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Usable cargo ramp for CH-49 Mohawk

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Here, some color for fun ;)

Thank you for your script Zigomarvin !


this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.6)'];
this setObjectTexture [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.6)'];
this setObjectTexture [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.6)'];


this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.8,0.7,0.5,0.2)'];
this setObjectTexture [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.8,0.7,0.5,0.2)'];
this setObjectTexture [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.8,0.7,0.5,0.2)'];

And my favorite like the EC725 (French color from 4e RHFS) :

this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9)'];
this setObjectTexture [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9)'];
this setObjectTexture [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9)'];

Forget the right CH-49, it's just a funny test ...:p


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lol, nice selfie.

Does somebody knows a way to run some server side scrit on player disconnect ? The last problem i have happen when a player disconnect in a full chopper which has his cargo ramp open, the "get in using cargo ramp" action is not added.

With a mate, we've found a way to reduce chances of dying when you jump out, that still happen but seem to be safer. I will update later.

Here's what happend during some tests :D :

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it is but i can't check when a player disconnect

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already tryed, mission doesn't run

Edited by Zigomarvin

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Merry Chrismas everybody !

I'm still looking for a way to run some script on player disconnect, any idea ?

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Yeah do some research on this. I never had any experience using this but it looks like this is what you're looking for.

This link http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/onPlayerDisconnected will redirect you here.

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler which that link will direct you here.


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It's true but they shouldn't, this is a script of 5,4Kb... The possibility of walking should ask a bit more and probably a remodelisation of some parts of aimed vehicles.

@Johnson11B2P, I tried this (first message on this page) but it didn't worked. I'll try again when my burned graphic card will be back :).

Edited by Zigomarvin

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You can use this to set it so it's multiplayer compatible. See setObjectTextureGlobal

this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
this setObjectTextureGlobal [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
this setObjectTextureGlobal [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];

Anyone have any ideas on where I would inject this code to change the color of a vehicle when it's spawned by a player via factories in the BECTI mission?

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Anyone have any ideas on where I would inject this code to change the color of a vehicle when it's spawned by a player via factories in the BECTI mission?

Put this in the spawn script

if (_vehicle iskindof "I_Heli_Transport_02_F") then{
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];

Assuming _vehicle is the variable used in the script to spawn the vehicle.

Having had a quick look at BECTI mission it's possibly in the script 'Common_CreateVehicle.sqf' which is in here


just after the _vehicle = createVehicle section around line 64.

You'd be best posting in the BECTI mission thread to get the exact answer.

Edited by Beerkan

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Hi, new version and new stuff ! Check the first thread.

@STYLiNGtooFAST, actulally no

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Thanks for sending us the updated version :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Zigomarvin, what black magic incantation should I write into a trigger "on activation" field to make an AI piloted Mohawk, let's say named "mo1", to light up the red light, to fully open the ramp, and so forth?

Thanks for any help you could provide and, by the way, thanks a lot for the great work you already have done.

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Hi Kawa, i've just send you a mp because the way to do what you ask is not really proper.

@STYLiNGtooFAST, i will add starting params in the next version.

TODO list:

- precompiled functions

- handling functions, @Kawa

- starting params, @STYLiNGtooFAST

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Usable cargo ramp for CH-49 Mohawk

by Zigomarvin

5. Put this in initialization field of a CH-49 mohawk, this line has changed since the last released version:

_n = [this] execVM "scripts\usableCargoRamp\usableCargoRamp.sqf";

I'm confused about the 5th step. I REALLY want to try this script in the DUWS by Kibot and modded by Bigshot. Where will I find the initialization field of a Mohawk?

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Hi irfanahmed1979, you can find it by double clicking on a CH-49 in editor mod

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Hi irfanahmed1979, you can find it by double clicking on a CH-49 in editor mod

Actually I want to use it in a mission DUWS (Dynamic Universal Warfare System) in which the player can request a vehicle and it is spawned. There are no pre-spawned vehicles at the start of the mission. It is all dynamic.

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The green and red lights don't work for me :c

the third person camera in the chopper is to far and the lights are automatically disabled (arma egine is made like this), did you tryed at feets, near from the chopper ?

Actually I want to use it in a mission DUWS (Dynamic Universal Warfare System) in which the player can request a vehicle and it is spawned. There are no pre-spawned vehicles at the start of the mission. It is all dynamic.

you have to initialize the script by the script that spawns/respawn theses choppers, maybe i could help you if you give me the mission file

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the third person camera in the chopper is to far and the lights are automatically disabled (arma egine is made like this), did you tryed at feets, near from the chopper ?

Yes it's work you are right. Thanks ! :)

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