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ADuke's Kiowa Warrior Alpha'



- First re-release


This mod is not finished. Make sure you read that first sentence before subscribing. This is to prevent the "Needs work" comments because I at least can release it as such.

What it can do:
- Fly around (FM isn't the best, but it's what I got, I can take requests to work on that as I don't know the Kiowa as such).
- It can laser designate and the MMS works fine.

Things to know:
- If you want to work on the helo, contact me either on my Discord: https://discord.gg/8vxFwGGf or contact me by Steam
- Issue is that ADuke entrusted me to get it done. I don't have the inclination to work on it as I have more than enough mods to work on it, and as Yannik said on the Hatchet Team Discord, a Kiowa mod is cursed. I don't know if that truly is true, then it very well may be as nobody (they started one, but never finished it due to issues of their own). I have no issue releasing the source files, but he might, and getting a hold of him takes forever, as either he's alive or dead. If I find out it's dead I'll remove it and that can be taken care of. The only reason why I bring this up is that people may need confirmation that he said it's okay. I at first hint ask him, so my bases are covered as well.
- I can tweak the config and some of the model, but for now it's "as is" and so on, some requests I may do, but I have no interest in working this, and I'm having issues with weapon pylons, so not sure what the issues are right now, so I'm hesitant to build everything and it not work. But again, I don't have the motivation to do it, I have enough helos to take care of.
-  If you do work on it, I require that you provide me with the source files as a matter of record keeping and so I can have it for myself as well. I hope that you let the Arma 3 community use it as well, as it's a unique aircraft to play with for some milsim units.



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Updated text for the OH-58:


This mod is not finished. Make sure you read that first sentence before subscribing. This is to prevent the "Needs work" comments because I at least can release it as such.

What it can do:
- Fly around (FM isn't the best, but it's what I got, I can take requests to work on that as I don't know the Kiowa as such).
- It can laser designate and the MMS works fine.

Things to know:
- If you want to work on the helo, contact me either on my Discord: https://discord.gg/8vxFwGGf or contact me by Steam
- Issue is that ADuke entrusted me to get it done. I don't have the inclination to work on it as I have more than enough mods to work on it, and as Yannik said on the Hatchet Team Discord, a Kiowa mod is cursed. I don't know if that truly is true, then it very well may be as nobody (they started one, but never finished it due to issues of their own). I have no issue releasing the source files, but he might, and getting a hold of him takes forever, as either he's alive or dead. If I find out it's dead I'll remove it and that can be taken care of. ADuke did send me an email saying I'm free to do whatever I need with it, so I have a screenshotted email if needed for your own records and whatnot.
-  If you do work on it, I require that you provide me with the source files as a matter of record keeping and so I can have it for myself as well. I hope that you let the Arma 3 community use it as well, as it's a unique aircraft to play with for some milsim units.

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ADuke UH-1Y


- Improved the sensors system with the Ghost Hawk setup

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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- Increased the carrying weight capability of the MQ-17 pylons, now can carry a wider variety of weapons. NOTE: I know that the BIS weapons don't look right, while the 2x AGM-117 Rattlers look correct. I can adjust the pylons so they look better, but I can only do so much with them.
- MH-92s have active radar, IR, and visual settings for the sensors now, as per the model.
- MH/UH-60s have basic RWR for flight ops
- UH-92s have a basic RWR for flight ops
- MH-92 DAPs no longer have a sling load ability, as the sensor system (taken from the Mi-48) takes priority over that due to it being a strictly attack helo.
- AH-96 can (when able) select the Rattler ATGMs, when the game decides to work. The AH-96 has a basic RWR for flight ops and an IR sensor component as well.
- Fixed a transparency issue with the MH-92 (Insertion) and (Insertion Open Doors) with the new dashboard when damaged.
- Updated the texture on the Rattlers, made it look slightly better.
- Improved the sensors on the AH-96.

NOTE: The 2x AGM-114K, 4x AGM-114K, 2x AGM-117, and the 4x AGM-117 pylon weapons are bugged, as for some reason it will load them fine on the pylon, but are unusable. A fix is on the way, sometime.



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ADuke Kiowa Warrior Alpha


- Tweaked flight FM slightly, less jerky when going forward, and slows down a bit better as well.

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ADuke Kiowa Warrior Alpha


-Fixed more of the FM, removing the bobbing when using Auto-Hover

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In other news, this is kind of "old", but I did start a ticket for BIS to look at, sometime:


If you have the same issue I'm having (or not), please either upvote or comment, or comment here to let me know as I keep on trying things, and no worky with the custom weapons with pylons.

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ADuke Kiowa Warrior Alpha


- Added an RTD file using the Hummingbird for now given that they're both light helicopters

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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- AGM-117s by default have a Tandem HEAT warhead for penetrating attacks.
- Tweaked Hellfire model, looks closer to the real thing.
- Reduced damage for the Hellfires and Rattlers, in line with other mods.
- Non-functioning refueling probes were added to the SOAR MH-60s. There is a thought to incorporate another mod (which wont be dependent on), if people can point me to a good sample to work with another mod for refueling, if needed.
- Increased fuel for the XX-92s

NOTE: The 2x AGM-114K, 4x AGM-114K, 2x AGM-117, and the 4x AGM-117 pylon weapons are bugged, as for some reason it will load them fine on the pylon, but are unusable. A fix is on the way, sometime.



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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- Adjusted the Refuelling probe length on the SOAR UH-60s to be more close to the real thing
- Refuel probe should work with the USAF Mod. Note that this mod doesn't require it, but will work with it. I'm not too sure about the x,y, and z coordinates, but I think it'll look like it should. If it doesn't let me know.
- Increased armor of the XX-92s by ten points.


NOTE: The 2x AGM-114K, 4x AGM-114K, 2x AGM-117, and the 4x AGM-117 pylon weapons are bugged, as for some reason it will load them fine on the pylon, but are unusable. A fix is on the way, sometime.



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