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Need help on switch statement.

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I'm not familiar with switch statement before, and i just get a head start about switch statement .

It's seem like switch statement is very similar to if statement but more simplified, but it still struggles me that how do I declare my variables to let computer know what to executed?

Should it be something in the unit init like: nul = ["co",this] execVM "blah.sqf"; ?

if (isServer) then {
//waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 1}}; //thanks for iceman77, solved JIP issue.

_riflemag = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
_gl= "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
switch (_class) do
   case "CO":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_F"; "this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",15];
   hint "This is a CO"; //test if executed
   case "FTL":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_GL_F"; this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",13]; this addmagazineGlobal ["_gl",8];
   hint "This is a FTL"; //testif executed

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This should work:

_class = _this select 0;
if (isServer) then {
//waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 1}}; //thanks for iceman77, solved JIP issue.

_riflemag = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
_gl= "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
switch (_class) do
   case "CO":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_F"; "this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",15];
   hint "This is a CO"; //test if executed
   case "FTL":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_GL_F"; this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",13]; this addmagazineGlobal ["_gl",8];
   hint "This is a FTL"; //testif executed

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This should work:

_class = _this select 0;
if (isServer) then {
//waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 1}}; //thanks for iceman77, solved JIP issue.

_riflemag = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
_gl= "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
switch (_class) do
   case "CO":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_F"; "this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",15];
   hint "This is a CO"; //test if executed
   case "FTL":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_GL_F"; this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",13]; this addmagazineGlobal ["_gl",8];
   hint "This is a FTL"; //testif executed

:D thanks, will test it. Seem like just need an array.

---------- Post added at 03:58 ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 ----------


This should work:

_class = _this select 0;
if (isServer) then {
//waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 1}}; //thanks for iceman77, solved JIP issue.

_riflemag = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
_gl= "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
switch (_class) do
   case "CO":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_F"; "this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",15];
   hint "This is a CO"; //test if executed
   case "FTL":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_GL_F"; this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",13]; this addmagazineGlobal ["_gl",8];
   hint "This is a FTL"; //testif executed

:( well...the code failed to executed...something's wrong...

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Yeah sorry I did not look very hard at anything but your top line. There are quite a few errors. Here is a script I made once upon a time its virtually identical to yours:

// by Big_Wilk(armaholic)/Chris2(www.volcbat.com) 
// Examples:
// nul = [this,"l85susat","brit_normal","ilaw","no","yes","yes"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf"; 
// nul = [this,"l85susat","brit_lmg","no","yes","no","no"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf"; 
// goes in units init. 
// Options: 
// nul = [unit,"uniform","weapon?","AT?","medic?","laser designator?","gps?"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf"; 
// unit = this
// Weapon = l85susat / l85acog / sharpshot / GPMG / lmg / lmgsusat / lmgacog / m4 / m4acog / hk
// uniform = brit_normal / brit_lmg / brit_sl / sbs1 / sbs2
// AT? = no / ilaw / nlaw
// Medic? = yes / no
// Laser Designator? = yes / no
// GPS? = yes / no / uav
// nul = [this, "", "", "", "", "", ""] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf";
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Script Starts /////////////////////////////// 

_player = _this select 0;
_units = _this select 1;
_uni = _this select 2;
_hasat = _this select 3;
_ismedic = _this select 4;
_designator = _this select 5;
_gps = _this select 6; 

// Removes Everything
removeAllWeapons _player; removeGoggles _player; removeHeadgear _player; removeVest _player; removeUniform _player; removeAllAssignedItems _player;
sleep .1;

// Uniforms
switch (_uni) do
  case "brit_normal":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "STKR_Osprey_R";
_player addUniform "STKR_UBACS_KNEE";
_player addbackpack "B_Bergen_sgg";

  case "brit_lmg":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "STKR_Osprey_MG";
_player addUniform "STKR_UBACS_KNEE";
_player addbackpack "B_Bergen_sgg";

  case "brit_sl":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "STKR_Osprey_SL";
_player addUniform "STKR_UBACS_KNEE";
_player addbackpack "B_Bergen_sgg";

  case "sbs1":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG";
_player addUniform "U_B_CTRG_1";
_player addbackpack "B_TacticalPack_oli";

case "sbs2":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG";
_player addUniform "U_B_CTRG_3";
_player addbackpack "B_TacticalPack_oli";
sleep .1;

// Medic?
switch (_ismedic) do
  case "no":
_player addItem "FirstAidKit";

  case "yes":
_player addItem "FirstAidKit";
(unitBackpack _player) additem ["FirstAidKit", 10];
//(unitBackpack _player) additem ["Medikit", 10];
sleep .1;

