J0K3R 5 93 Posted February 19, 2014 Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread. Ive just got myself a new server and its looking for players and feedback. At the moment the server is playing Invade & Annex by Ahoy World. Ive got permission from them to host the files and Ive make quite a few alterations to it myself. With some extra scripts and Ive changed about some of the heli and vehicles. The server is setup to run Zeus AI, just to make it a bit interesting. again thanks for taking the time to read this thread and feedback is very welcome. J0K3R5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx 10 Posted February 22, 2014 Are you part of clan or is this just a server to enjoy some MP in? Also there are many Invade and Annex servers running about, I personally find insurgency servers much more interesting and those are few and far between. I only found one *really* *really* good one however due to time zones when ever I'm able to go on everyone else is sound asleep. Regardless, good luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J0K3R 5 93 Posted February 22, 2014 Just me with a server for people to enjoy. Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted February 24, 2014 Yeah best of luck it's tough to get players!! Be advised Zeus AI is quite outdated (over 2 years since last update) and may cause issues with AI behaviour. I'd recommend using @bCombat instead (it does work in MP) or perhaps @ASR_AI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J0K3R 5 93 Posted March 1, 2014 Server is now hosting Wasp Warfare Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted March 1, 2014 Here's some tips/suggestions for you Kaysio, and good luck with it. To build up a decent community takes an awful lot of time and effort especially in the first few weeks and especially on your part. 1) If the server is up, be on it as admin. (If you cant be on it, take it offline) 2) Initially don't try to run it every night, select 2 or 3 nights a week to run it for a few hours and make sure you consistently do that on those nights for a few weeks. 3) While you are on, don't tolerate any idiots, team killers, players destroying vehicle assets etc. Spend a maximum of 30 seconds with them to "educate" them. Any more is a waste of your time and is better spent working with those who are trying. Get rid of the idiots as soon as you can. They wreck it for everyone else. 4) Initially get used to command and control via voip, either a combo of command and group chat or side and group chat .... Teamspeak at this point should be used as a hub for regulars to hang out on) 5) Before you launch the mission spend some time in the unit selection screen, checking those in a command role can communicate via voip. DO NOT accept group leaders or important roles such as helo pilots who cannot communicate on voip. It makes the task of leading a mission or adminning the mission more difficult and you need things to run as smoothly as possible. 6) Allow some clientside addons such as shacktacs hud etc 7) Initially select a popular public play mission that is easy to control, something like Invade and annex or Patrol ops 8) Lock the server when you have a decent but manageable force, eg you dont want 50 players to try and control when they are all newcomers to the server. Try with say a max of 20 initially. What will this do. a) If you admin it fairly and firmly and create organised game play, players will return. (They like consistency) b) As the regular numbers build select from them the most competent to admin the server. (These will be the guys that regularly take on leadership roles) c) Once you have your admin base and they are rotating taking responsibility, you can start to relax a bit and let them take the reigns. d) A busy server attracts more players, the more players the more group leaders and the more potential admins to reduce the strain on those already doing it. Once you have a busy player base and the admins to support it, extend the number of nights you host. At this point, you will need to monitor the server with something like EPM Rcon, so you can admin it without actually being ingame on the server. There are way too many servers out there left running without admins present. This causes the type of public gameplay that is regularly commented on in the forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Green- 10 Posted March 1, 2014 Here's some tips/suggestions for you Kaysio, and good luck with it...... ..... At this point, you will need to monitor the server with something like EPM Rcon Search for RCON and check what you think is the best. Make sure your running a teamspeak, ventrilo, mumble etc etc server so people can communicate with eachother without having to use in-game chat. (TeamSpeak3 recomended) Green| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J0K3R 5 93 Posted March 1, 2014 Cheers guys for the feedback Share this post Link to post Share on other sites