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Hey, does anyone know how to get in contact with the people running the Seattle server for this? A lot of players have been having issues with some exploiters/hackers/aholes for a few days, and their website's down... I know OmonXR was a very solid admin in A2, but the current state of the A3 server is near-unplayable due to a few individuals (one a so-called admin).

OmonXR no longer handles the day to day operations, I do. Who was the "Admin" who was making the server unplayable? We are working on implementing more server side script detection, but right now we are having to handle hackers on a case by case basis. You are correct that the website is down, but you can reach us on TS @ ofps.net or email us at admin@ofps.net. We are trying our best to keep the idiots at bay, but we only have 3 guys, so it is alot of work. If you have any issues, feel free to let me know.



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Also, there's no license attached to the code. What license is BeCTI Be released under?

I have no idea on this subject but... this is a forum so I am going to type stuff :)

Benny has these in almost all his scripts for BECTI

Script: 		Server\Functions\Server_AddScore.sqf
Alias:			CTI_SE_FNC_AddScore
Description:	Add score to a given playable unit
				Note that this function only works in MP
Author: 		Benny
Creation Date:	20-09-2013
Revision Date:	20-09-2013

Maybe someone else knows better but doesn't that alone make the script his property under some commons license ?

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Maybe someone else knows better but doesn't that alone make the script his property under some commons license ?

Yes. Without a license it belongs to him. He is the only one who has rights to it. Anyone who uses, changes, or distributes unlicensed copies could be sued by him or even a future owner of the code. I would like a copy under a free license, like the GPL, BSD, or MIT license, please.

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Yes. Without a license it belongs to him. He is the only one who has rights to it. Anyone who uses, changes, or distributes unlicensed copies could be sued by him or even a future owner of the code. I would like a copy under a free license, like the GPL, BSD, or MIT license, please.

Except for the fact he said we could.. that all would be true.

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Except for the fact he said we could.. that all would be true.

Not quite. Benny's implied permission can be overridden if someone else acquires the rights. Even while Benny is still sole owner, lack of a clear license can be problematic for other developers considering contributing their own work, as well as to Benny who could be sued for using contributed code that hasn't agreed to a license.

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@ Benny

Some things I have added to an edit I am working on that might interest you...

The prices might look strange but that's because I am using a param for prices and default is *10 the base value

The code might look a bit crap thats easy to explain I wrote it :)

If you use the ideas feel free to make the code look and work better !!

We use the next one because your mission works so well that we play for days on one mission

an example is the last restart was because we had a new version of the edit but the previous mission was running for 72hrs

and still going strong :)

Empty Vehicle Removal based on Vehicle cost


_vehicle = _this select 0;
_Vtype = typeOf _vehicle;

_cost = ((missionNamespace getVariable typeOf _vehicle) select CTI_UNIT_PRICE);

diag_log format ["_cost = %1",_cost];
_delay2 = 0;
_delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {missionNamespace getVariable "CTI_VEHICLES_EMPTY_TIMEOUT"};

if (_cost <= 1000) then
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost / 6;
if (_cost > 1000 && _cost <= 10000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost;
if (_cost > 10000 && _cost <= 500000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost * 2;
if (_cost > 500000) then  
_delay2 = _delay + _cost  * 2;

//--- set highest and lowest allowed
if (_delay2 > 86400) then 
_delay2 = 86400;
if (_delay2 < 600) then 
_delay2 = 600;

//--- make quads quick respawn no matter what the cost or the timeout setting

if (_Vtype == "B_Quadbike_01_F" || _Vtype == "O_Quadbike_01_F") then 
_delay2 = 300;
diag_log format ["Vehicle timeout in seconds _delay2 = %1",_delay2];

_timeout = time;
while {alive _vehicle && time - _timeout <= _delay2} do {

I had to remove Static Defenses from the list of watched items but I guess you will be able to add them back in if you tweak the code to be neater

Also added a line to the vehicle bought message :-


//--- bl1p add vehicle timeout message Start

_delay2 = 0;
//--- bl1p create a timeout on the cost of the vehicles

if (_cost <= 1000) then
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost / 6;
if (_cost > 1000 && _cost <= 10000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost;
if (_cost > 10000 && _cost <= 500000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost * 2;
if (_cost > 500000) then  
_delay2 = _delay + _cost  * 2;

