to use, createunit array is a more recent command and is much more efficient. Either way, you need to have created a group beforehand.

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ok, still not working so I'm doing something wrong.

I've set up a trigger so if something is present then execute a sqf file with the following below: (Have a marker called en3_1pos)

_unit = "O_Soldier_F" createunit [markerPos "en3_1pos", _groupname];

No joy...

I would kind of expect a unit to appear?

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ok, still not working so I'm doing something wrong.

I've set up a trigger so if something is present then execute a sqf file with the following below: (Have a marker called en3_1pos)

_unit = "O_Soldier_F" createunit [markerPos "en3_1pos", _groupname];

No joy...

I would kind of expect a unit to appear?

Check out the example at the bottom of the page:


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ok, well for a test, I got this...

_grp = createGroup west;
unit = _grp createUnit ["B_sniper_F", position player, [], 100, "FORM"] ;

How is this straight from an example and still not working?

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what exactly do you mean by not working?

does it give an error? I notice that the sniper is in a 100m radius. For testing, I'd move him closer in.

Also, are you using the showscripterrors switch in your game?


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ok, well this is basically the simple script that I want to use.

_group = createGroup east;
_unit = "O_Soldier_F" createUnit markerPos "en3_1pos", _group;

My unit simply isn't there :confused:

should happen straight away

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is the script actually running, I don't know why but if my mission can't find the script.sqf file I don't get an error just that nothing happens.

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yes, I've run a hint underneath the script and the hint displays

I have spawned vehicles before, but I've never managed to do a unit. Why I have no idea

Here is the file. If anyone can work it out then great. I can't


Edited by TheTrooper

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Sorry forgot the brackets [].

_unit = "O_Soldier_F" createUnit [markerPos "en3_1pos", _groupName];

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We're IN!!! Thanks Cobra ;) My first unit has spawned!

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

New question.

Trying to dress him up. Not able to dress him up.

en3_1Grp = createGroup east;
en3_1 = "O_Soldier_F" createUnit [markerPos "en3_1pos", en3_1Grp];

sleep 1;

removeheadgear en3_1;
removegoggles en3_1;
dostop en3_1;
removeallweapons en3_1;
removeallassigneditems en3_1;
removeuniform en3_1;
removevest en3_1;
removebackpack en3_1;
en3_1 adduniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_2";
en3_1 addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
en3_1 addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
en3_1 addweapon "arifle_Katiba_F";

hint "code working";

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Don't use the old createunit it causes all sorts of issues the main one being that en3_1 isn't the name of the unit. It doesn't seem to contain anything and can be left off.

use this instead.

en3_1 = en3_1Grp createUnit ["O_Soldier_F",markerPos "en3_1pos",[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

Edited by F2k Sel

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Im not sure of what the hell is wrong with that file you sent. I could not get any units to spawn in that file. Delete the mission file and start a new one.

This worked fine for me.

_group = createGroup east; 
_unit = _group createUnit ["O_Soldier_F", markerPos "spawnMrk", [], 0, "FORM"];

removeHeadgear _unit; 
removeGoggles _unit; 
removeAllWeapons _unit; 
removeAllAssignedItems _unit; 
removeUniform _unit; 
removeVest _unit; 
removeBackpack _unit; 

_unit adduniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_2"; 
_unit addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"; 
_unit addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"; 
_unit addweapon "arifle_Katiba_F"; 

hint "code working";

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Thanks for your help guys. Took a while but got there. That opens some new doors.

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