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Helis land on rooftops (Missing Mando-Heliroute)

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As it seems Mandoble is not active, and OFPEC offline. So, I have no chance on looking at this fine piece of code...

I want an heli landing on rooftops, but, of course, placing a helipad on certain height does nothing. Mando's solutions was very complex AFAIK....

Help please?

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Placing a helipad on a certain height worked fine for me. Had to slightly move the pad around until it worked but then works fine all time.

Of course this is nothing if you want to land on random rooftops in dynamic missions.

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Personally I would use BIS_fnc_unitCapture and BIS_fnc_unitPlay, and then just do it myself. search those functions on youtube, there are plenty of tutorials.



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Remember helicopters land into the wind so set a headwind during landing to prevent them landing sideways / backwards. Spawn this from a 150m trigger at the LZ.

//Wind must be set to auto under "Intel" in Editor for setWindDir to work.

private ["_dir","_vcl"];

_vcl = _this select 0;
_dir = getDir _vcl;
	if (_dir <= 180 then {_dir2 = _dir + 180} else {_dir2 = _dir - 180}; //updated - setWindDir needs a value between 0-360

for "_i" from 0 to 60 do 
	0 setWindDir _dir2;
	//hint format ["dir:%1 | str:%2",windDir,windStr];
	sleep 1;

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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wow thanks.

I tried what Surfer said, and nothing. The problema with unitPlay is.... I AM SHIT DRIVING HELIS!!! EVEN WORSE THAN THE AI....

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Putting an invisible helipad ontop of the building is relaible and consistent as long as you set the wind. If you leave it in auto in the editor and don't set a headwind they can land sideways or backwards which looks odd. If you need an example mission I can post one?

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Thanks man, let me try this on my own, and If not achieved then I'll ask you for help.

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Well, I am so sorry but YES. I need your help. But the issue is, when I tried this, I used an invisible helipad, and now, to be sure, I used a visible one.

First problem, I am unable to put the helipad on rooftop, tried just adjusting height and copytoclipboard. Nothing.

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  barbolani said:
Well, I am so sorry but YES. I need your help. But the issue is, when I tried this, I used an invisible helipad, and now, to be sure, I used a visible one.

First problem, I am unable to put the helipad on rooftop, tried just adjusting height and copytoclipboard. Nothing.

It doesn't matter what height you put a helipad - the graphic spawns at terrain level. Just use an invisible one.

Here is an example mission where the helicopter lands on 6 different structures just using a Transport Unload waypoint and a helipad set to the correct height.

Add to or change the positions in the array in init.sqf and the helicopter will land there too.

There are 2 functions - 1 sets up the LZ the other sets the correct headwind so the helicopter doesn't land backwards etc. If it's a hot LZ also make sure to setBehaviour "CARELESS" and setCombatMode "BLUE". To get the rooftop position just land there, stand in the middle of the roof and call this in the debug dialogue:

_pstn = getPosATL player; copyToClipboard str _pstn;



^ that's an AI flying

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Mattar, your example mission is perfect. Thanks a million for that. Extremely useful.

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  On 7/20/2018 at 9:54 PM, FoxtrotF said:

Any chance to re upload mission file, please?

Mattar hasn't visited the forum in over four years, so probably not. That said, he explained the process in his posts.

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  On 7/20/2018 at 10:20 PM, Harzach said:

Mattar hasn't visited the forum in over four years, so probably not. That said, he explained the process in his posts.

Yep, already made some test, never thought about considering wind for AI to pilot :D

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