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making gate, animation

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Hello! im making gate in blender for helis to fly in and i want a slide door function, and do i just create the animation in the blender? do i need to have the animation made in blender? or is it config that move the object? is it ok that i follow this tut?


the idea is that you can scrool and then "open doors"

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Gnat;2535579']Animations are defined in MODEL.CFG

User Actions ("open door" etc) are defined in CONFIG.CPP

In the model' date=' you simply have to make sure the door(s) have their own unique names each.



Thanks :) You mean like material door 1 and door 2? like thos name? because i am creating a addon for helis to fly in from roof, like an hangar but it has 2 doors. So like this in object name




Just make the objects and place them in closed postion? then export the object to Oxygen and add geometry and all the other stuff?

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Okay Thanks :)

But i have an problem here, it says that "cannot load texture \concretefloor.paa."

Edited by norsk2277

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Okay, now i started 3D editor and now it says

texture concretefloor.paa not found

in the 3D editor in arma 2, tried to start this in buldozer and it worked without problems

Edited by norsk2277

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Is that a texture on you object?

Where are your textures now, in P drive/addon folder names?

When you mapped textures how did you do it

When you mapped the texture onto the model in O2 did you reference only P drive?

Is there any reference to that texture in an RVMAT?

Is there any reference to the texture in the config.cpp?

Are you packing with BinPBO?

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EDIT: Fixed it, i placed the textures.png in wrong folder.

But i can walk trought the object, is it posible to make it solid?

Edited by norsk2277

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EDIT: Fixed it, i placed the textures.png in wrong folder.

But i can walk trought the object, is it posible to make it solid?

Do you have a Geometry LOD created in Oxygen? My advice is to watch Gnat's tutorial videos found:


I believe there are six or seven videos that quickly explain the idea of each LOD.

Also, check out:

Mondkalb's Addon Tutorial:


Hopefully, those will get you going in the right direction. Sounds like you've got a good start already...good luck.

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Do you have a Geometry LOD created in Oxygen? My advice is to watch Gnat's tutorial videos found:


I believe there are six or seven videos that quickly explain the idea of each LOD.

Also, check out:

Mondkalb's Addon Tutorial:


Hopefully, those will get you going in the right direction. Sounds like you've got a good start already...good luck.

Thanks :)

all those LOD's are created as geometry and fire geometry and LandContact

here is the config

class CfgPatches
class roof_door
units[] = {""};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CAMisc3"};

class CfgAddons
class roof_door

class CfgVehicleClasses
class roof_door
// name in the editor
displayName="Bulding stuff, Epoch";

class CfgVehicles
class Thing; // External class reference
class roof_door: Thing
scope = 2;
model = "\stuff\dayzEpochblend.p3d";
icon = "\Ca\misc\data\icons\i_danger_CA.paa";
displayName = "Roof Door";
mapSize = 0.7;
accuracy = 0.2;
vehicleClass = "roof_door";
destrType = "DestructNo";

Edited by norsk2277

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Gnat;2536805']Use search in these forums as "walking through geometry lod" is a very common mistake.

Okay, got this working now :) thanks! But one problem :/ when i shoot at the object, it start falling, the idea is to make it not fall

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Solved the object flying. But now i need to know this animation stuff. i used Mondkalbs config just to test if the animation works and i get error

"no entry bin\config.bin\cfgvehicles\animationsources.scope"

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Without your MODEL.CFG and CONFIG.CPP, can only speculate.

Please use the PHP tags (under GO ADVANCED) to post code here.

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Gnat;2538446']Without your MODEL.CFG and CONFIG.CPP' date=' can only speculate.