//--- set highest and lowest allowed
if (_delay2 > 86400) then 
_delay2 = 86400;
if (_delay2 < 600) then 
_delay2 = 600;
//--- make quads quick respawn no matter what the cost or the timeout setting
_Vtype = typeOf _vehicle;
if (_Vtype == "B_Quadbike_01_F" || _Vtype == "O_Quadbike_01_F") then 
	_delay2 = 300;
//--- create time in 00:00:00
private ["_r","_h","_m","_s"];
_r = "";
_h = floor(_delay2 / 3600);
_m = floor((_delay2 / 60)-(_h*60));
_s = floor(_delay2 mod 60);
if (_h != 0) then { _r = _r + str _h; _r = _r + "h "; };
if (_m != 0) then { _r = _r + str _m; _r = _r + "m "; };
if (_s != 0) then { _r = _r + str _s; _r = _r + "s"; };

//--- Notify the current client
_picture = if ((_var_classname select CTI_UNIT_PICTURE) != "") then {format["<img image='%1' size='2.5'/><br /><br />", _var_classname select CTI_UNIT_PICTURE]} else {""};
hint parseText format 
["<t size='1.3' color='#2394ef'>Information</t><br />
<br />%4<t>Your <t color='#ccffaf'>%1</t> has arrived from the <t color='#fcffaf'>%2</t> at grid <t color='#beafff'>%3</t>
<br /><t>Vehicle Timeout is <t color='#ccffaf'>%5</t>
</t>", _var_classname select CTI_UNIT_LABEL, (_var select 0) select 1, mapGridPosition _position, _picture,_r];

Auto ejection from mhq when locked action is used.

We dont have AI on So players cannot buy any AI at all.

You may want to make it so it only kicks players out when locked :p


private ["_lock", "_vehicle"];

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_lock = if (locked _vehicle == 0) then 
//--- bl1p eject all on lock
unassignvehicle _x;
_x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];
sleep 0.5;
} forEach crew _vehicle ;

_vehicle lock _lock;

A global resistance AI count Limit

This is a param the the admins can set that allows you to state how many resistance AI you want to have before the creation script decrease the amount they make

As I also use CQB , Roadblock and Heli reinforcement AI scripts this also suspends the use of thouse scripts until the amount of resistance AI is below the limit set.

Example :- (with UNITLIMIT as the param and a value of 0 as off my default is 175)

if (UNITLIMIT > 1) then 
	_ResUnits = resistance countSide allUnits;
	CountUnits = _ResUnits;
	diag_log format["Toatal RESISTANCE units = %1", CountUnits];
	if ((CountUnits) < UNITLIMIT) then
		if (_value >= 350) then 
		_resistanceSize = _resistanceSize + 8;
		diag_log format ["CountUnits = %1 _value = %2 creating extra group ",CountUnits,_value];
	if (_value >= 350) then {_resistanceSize = _resistanceSize + 8 };

_totalGroups = round(_resistanceSize / 12 + 1);

// switch value...
_pool_group_size = 12;
_pool_units = [];
_chtime = 0;

if (UNITLIMIT > 1) then 
	if ((CountUnits) >= UNITLIMIT) then
		_pool_group_size = 6;
	_pool_group_size = 12;

Anyway hope they come in handy m8 and sorry the codes so crappy.

No credits needed or expected.


Edited by BL1P

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Does anybody know how to make it so that there are 2 commanders with the same privilegies? I'm playing with my brother so we would both like to build and such.

Thanks in advance!

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Does anybody know how to make it so that there are 2 commanders with the same privilegies? I'm playing with my brother so we would both like to build and such.

Thanks in advance!

1 brother OPFOR 1 brother BLUFOR :)

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1 brother OPFOR 1 brother BLUFOR :)

Aren't we enemies if we do that? We would like to play together. If we have AI wouldn't they fire on eachother?

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Does anybody know how to make it so that there are 2 commanders with the same privilegies? I'm playing with my brother so we would both like to build and such.

Thanks in advance!

You could be commander, and he could drive a repair truck around, using it's construction menu. That way one dude can focus on factories and another can focus on fortifications.

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You could be commander, and he could drive a repair truck around, using it's construction menu. That way one dude can focus on factories and another can focus on fortifications.

Thank you, that sounds like a good idea.

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Thank you, that sounds like a good idea.

