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In-Game Rolling Credits

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Does anybody know how this script can be used to display custom credits?

//--- Displayed items with maximum number of names
_credits = [
_cfgCredits = configfile >> "CfgCredits" >> "CreditsMovie";
_layers = ["credits1" call bis_fnc_rscLayer,"credits2" call bis_fnc_rscLayer];
_delay = 5.5; //--- Delay between each set of names
_duration = _delay * 1.5; //--- Duration for which a set of names is displayed
_param = [_x,0,""] call bis_fnc_paramin;
_resize = [_x,1,-1] call bis_fnc_paramin;
//--- Format the text
_item = getarray (_cfgCredits >> _param);
_title = _item select 0;
_names = _item select 1;
if (_resize >= 0) then {_names resize _resize};
_text = format ["<t font='PuristaBold'>%1</t>",toUpper (_title select 0)] + "<br />";
 _text = _text + _x + "<br />";
} foreach _names;
_text = format ["<t size='0.8'>%1</t>",_text];
//--- Show the text
_index = _foreachindex % 2;
_layer = _layers select _index;
[_layer,_text,_index,_duration] spawn {
 _layer = _this select 0;
 _text = _this select 1;
 _index = _this select 2;
 _duration = _this select 3;
 _fadeTime = 0.5;
 _time = time + _duration - _fadeTime;
 _layer cutrsc ["RscDynamicText","plain"];
 _display = uinamespace getvariable ["BIS_dynamicText",displaynull];
 _ctrlText = _display displayctrl 9999;
 _ctrlText ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext _text;
 _offsetX = 0.1;
 _offsetY = 0.3;
 _posW = 0.4;
 _posH = ctrltextheight _ctrlText + _offsetY;
 _pos = [
  [safezoneX + _offsetX,safezoneY + _offsetY,_posW,_posH],
  [safezoneX + safezoneW - _posW - _offsetX,safezoneY + safezoneH - _posH,_posW,_posH]
 ] select _index;
 _ctrlText ctrlsetposition _pos;
 _ctrlText ctrlsetfade 1;
 _ctrlText ctrlcommit 0;
 _ctrlText ctrlsetfade 0;
 _ctrlText ctrlcommit _fadeTime;
 waituntil {time > _time};
 _ctrlText ctrlsetfade 1;
 _ctrlText ctrlcommit _fadeTime;
_time = time + _delay;
waituntil {time > _time};
} foreach _credits;

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_credits = [
[ "TITLE1", ["t1_name1","t1_name2","t1_name3"] ],
[ "TITLE2", ["t2_name1","t2_name2","t2_name3"] ],
[ "TITLE3", ["t3_name1","t3_name2","t3_name3"] ],
[ "TITLE4", ["t4_name1","t4_name2","t4_name3"] ]
_layers = ["credits1" call bis_fnc_rscLayer,"credits2" call bis_fnc_rscLayer];
_delay = 5.5;
_duration = _delay * 1.5;
_title = [_x,0,""] call bis_fnc_paramin;
_names = _x select 1;
_text = format ["<t font='PuristaBold'>%1</t>",toUpper (_title)] + "<br />";
	 _text = _text + _x + "<br />";
} foreach _names;
_text = format ["<t size='0.8'>%1</t>",_text];
_index = _foreachindex % 2;
_layer = _layers select _index;
[_layer,_text,_index,_duration] spawn {
	_layer = _this select 0;
	_text = _this select 1;
	_index = _this select 2;
	_duration = _this select 3;
	_fadeTime = 0.5;
	_time = time + _duration - _fadeTime;
	_layer cutrsc ["RscDynamicText","plain"];
	_display = uinamespace getvariable ["BIS_dynamicText",displaynull];
	_ctrlText = _display displayctrl 9999;
	_ctrlText ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext _text;
	_offsetX = 0.1;
	_offsetY = 0.3;
	_posW = 0.4;
	_posH = ctrltextheight _ctrlText + _offsetY;
	_pos = [
	 [safezoneX + _offsetX,safezoneY + _offsetY,_posW,_posH],
	 [safezoneX + safezoneW - _posW - _offsetX,safezoneY + safezoneH - _posH,_posW,_posH]
	] select _index;
	_ctrlText ctrlsetposition _pos;
	_ctrlText ctrlsetfade 1;
	_ctrlText ctrlcommit 0;
	_ctrlText ctrlsetfade 0;
	_ctrlText ctrlcommit _fadeTime;
	waituntil {time > _time};
	_ctrlText ctrlsetfade 1;
	_ctrlText ctrlcommit _fadeTime;
_time = time + _delay;
waituntil {time > _time};
} foreach _credits; 

Should do the trick, just fill in the _credits array with your info.

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That's awesome - thanks, mate! I'll be sure to give that a whirl!

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Just out of interest, do I need a script in the init. to sort of pre-process any of that? It's a bit jerky when it loads...

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