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Having issues with hosting Arma 2 MSO on dedicated server

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First off, I'd like to say thank you to anyone who can assist with this issue.

We are currently hosting our server on Vilayer.com and paying a ridiculous amount for it to not be working. We've put up wasteland servers and regular servers and they seem to work fine, but when attempting to run the Arma 2 MSO map with ACE, no one can join the server.

The error message we receive is

Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@Clafghan\addons\Clafghan.pbo (And so on continuing down)






are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, or insight from someone who has hosted an MSO server on Vilayer.com

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I have no experience with Vilayer servers but lots with MSO - however I believe your issue is with how the mods are installed. You need to make sure that the .bikey files for each mod are installed on your server under \ArmaGameDir\Keys.


If your only addon is Clafghan then find the .bikey file for it (if you use Six-updater check the folder there should be a keys folder there), and uploaded it to your servers \ArmaGameDir\Keys folder

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I have no experience with Vilayer servers but lots with MSO - however I believe your issue is with how the mods are installed. You need to make sure that the .bikey files for each mod are installed on your server under \ArmaGameDir\Keys.


If your only addon is Clafghan then find the .bikey file for it (if you use Six-updater check the folder there should be a keys folder there), and uploaded it to your servers \ArmaGameDir\Keys folder

We have all of our addons keys within the main DIR under keys, but for some reason it doesn't seem to recognize them as such. The server is always red to us if we come in with all of our addons activated.

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We have run into a new issue, we removed the Clafghan map PBO and stopped receiving the keys error, but every time we attempt to host it, it gets stuck at "Waiting for Host" even after logging in as admin and selecting the map. Any other advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

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As you are trying to run the MSO Clafghan ACE mission make sure you have ACE + ACEX + CBA_CO in your server directory. Also make sure you have the Island installed on the server.

I assume you and your friends have the same addons running ofcourse.

1. Check if you have the following addon folders in your server directory:





2. Then make sure you have the following KEYS in the YourArmaServerFolder/keys/





Assuming you guys used SIX Updater/Preview with six to get the addons.

Note: you can find the addon keys in the addon folder. Example : Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@CLAfghan\keys

3. Then boot the server with the parameters below:


4. Example server boot:

OTHERPARAMS='-cpucount=2 -beta=expansion/beta;expansion/beta/expansion -mod=@ace;@acex;@acex_ru;@acex_usnavy;@cba_co;@clafghan;@mb_objects;@opx_objects;@razmisc'

Note: CBA_CO requires 1.62 beta build 100697 or later.

Edited by m0nkm0nk

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