// Misc Gear - added to all	
// Grenades
{_player addMagazine "HandGrenade"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; 
{_player addMagazine "smokeshell"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; 
{_player addMagazine "smokeshellgreen"} foreach [1,2,3,4];
{_player addMagazine "Chemlight_green"} foreach [1,2];
{_player addMagazine "Chemlight_red"} foreach [1,2];
{_player addMagazine "Chemlight_yellow"} foreach [1,2];
sleep .1;

// Misc / Items 
_player additem "ItemMap";
_player assignItem "ItemMap";
_player additem "ItemCompass";
_player assignItem "ItemCompass";
_player additem "ItemWatch";
_player assignItem "ItemWatch";
_player additem "ItemRadio";
_player assignItem "ItemRadio";
_player additem "STKR_HMNVS";
_player assignItem "STKR_HMNVS";
_player addweapon "Binocular";

sleep .1;

switch (_units) do
  case "l85susat":
	{_player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L85A2"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "VCB_SUSAT"; // Scope
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 8]; // Mags in Bag

  case "l85acog":
	{_player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L85A2"; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

  case "sharpshot":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

  case "gpmg":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

case "lmg":
	{_player addMagazine "VCB_L110A1"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L110A1"; // Weapon 
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; // Mags in Bag

case "lmgsusat":
	{_player addMagazine "VCB_L110A1"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L110A1"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "VCB_SUSAT"; 
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; // Mags in Bag

case "lmgacog":
	{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L110A1"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; // Mags in Bag

case "m4":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

	case "m4acog":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

	case "hk":
	{_player addMagazine "R3F_20Rnd_762x51_HK417"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "R3F_HK417M"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "R3F_EOTECH";
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["R3F_20Rnd_762x51_HK417", 8]; // Mags in Bag
	// R3F_20Rnd_762x51_TRACER_HK417 

	case "SOMETHING":
	{_player addMagazine "MAG"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "GUN"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "SCOPE";
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["MAG", 8]; // Mags in Bag
sleep .1;

// At
switch (_hasat) do
case "no":
// end

  case "ilaw":
_player addMagazine "R3F_AT4CS_Mag";
_player addWeapon "R3F_AT4CS";

  case "nlaw":
_player addMagazine "M_NLAW_AT_F";
_player addWeapon "VCB_MBT_LAW";

_player addMagazine "MAGCODE";
_player addWeapon "GUNCODE";

sleep .1;
// At

switch (_designator) do
case "no":
// end

  case "yes":
_player addMagazine "Laserbatteries";
_player addWeapon "Laserdesignator";

sleep .1;
// At

switch (_gps) do
case "no":
// end

  case "yes":
_player additem "ItemGPS";
_player assignItem "ItemGPS";

Just copy and paste. There are few options in there like do you want them to have gps and what not as well. Note some of the class names are mods so change them to whatever you need obv. Weapons, NVG and some uniforms are all mods class names.

Try this in your units Init feild (you will get a few not found errors without editing it rember):

nul = [this,"l85susat","sbs1","nlaw","no","yes","yes"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf";

Edited by Big_Wilk

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Yeah sorry I did not look very hard at anything but your top line. There are quite a few errors. Here is a script I made once upon a time its virtually identical to yours:

// by Big_Wilk(armaholic)/Chris2(www.volcbat.com) 
// Examples:
// nul = [this,"l85susat","brit_normal","ilaw","no","yes","yes"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf"; 
// nul = [this,"l85susat","brit_lmg","no","yes","no","no"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf"; 
// goes in units init. 
// Options: 
// nul = [unit,"uniform","weapon?","AT?","medic?","laser designator?","gps?"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf"; 
// unit = this
// Weapon = l85susat / l85acog / sharpshot / GPMG / lmg / lmgsusat / lmgacog / m4 / m4acog / hk
// uniform = brit_normal / brit_lmg / brit_sl / sbs1 / sbs2
// AT? = no / ilaw / nlaw
// Medic? = yes / no
// Laser Designator? = yes / no
// GPS? = yes / no / uav
// nul = [this, "", "", "", "", "", ""] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf";
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Script Starts /////////////////////////////// 

_player = _this select 0;
_units = _this select 1;
_uni = _this select 2;
_hasat = _this select 3;
_ismedic = _this select 4;
_designator = _this select 5;
_gps = _this select 6; 

// Removes Everything
removeAllWeapons _player; removeGoggles _player; removeHeadgear _player; removeVest _player; removeUniform _player; removeAllAssignedItems _player;
sleep .1;

// Uniforms
switch (_uni) do
  case "brit_normal":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "STKR_Osprey_R";
_player addUniform "STKR_UBACS_KNEE";
_player addbackpack "B_Bergen_sgg";

  case "brit_lmg":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "STKR_Osprey_MG";
_player addUniform "STKR_UBACS_KNEE";
_player addbackpack "B_Bergen_sgg";

  case "brit_sl":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "STKR_Osprey_SL";
_player addUniform "STKR_UBACS_KNEE";
_player addbackpack "B_Bergen_sgg";

  case "sbs1":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG";
_player addUniform "U_B_CTRG_1";
_player addbackpack "B_TacticalPack_oli";

case "sbs2":
_player addheadgear "STKR_MK7_ScrimB";
_player addvest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG";
_player addUniform "U_B_CTRG_3";
_player addbackpack "B_TacticalPack_oli";
sleep .1;

