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Assist with building a guide how to port A2/OA content to A3

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There is already various bits of information and very specific guides available, as well as still various unknowns.

The intention of this thread is to gather these and provide a basic overview what can and what needs to be done,

and forward to other threads or pages with the in-depth information.

This should be more structured around the different type of content and the specific features.

Please contribute with links and insights you have. :bounce3:

Arma_3_Porting_Guidelines_Overview (BIKI)

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]
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Did i missed something or was there (newer) infos from BIS about the Arma 2 CO content permission to port over to A3?

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a) you may not forget non BI A2/OA content

b) the new o2 and binarize are available now which opens up new possibilities

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Ok then I'm still up to date :)

I just immidiatly thought the offical A2 CO Content was released to port over...

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kju, do you plan to work with the community to do a direct port of the assets with them working with all the new stuff? Then allowing mods to use these ported assets? It would be a ton better than a million random ports of varying quality. I also may have found some information for you to add on the helicopterX and airplaneX simulations here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168988-AirplaneX-Sinking-into-ground&p=2565139&viewfull=1#post2565139

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;2565256']Thanks a lot for your info! Added.

Please keep the first off topic stuff out of this thread. This is the thread you are looking for:


That's asking BI to release the files or port them to Arma 3. What I am referring to is a community effort to port all assets from Arma 2 and keep them being realistic.

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Just a little note: I am adding new links every other day when I find something.

Suggestions are most welcome of course. :bounce3:

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I've moved the summary to the BIKI (link in the first post), so that anyone can easily add his own links and information. :)

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If anybody has a model.cfg (for Mi17 located in Arma 2 Sample Models\Data\Air\CA\Air_E) that will pbo and is willing to share please let me know, because the one that comes with fails to pbo.

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On 26/06/2017 at 4:58 PM, bhcluster said:

If anybody has a model.cfg (for Mi17 located in Arma 2 Sample Models\Data\Air\CA\Air_E) that will pbo and is willing to share please let me know, because the one that comes with fails to pbo.

Maybe contact the CUP team?

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