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Hatred of ofp

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I'm a bit of a newbie to this forum, well i've never started a thread before anyway. I was wondering why red hammer is clearly hated so much. I never had a problem with it but i keep coming across references to it that slate it. Is it just because your character doesn't have the courage of his convictions and stay ruskie all the way or is there something more profound that i'm missing? smile.gif

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I wouldn't say that I hate it...but it is certainly lacking in plot/storyline compared to the Cold War Crisis and Resistance campaigns...

Also, it was a creation of Codemasters, apparently BIS had nothing to do with it...

I think it was a real copout not to have your group of Russians fighting the West all the way through...

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i never bought it.

i was a click or two away from purchasing it online, but i stopped just as i realized this is a bunch of missions from CM, not a TRUE expansion.

it's just that CM got on my nerve once a too much, and trying to sell a bunch of missions for that price did not appeal to me.

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Well, nothing wrong with Red Hammer, and most are only complaining that it aint a BIS production.... but I think Red Hammer is good...but u can't argue taste tounge.gif

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My personal opinion is that Red Hammer is worth the price and is OK. As a campaign, it doesn't compare to 1985 but some of the missions individually are quite nice and challenging.

Most of the hate just comes from a bunch of whiners.


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There was alot of spelling mistakes..... confused.gif

Missing periods.

Very bad voice acting...

Im done..

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I've played red Hammer campaign and there are couple of things i don't like/hate about it:

1.It lacks good storyline/plot

2.Missions are too complicated (some of them could be broken into 3 parts!wink.gif

3.Missions lack twists/plot

4.You would never find such complicated missions in real life war (resistance and cold war are much better) confused.gifmad.gif

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I didn't mind Red Hammer at all. Since I'm not anti-CM, I didn't mind what they had done with some of the missions. The missions were generally longer and harder than CWC, but I put that down to a rogue General pushing his troops to do more when compared to the strategic US CWC missions.

The voice acting was pretty bad though.

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I don't hate CM and I don't "hate" Red Hammer, but that's not to say it's anything to rave about. The missions are way too complex and Dmitri Lukin is a dumb-ass. Every time he encounters somebody he doesn't know he snarls at them and barks some order in very lame sounding "Russ-glish".

Plus some missions (especially Grounded) were insane! (Re-assaulting the same base you just killed everybody in, flying to repair your helicopter, rescuing some dudes, then assaulting two entire squadrons of tanks with only rockets in a very limited time period.) In CWC that would have been at least 2 missions, maybe more.

Cold War Crisis is still the best, with Resistance a very close second (that may change when a lot of the bugs get fixed).  smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and stay ruskie all the way <span id='postcolor'>

Does he change sides?


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About two thirds of the way through Guba orders him to massacre some civilians so he switches to help the Americans.

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..but Lukin in true euro/slav fashion is not switching "sides". He works with the resistance and US "advisors" i.e. Gastovski to stop Guba.. who is acting on his own orders and not in the interests of Rhodina.

The voice acting wasn't so bad, at least there wasn't that whining you get from armstrong in cold war crisis smile.gif

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I could never figure out the ending though when Lukin and the two Russians are sailing away in their boat next to a bunch of really big LSTs. Were they supposed to be West LSTs or East? Either way it's bad, because the Russians aren't just going to let Lukin mosey on by, and the West most likely won't let a russian boat just sail past them. smile.gif

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Well even the Resistance campaign wasn't anything to write home about......and Red Hammer is roughly 10 times worse! sad.gif

The missions featured in Red Hammer are easily toppled by so many user made examples...which is disgusting when you think about it.......we had to PAY for the shit Codemasters fed us with Red Hammer..


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RedHammer is not as good as the 1985 Campaign

But some missions of this RedHammer are really masterpiece : just play Alamo with the ingenious scripts to let you set up defenses in a city before an attack and you will understand that codemasters campaign is not as bad as some people think .

The only real problem is that some missions are unrealistic and others are rambo-ish.

But i dont regret to have bought RedHammer , i had a lot of fun in the campaign even if the original BIS one was better.


At the last mission , Lukin help the US army , but it is his mother russia first : he want to capture traitor before the US arrive , he didnt change side to US , he is infiltrated.

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I thought the Red Hammer missions were some of the most enjoyable ones I've played. They weren't realistic at all, but they were really fun to play.

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I thought it was generally good all-round. But as others have said the story line was a cop out. It's as if the makers didn't have that little bit of nerve to let you play and finish as a Russian. Limited your playing as a russian soldier, especially the use of weapons and vehicles.

But the missions were excellent, especially the sniper mission and some of the heli ones.

I'm looking forward to getting resistance now...


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I had no problems whatsoever with Red Hammer, except for the fact that the spelling could indeed use some work. The last mission was too easy, too. I destroyed everyone in less then a second. After I layed the initial three bombs, I layed many more bombs in strategic places around the enemy camp. I then went up the hill and detonated them, then instantly shot the machine gun. Dodging American bullets, I ran down to the now empty base and stood beside a certain building until the ossifers came out. I nabbed them and went into the boat.

By the way, Moscow was going to bring back Guba in chains, so they wouldn't have fired on Lukien's boat. It would have been a bummer for him if the Russians picked him up, though, because he would have to turn his prisoners over to Moscow instead of the United States of America. No, it was an American LST that he boards at the end of Red Hammer. He was working with NATO, after all.

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I actually thought Red Hammer was better from the FPS point of view, and the layered complexity of the 3 stage missions was great. The original campaign was really an extended tutorial up to a point and did have some annoying "get back to the linear script" bits (like when your team dies in the forest and you have to e & e to the resistance camp), but was better from a multi-vehicle and air point of view. Resistance is better than both and balances a good deal of things, not the least being to get a release out before codemasters cripples it smile.gif

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