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Propping up dead soldiers as if they are alive

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I am building a co-op mission where my squad is supposed to rescue a stranded squad in some city. The stranded squad is actually an ambush (at the moment a single Ifrit HMG without ammo or fuel) and when approached the players are ambushed. In my own playthrough testing however I noticed there are quite some spots where players can see the "stranded squad" from a distance. It would be quite obvious that it was an ambush if all they see is an empty vehicle.

So I thought it would be pretty awesome if I could 'prop up' some dead blufor soldiers, as if the enemy has literally propped them up to disguise the fact that it's an ambush. From up close it would be obvious that they are dead, but from a distance it would look as if there were at least people around. Is it possible to spawn a dead soldier and have him "standing up" anyway? Even better if it's not the real standing animation but something that looks like a dead soldier suspended from a stick or whatever :cool:

It would be even better if actually a name (or at least "Charlie Squad") appeared when you hover the mouse over the soldier. Is that possible?

I might be asking for a lot here, but you never know... Thanks for any input!

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The only why it may work would be to disable his animation before you kill him using unit enablesimulation false

if you have a unit named man then you could place this in his init

this enableSimulation false; this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{(_this select 0) enablesimulation true}];this setdamage 1;

you can remove this bit if you wish this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{(_this select 0) enablesimulation true}]; it will allow a unit to fall when shot in lower half.

It won't work with units in vehicles as you can't disable the animations until they exit the vehicle.

Also I don't know if enableSimulation will work in MP.

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Actually, I know this will kill the units while their standing, but is there a way to like kill the unit and the unit will still be moving (like a zombie)

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Open up a empty Mission in the editor.

Place a Unit as Player inside a trigger with the activation "present" and the side of the unit so it will activate on mission start.

put this line in the On Act field of the trigger:

[] call BIS_fnc_animViewer;

The animation Viewer let you browse through all the Animations ingame. You may find something you need.

Now if you have found something, use switchMove to play the Animation on the soldiers next to the Vehicle.

something like this in the init of them:

this switchMove "blabla_xy_mychoosenAnimation_fap";
this disableAI "ANIM";

now put a trigger around the Area of the Attacked vehicle (like 300m radius) "present" and "Side of your Players" with the condition:

player in thislist;

and in the On Act field:

deadSoldier1 setDamage 1; deadSoldier2 setDamage 1; deadSoldier3 setDamage 1; deadSoldier4 setDamage 1; etc.

As you named them like that in the Editor.

I hope i could help you and i like your idea of a trap after a trap :)

Would be neat if a squadmate would say "I smell a trap" while approaching the Stranded squad.

best regards


Edited by Lappihuan

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Thanks Lappihuan, that works just fine! I found a decent animation (not that great but good enough).

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