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M2A1 Slammer TUSK?

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As seen in multiple Screenshots, in fact, there is a screenshot of one on ArmA3.com, there was a Slammer that had a Mk30 HMG mounted on the turret, and ERA plating. Will we ever be seeing this awesomeness in a future update?

Does anyone know? Moderators? Developers? I must ask, what happened to that variation?

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I think that it may or may not be released eventually, no promises:p

please realize there were 2 variants of slammer, the basic and the uparmored variant ...

what was in the release is basic +- afaik ...

let say I do what i can (and let's not forget Zguba) on the uparmored one ...

no promise no ETA ...

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http://blog.realitygamer.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ARMA_3__4.jpg <--Pre-Alpha screenshot?

http://www.arma3.com/images/screenshots/large/arma3_screenshot_07.jpg <--This one you mean?

Looks good on the Slammer. But I wonder, why was it withheld from release? (Is BIS actually trying to make it function rather then have it just for the looks?)

Anyways, I hope it'll be released eventually, especially if it's with noticable outward-explosive effects coming from the ERA panels, and thus for results a harder to kill tank.

But the same should go for the T-100 Varsuk's front-hull and turret. Those also have what seems to be partial ERA plating layered on them..

However, about the MBT-52 Kuma, I think that that is meant to be simply add-on armor modules being mimicked there.

Edited by Thani '82
found a better screenshot.

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You ought to know that many things previously mentionned are no loonger planned in ArmA 3 - such as Astute class submarine, or MV-22 Osprey for example

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I can't understand why they don't implement it if they have the model, since it's essentially the same code. I really wish BIS hadn't been so lazy in the vehicle dev of arma 3. Between the reskins and port overs I'm kinda fed up. If they want this to be a AAA title they need to treat it like one.

Edited by concinnity

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I thought they said in a developers blog that they will be including 'heavy' versions of the curretn tanks e.g m2a1 with MG turret and extra armour, same with T100 but with co-ax mg

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I can't understand why they don't implement it if they have the model, since it's essentially the same code. I really wish BIS hadn't been so lazy in the vehicle dev of arma 3. Between the reskins and port overs I'm kinda fed up. If they want this to be a AAA title they need to treat it like one.

Maybe they are working on a new kind of armor penetration system - and they want the armored kit to function ?

Or maybe they just want to add it with the last part of the SP campaign

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I think if they aren't going to include them they need to release the models so we can make them

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My bet is that it's coming when it comes in the campaign, so NATO's probably gonna step up later in the campaign, bringing the heavy guns with them.

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My bet is that it's coming when it comes in the campaign, so NATO's probably gonna step up later in the campaign, bringing the heavy guns with them.

That's what I'm thinking too.

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