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Austria closes its ministry of science

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I haven't seen this in any international news source yet, but it's official with today's heavily protested appointment of the coalition government. The ministry of science is no more, it's now a part of the ministry of economy (and you can probably guess why that has created a stir among many people.) A lot of weird things have happened in this special ministry yet - things that demonstrate how much the government cares for science and research; former ministers have written preambles for love horoscope books, science awards have been given to esoteric fraudsters, funding for basic research has been cut. This worrying attitude towards science and research (I forgot to mention that university matters are also part of this field) will undoubtedly lead to grave consequences. We've suffered from brain drain for decades now, but today I can only say RIP future developments.

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obviously someone failed to setup rule about "no pseudo-science" ...

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Wow, Austrian intellectuals may have a pita feeling for a while.

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Our great neighbor is having too much of that oxygen poor mountain air again. I hope the bavarians won't try to emulate this, I´d rather not have something as silly as this spill over. :( My condolences to our Austrian fellow earthlings, it´s not enviable to have your government fell positively dumb decisions such as this.

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