Please use the PHP tags (under GO ADVANCED) to post code here.[/quote']

Solved the error, the animation play but it is not visible :/

Mondkalb's Addon Tutorial script, edited to my object


//The Class "CfgSkeletons" defines all moving objects.

class CfgSkeletons {
//Always create class "default" first.
//Your actual config-entry should be a derivate of this.
class Default {
	isDiscrete = 1;
	skeletonInherit = "";
	skeletonBones[] = {};
//the derivate of your skeleton from claa "Default".
class TUT_obj_skeleton : Default {

	// The moving objects are here defined
	// If two selections are linked together
	// they can be written next to each seperated by only a comma
	// if they are not linked, they need to be
	// seperated by  ,"", 
	skeletonBones[]= {
	// The last entry gets no comma

// This class defines the actual moves
class CfgModels {
//load some bases from which you can derivate
class rotation;
// And again: class default
class Default {

class Animations {};

// Your own "class default"
class TUT_obj {
sections[]= {};

skeletonName="TUT_obj_skeleton";	// same as in cfgskeletons

// The name behind the class 
// dhas to be the exact name of your .p3d
// without .p3d
class dayzEpochblend : TUT_obj {

	// the rotation animation
	class Animations {
		class Open_door : Rotation { // name of the animation

		type="rotation"; 	// Type of movement

		source="user"; // Trigger of the animation

		selection="Door"; // the thing that moves

		axis="Door_Achse"; // take a guess what this does...

		memory = 1; // can the axis be found in memory-lod? 1 = yes, 0 = no

		angle0=2; // initial angle of the door in radians

		angle1=9.6; // final position after playing the animation


/* Declaration as Addon-Content.*/
class CfgPatches 		{
/* "Hey ArmA2, this is an addon and it's named "TUT_Wall"*/
/* The name should be indentical to the folder's name*/
class TUT_Wall	{
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

/* The category in the editor like "Objects" or "Cars".*/
class CfgVehicleClasses {

class TUT_WallsVehicleClass {
	displayName = "TUT Walls";

/* This is where arma gets the information about a new object. */
/* Donät be confused by the "vehicles" in CfgVehicles*/
class CfgVehicles {
/* everything between here and "Class Land_ ..." is important for the animation to work properly without any "lags". */

class All;

class HouseBase;

/* Again your very own basic definition*/
class TUT_Base_Object : All {
	scope = 0;
	side = 3;
	icon = "iconStaticObject";
	nameSound = "object";
	simulation = "house";
	picture = "pictureStaticObject";
	sound = "Building";
	placement = "vertical";
	ladders[] = {};
	vehicleClass =  "";
	displayName = "";
	coefInside = 1;
	coefInsideHeur = 0.25;
	mapSize = 7.5;
	animated = true;
	armor = 200;
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";
	damageResistance = 0.004;

/* Your very own base class for buildings*/
class TUT_Housebase : TUT_Base_Object {
	scope = 1;
	model = "";
	icon = "";
	displayName = "";
	animated = true;
	vehicleClass = "TUT_WallsVehicleClass";
	nameSound = "house";
	accuracy = 0.2;
	typicalCargo[] = {};
	transportAmmo = 0;
	transportRepair = 0;
	transportFuel = 0;
	mapSize = 11;
	cost = 0;
	armor = 800;

class Land_TUT_Wall_3x3m : TUT_Housebase {
	model = "\stuff\dayzEpochblend.p3d";
	displayName =  "$STR_TUT_Wall"; 	
	nameSound = "";						
	mapSize = 8;						
	icon = "iconStaticObject";			
       accuracy = 1000;   
	armor = 450;						
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";		
	scope = 2;							

/* Your doorsegment is derivated from the normal wall.*/
class Land_TUT_Tur_3x3m : Land_TUT_Wall_3x3m {
	model = "\stuff\dayzEpochblend.p3d";
	displayName =  "$STR_TUT_Tur";

	/* Arma needs to know, how the animation trigger is triggered*/
	class AnimationSources {
			/* name must be identical to the one given by the model.cfg ("Open_Door")" */
		class Open_door {
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 4; /* duration in seconds */
			initPhase = 0; 

	/* The entry to the actionmenu */
	class UserActions
		class Open_Door
			onlyforplayer = true;
			radius=50; /* visibility distance of the entry */
			condition="this animationPhase ""Open_door"" < 0.5";
			statement="this animate [""Open_door"", 1]";
		class Close_Door : Open_Door
			condition="this animationPhase ""Open_door"" >= 0.5";
			statement="this animate [""Open_door"", 0]";

or is there more easyer way to do this?

