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Blastcore: Phoenix 2

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Well the clouds disappear, you fly thru them but they just disappear and then look strange.. I dunno what im doing tbh im starting to think its a bad idea...

Just focus on the effects mod, then you can always mess with the other effects like cloud on the side, if it doesn't work out, you can just drop it :)

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Well i for one would like to stick up for the clouds!! Please don't feel as though the work on the clouds are unimportant for i and many others would love to see the the rotating cloud issue solved.

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I bet the rotating cloud issue was some engine "problem" that isnt really supposed to be fixed, and when he made his clouds it likely broke something, causing them to not rotate anymore but it probably broke something with the rest of the clouds.

Just from my perspective looking in as a programmer that seems pretty likely.

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My thoughts on clouds + FX?

Focus on core Blastcore FX then release clouds later as its own mod kind off what you did with tracers, physix. Maybe something Called blastcore environmental FX or whatever....also only client side. That project will include work on clouds and any other environmental effects you decide makes sense.

Most of us following this thread are biased because we are eagerly awaiting the new Blastcore. I mean have you seen those videos? Anything potentially delaying that...well...better be critical. Maybe we are the wrong people to ask.

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Focus on core Blastcore FX then release clouds later as its own mod kind off what you did with tracers, physix. Maybe something Called blastcore environmental FX or whatever....also only client side.

I second that. Better split those to different mods.

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I second that. Better split those to different mods.

Yep the community needs your heroin ;)

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Well, and i fourth that. It´s like torture, hopes for a release were smashed day by day, hoping for an End of Torture season ^^

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Nar its ok, i learnt some things anyway. I needed to find out something before i carried on with the other effects. But mostly its about particle emitters being placed in the map, which will give mission makers the ability to create their own atmosphere. These include effects like huge oil fires, tracers, distant explosion effects, artillery lighting up night sky that sorta of stuff. These won't do any damage and will be mostly be quite basic in detail so they will use very low resources. One of these effects includes a thunderstorm where the clouds are lit up and look quites cool..

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Does that mean blastcore will become a mission dependency under certain conditions?

Like how is that supposed to work, modules ?

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Nar its ok, i learnt some things anyway. I needed to find out something before i carried on with the other effects. But mostly its about particle emitters being placed in the map, which will give mission makers the ability to create their own atmosphere. These include effects like huge oil fires, tracers, distant explosion effects, artillery lighting up night sky that sorta of stuff. These won't do any damage and will be mostly be quite basic in detail so they will use very low resources. One of these effects includes a thunderstorm where the clouds are lit up and look quites cool..

Please tell me this stuff will be usable with Zeus :bounce3:

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Does that mean blastcore will become a mission dependency under certain conditions?

Like how is that supposed to work, modules ?

It won't require blastcore at all, all the effects generated will be using original content from the game. They are scripted, and are activated thru a Game Logic or Triggered Event.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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@ OS

Ok cool to hear about that ambient effects stuff your saying, pretty much you mean like those tracer things in zeus but on steriods right?? sounds good man

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@ OS

Ok cool to hear about that ambient effects stuff your saying, pretty much you mean like those tracer things in zeus but on steriods right?? sounds good man

tbh i have never played Zeus ...

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tbh i have never played Zeus ...

Really? It´s super easy and it should also make it easier for you to test stuff. Play the Zeus showcase, it will teach you the basics in two minutes. Then slap down the Zeus module in the Editor and off you go.

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In zeus you could place modules that would just spawn tracer fire going off into the air where its placed

So pretty much a system that dynamically generates that around you in some sense, with other stuff like explosions or something right?

Hopefully I understand what you meant

Imagine you do the effects part and we get matching audio from jsrs mod :000

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Every time someone asks he'll add another week.

God this is hard :icon_mrgreen:

ähm i've noticed thats the fireshine from wrecked tanks or cars at night is a little bit to strong , i've see the fire reflect light 300- 500meters on objects like bushes and housewalls , looks not so good ;-)

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