// Medic?
switch (_ismedic) do
  case "no":
_player addItem "FirstAidKit";

  case "yes":
_player addItem "FirstAidKit";
(unitBackpack _player) additem ["FirstAidKit", 10];
//(unitBackpack _player) additem ["Medikit", 10];
sleep .1;

// Misc Gear - added to all	
// Grenades
{_player addMagazine "HandGrenade"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; 
{_player addMagazine "smokeshell"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; 
{_player addMagazine "smokeshellgreen"} foreach [1,2,3,4];
{_player addMagazine "Chemlight_green"} foreach [1,2];
{_player addMagazine "Chemlight_red"} foreach [1,2];
{_player addMagazine "Chemlight_yellow"} foreach [1,2];
sleep .1;

// Misc / Items 
_player additem "ItemMap";
_player assignItem "ItemMap";
_player additem "ItemCompass";
_player assignItem "ItemCompass";
_player additem "ItemWatch";
_player assignItem "ItemWatch";
_player additem "ItemRadio";
_player assignItem "ItemRadio";
_player additem "STKR_HMNVS";
_player assignItem "STKR_HMNVS";
_player addweapon "Binocular";

sleep .1;

switch (_units) do
  case "l85susat":
	{_player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L85A2"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "VCB_SUSAT"; // Scope
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 8]; // Mags in Bag

  case "l85acog":
	{_player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L85A2"; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

  case "sharpshot":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

  case "gpmg":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

case "lmg":
	{_player addMagazine "VCB_L110A1"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L110A1"; // Weapon 
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; // Mags in Bag

case "lmgsusat":
	{_player addMagazine "VCB_L110A1"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L110A1"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "VCB_SUSAT"; 
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; // Mags in Bag

case "lmgacog":
	{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "VCB_L110A1"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; // Mags in Bag

case "m4":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

	case "m4acog":
	//{_player addMagazine ""} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; // Mags on body
	//_player addweapon ""; // Weapon 
	//_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  ""; 

	case "hk":
	{_player addMagazine "R3F_20Rnd_762x51_HK417"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "R3F_HK417M"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "R3F_EOTECH";
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["R3F_20Rnd_762x51_HK417", 8]; // Mags in Bag
	// R3F_20Rnd_762x51_TRACER_HK417 

	case "SOMETHING":
	{_player addMagazine "MAG"} foreach [1,2,3]; // Mags on body
	_player addweapon "GUN"; // Weapon 
	_player addPrimaryWeaponItem  "SCOPE";
	(unitBackpack _player) addMagazineCargo ["MAG", 8]; // Mags in Bag
sleep .1;

// At
switch (_hasat) do
case "no":
// end

  case "ilaw":
_player addMagazine "R3F_AT4CS_Mag";
_player addWeapon "R3F_AT4CS";

  case "nlaw":
_player addMagazine "M_NLAW_AT_F";
_player addWeapon "VCB_MBT_LAW";

_player addMagazine "MAGCODE";
_player addWeapon "GUNCODE";

sleep .1;
// At

switch (_designator) do
case "no":
// end

  case "yes":
_player addMagazine "Laserbatteries";
_player addWeapon "Laserdesignator";

sleep .1;
// At

switch (_gps) do
case "no":
// end

  case "yes":
_player additem "ItemGPS";
_player assignItem "ItemGPS";

Just copy and paste. There are few options in there like do you want them to have gps and what not as well. Note some of the class names are mods so change them to whatever you need obv. Weapons, NVG and some uniforms are all mods class names.

Try this in your units Init feild (you will get a few not found errors without editing it rember):

nul = [this,"l85susat","sbs1","nlaw","no","yes","yes"] execVM "LoadOutChanger.sqf";

Perfect! Works like charms. :yay: Many thanks for your patient.

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if (isServer) then {
//waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 1}}; //thanks for iceman77, solved JIP issue.

_riflemag = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
_gl= "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
switch (_class) do
   case "CO":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_F"; "this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",15];
   hint "This is a CO"; //test if executed
   case "FTL":
   removeweapons this; this addweaponGlobal "arifle_MX_GL_F"; this addmagazineGlobal ["_riflemag",13]; this addmagazineGlobal ["_gl",8];
   hint "This is a FTL"; //testif executed

Just so you know, the player variable doesn't exist on a dedicated server. So that isNull player check within the server wrap will do nothing except for halt the script as the player will never be valid on the server.

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Yar, I don't see any reason for

if (isServer) then {};

Hence I never used it since we are working in the init of a unit and are defineing what _player is.

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