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Full reammo to M2A1 Slammer ?

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Hi masters,

How I full (cannon+turret) reammo the M2A1 Slammer ??? I used "setVehicleAmmo", but it fail.... =(

best regards...

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I'm guessing you want to add more rounds to the tank, setVehicleAmmo will only set it to the default setup of the tank which is 32 APFSDS-T, 16 HE-T and 2000 6.5 lmg ammo.

If you want to add more just add the following to the tank.

this addMagazineTurret ["16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; //<-- this adds 16 HE rounds
this addMagazineTurret ["30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; //<-- this adds 30 HE rounds
this addMagazineTurret ["2000Rnd_65x39_Belt",[0]];
this addMagazineTurret ["32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]];

Please note that you will have to reload again after the amount of default ammo is emptied, also if you want more then keep adding the same things that you want again and again.

Also just incase I'm wrong and you want to use setVehicleAmmo use:

this setVehicleAmmo 1;


I just noticed that setVehicleAmmo is not working :/

Edited by Lala14

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Great Lala14, thx.

Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk

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How I rearm the MBT turret with smoke?

I'm using _car addMagazineTurret ["SmokeLauncherMag",[0,0]]; but is failing... =(

Best regards

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there can be either 2 things causing this,

1. You have already used all of the smokes in the vehicle, once you go to add smokes to the vehicle it will be unable to reload for some weird reason.

2. This isn't really a reason but when you go to reload the smokelauncher it takes quite a bit for it to reload but as long as its not showing 0|1 then your fine

Also the fixed setVehicleAmmo now but another issue that is still present is if you do setVehicleAmmo 0 and then try to return it will not work so this script will actually stop that from happening.

Vehicle Repair Pad

  • Now if you would like instant repairs all you need to do is edit the script file and boom!
  • either wise you could copy the lines for the reloading of a vehicle with no ammo!

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For others,

this addeventhandler ["Fired",{if (_this select 1=="30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red") then {_this select 0 addMagazine (_this select 5)}}] 

is an interesting way to get ammo if you know the name (This makes you not have to reload however)

I also think the needReload command could work as well? I haven't used it since A2 but it could provide interesting effects.

if (_car needReload == 1) then {reload _car; _car setVehicleAmmo 1};

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On the end of the script, I used :

ec = effectiveCommander _Car;

ec setVehicleAmmo 1;

It's Ok now. Thanks guys!! :yay:

Best regards .

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Hi guys, here my little script about reammo MBT:

_gen   = _this select 0;
_idmenu= _this select 2;
_param = _this select 3;

_Car 	 = _param select 0;
_supveic = _param select 1;
_type = typeOf _Car;

if (((_Car distance _supveic) < 6) && alive _Car && alive _supveic) then

if ( (isEngineOn _Car ) || (isEngineOn _supveic) ) then

	hintSilent "Ambos os motores precisam estar desligados antes da manutenção se iniciar.";

	ec = effectiveCommander _Car;
	if ( ec==player ) then

		_gen removeAction _idmenu;
		hintSilent "Iniciando manutenção geral do veículo. Aguarde.";

		if (local _Car) then

			hint "Reabastecendo e trocando peças com problemas.";
			sleep 15;
			//ec = effectiveCommander _Car;
			_Car  setFuel 0;
			_supveic setFuel 0;
			sleep 5;
			_Car  setDamage 0;

			//_Car setVehicleAmmoDef 1;

			_Car  setVehicleAmmo 0;
			_Car addMagazineTurret ["2000Rnd_65x39_Belt",[0]];
			_Car addMagazineTurret ["500Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red",[0,0]];
			_Car addMagazineTurret ["SmokeLauncherMag",[0,0]];
				_Car addMagazineTurret ["30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]];
				sleep 0.1;
				_Car addMagazineTurret ["32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]];
				sleep 0.1;
			} forEach [0];
			hint "Rearmando.";
			sleep 15;

			//_Car setVehicleAmmo   1; // torretas

			hint "Manutenção completa";

			_Car  setFuel 1;
			_supveic setFuel 1;

			[_Car,_supveic] call api_PermiteACM;

		hint "Somente o comandante dentro do veículo pode autorizar o inicio da manutenção.";


hintSilent "Você precisa de um veículo de manutenção próximo para iniciar o procedimento.";

I have a small problem with script, I need to run it twice to reammo the MBT. Why this?

Ps. I'm using a addaction to fire the script.

Ps. I'm using a dedserver to test.

Best regards

Edited by D3lta

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