Edited by norsk2277

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Few problems in your MODEL.CFG

Try this one

class CfgSkeletons
   class Default;
   class TUT_obj_skeleton : Default

class CfgModels
   class Default;
   // The name behind the class has to be the exact name of your .p3d (without .p3d)
   class dayzEpochblend : Default
       class Animations
           class Open_door
			source="Open_door"; //same as defined in the CONFIG.CPP
			sourceAddress = "clamp"; // added
			memory = 1;

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Is the part of your model, door, a named selection in each lod that it needs to animate in?

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Im littlebit bad to explain but heres the door section that i defined in componets, i slected the hole door

The hole componet door is gone slide

The idea is that it gone slide on those smallwide, long object. as it should work as skids, but those are not defined

http://gyazo.com/a18cfa60158e250f8570cf7a2515c314.png (141 kB)

this is the hinges that it gone slide on.

http://gyazo.com/6838145811a16b871a584e4e1021362c.png (411 kB)

I tried to right click on the door and then "Use in model.cfg and got this errror"


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Ok, closer, but still you have problems.

- don't use the ModelConfigEditor, that just confuses things. Just use a text editor

- you don't have a MEMORY lod, you need one

- the 2 points that make the axis/hinge should be in the MEMORY lod

- I see "door" defined in GEO lod, but is the "door" also defined in your 0.000 lod (Resolution lod)?

- when in Bulldozer use middle mouse button and wheel to see if animation works in each lod

- updating Model.cfg file while Bulldozer is running likely will NOT let you see the update animation in Bulldozer. Usually takes a lot for Bulldozer to "find" your update. Best to restart O2

Once you get that working, we'll fix your doors, because I noticed 1) you have 2 doors and 2) the doors are meant to slide, not rotate.

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Gnat;2539767']Ok' date=' closer, but still you have problems.

- don't use the ModelConfigEditor, that just confuses things. Just use a text editor

- you don't have a MEMORY lod, you need one

- the 2 points that make the axis/hinge should be in the MEMORY lod

- I see "door" defined in GEO lod, but is the "door" also defined in your 0.000 lod (Resolution lod)?

- when in Bulldozer use middle mouse button and wheel to see if animation works in each lod

- updating Model.cfg file while Bulldozer is running likely will NOT let you see the update animation in Bulldozer. Usually takes a lot for Bulldozer to "find" your update. Best to restart O2

Once you get that working, we'll fix your doors, because I noticed 1) you have 2 doors and 2) the doors are meant to slide, not rotate.[/quote']

- don't use the ModelConfigEditor, that just confuses things. Just use a text editor

- you don't have a MEMORY lod, you need one = Created! Componet named Door_Axis

- the 2 points that make the axis/hinge should be in the MEMORY lod

- I see "door" defined in GEO lod, but is the "door" also defined in your 0.000 lod (Resolution lod)? = Nope, only in Gemoetry

- when in Bulldozer use middle mouse button and wheel to see if animation works in each lod

- updating Model.cfg file while Bulldozer is running likely will NOT let you see the update animation in Bulldozer. Usually takes a lot for Bulldozer to "find" your update. Best to restart O2

Okay. I runned the animation in Bulldozer and now the animation only work if i am at the geometry seaction and the rotation animation works, i dont see any textures, only in the LOD 0.000

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Gnat;2539857']You have to define "door" in all Resolution LODs

Okay, when i added componet to the resulotion the textures disapeared

Used blender to make the object and add the UVtextures

Edited by norsk2277

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Okay, when i added componet to the resulotion the textures disapeared

Used blender to make the object and add the UVtextures

?! That doesnt make sense.

In the Resolution LOD (0.000) did you simply select a door, then in the NAME SELECTION window; Right-Click, select New, then type in "door", press enter

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