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Gear is dissapearing as soon a player is joining the game.

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Hi, i have a problek with my mission.

i got exactly this Issue.


As soon as a Player Joins and Spawns on the server, all players loose their equipment, except the Vest Helmet and Backpack (and small stuff like watch gps...)

The Issue is marked as resolved so can anyone here help me?

I also tried to remove the "removeallweapons" and it didn´t work.

thanks in advance

regards Spec

---------- Post added at 02:04 ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 ----------

Ok. Is pretty releated to this.

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look like I have the same issue .

First thing that happen is items and ammunitions disappearing from vest and backpacks as soon as my friend join.

When a friend join in progress then I have also the uniform disappearing but not vest and backpack .

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I have had this problem with a custom mission i made, i copied one of our old AW invade and annex maps troops over, and one of our mission makers ended up making "Custom Loadouts" for the characters. In the players Init field it was taking away and giving them our "Marine Base" uniform loadout for we did not have to tell people what to get. By doing this, it ended up screwing stuff up pretty bad in the end. I dont know what caused it, but by deleteing all changes in the Init field of the troop, i was able to stop this from happening. Now this could of been fixed with the new AAF Reinforcment pack that arma came out with. But its a start to try and help you out.

Heres a sample of what was in the troops Init Field:

I do not know how or what one of our mission makers were doing when he did this, and also do not know where the problem lives within the init field, but i still suggest not doing this with missions.

init="removeallweapons this; removeallassigneditems this; removeuniform this; removevest this; removebackpack this; this addvest ""V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl""; this addbackpack ""B_Carryall_oli""; this addheadgear ""H_HelmetIA_camo""; this addGoggles ""G_Tactical_Black""; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo [""FirstAidKit"",2]; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo [""optic_Hamr"",1]; this addmagazine ""30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag""; this addmagazine ""30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag""; this addmagazine ""30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag""; this addmagazine ""30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag""; this addmagazine ""30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag""; this addmagazine ""30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag""; this addweapon ""arifle_MX_pointer_F""; this addPrimaryWeaponItem ""acc_pointer_IR""; this addmagazine ""9Rnd_45ACP_Mag""; this addmagazine ""9Rnd_45ACP_Mag""; this addmagazine ""9Rnd_45ACP_Mag""; this addweapon ""hgun_ACPC2_F""; this addmagazine ""handgrenade""; this addmagazine ""handgrenade""; this additem ""nvgoggles""; this additem ""ItemCompass""; this additem ""itemgps""; this additem ""itemmap""; this additem ""itemradio""; this additem ""itemwatch""; this additem ""Rangefinder""; this assignitem ""nvgoggles""; this assignitem ""itemcompass""; this assignitem ""itemgps""; this assignitem ""itemmap""; this assignitem ""itemradio""; this assignitem ""itemwatch""; this assignitem ""Rangefinder""; this adduniform ""U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"";";

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