My idea would have been more competitive :)

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Thanks Benny. The messages is a bug not your bug.

-The hooking system would help by having a larger radius. Also with the hook system when releasing (especially with the HQ) the vehicles get damaged or explode and game over when its the HQ :).

-When rearming Helicopter using the service menu, the flares do not get replenished and the flares end up with 0.


- I'll pimp the hooking function

- I'll tweak the rearm function as i'll rollback to the old system, shame that the newly introduced command no longer work :D

How far off we from implementing an AI skill parameter or instead just turning them down halfway? As much as I enjoy a challenge the AI are like Deathclaws at the moment.

I'll try to introduce bl1p skill modification in the upcoming one.

I like some of the new features and menu systems, the 3d editor like construction. Some of the Ai teams seem to become idle even if you tell them to take a town several times, some do follow orders. Is this happening to others also? it might because of my pc is not fast enough to handle everything, on the official version I do not see an option to adjust the number of Ai teams. Being able to lower the default number might help with this problem.


Also just curious to know why they the camps and depot buildings are not in it anymore? Depots was good for doing repairs and getting a basic vehicle if you are stuck on foot. Some other versions allowed you to recruit extra troops also. The camps were good for several reasons, having to capture 3 or 4 camps to take a town faster was always handy for being able to respawn at them if having trouble taking a town when low in numbers, and once taking a camp you were able to buy some gear or resupply your ammo. Also you can get an idea which side of the town the Opfor enemy are attacking from when they are trying to retake a town. With those gone it doesn't seem like warfare as we knew it, more like capture the single zones or capture the flag. So please bring back the camps at least, and the depots.

I know that Ammo and repair trucks have replaced the them, but getting the Ai to drive where you want them too can as you know still like pulling teeth when they get stuck somewhere. This means you are miles away from being able to fully repair vehicles (if you can afford them at the start) or if a FOB has been built to travel to it to get new gear, the map is big enough as it is without doing more traveling inbetween taking towns when you need to resupply or get some more troops back at the base. So i presume these changes are to cater for pvp only, where other players are meant to take on logistics roles?


I also feel the money gained from taking towns is far too low, especially if only a handful of people are playing or by yourself. I think captured towns need to be sequentially linked up to the HQ (and perhaps FOB also) in order for the supply points to generate a flow of supply/income.

Another idea for a feature could be airports that are taken enables players to access halo jump like in Domination either from the airport itself or from the HQ (Air factory) as well.


The workers needed to build buildings doesn't pan out too well when you want to build buildings far away from HQ, this makes building new bases or a secondary one impossible, unless I am mistaken and you need to recruit engineers or something for that?

Anyway this is just my 2 cents on feedback.

Camps will be back with some heavy modification and parameters (gear restriction, per camp upgrade...)

Due to the lack of defensive structures I can only use a flagpole for now, I just couldn't find a model which match a depot. Servicing will be available soon too

Regarding income, the occupation upgrade will increase the non-occupied town income. An occupied town will bring a full-income. Territorial mode will also be introduced soon.

I could work something out from Airport. Something like that shall cost money and shall be timed.

I'd like to say that it would be great to be able to build factories as a player, as much as I like that workers do it for me, I as a player would appreciate the ability to do it on some occasions.

I could add an action to build, thought it'd be slower than a worker (worker speed / 2 or 3).

I think when most people ask for better hooking they are looking for a model just like Sa-matra wasteland uses. When the airspeed of your heli is below a certain value, and there is a vehicle close enough to hook, the "HOOK" option pops up in the action menu. This results in pilots only having to push the spacebar as soon as that option pops up. Very simple and effective. Your menu system makes it very awkward for pilots to hook vehicles onto helis.

I'll try to add an UI helper with a quick action.

Quick feedback on the headless client (if that is still needed?): Seems to be working nicely! We are running a game at the moment and despite the grand scale of it the server fps are at a steady 50-49 avg fps.

That being said, this mission has an enormously impressive setup. Love the UI work. I missed "Warfare" / CTI a lot. Thank you so much for making this!

Nice :), my goal is to delegate everything on the HC asap.

Benny, I know you receive suggestions and feedback constantly, but the suggestions SpanishSurfer and I elaborated are important to me, and I don't know if you want to implement them. Do you maintain a source code repository that can be forked?

I still gotta upload it on github or something.


You gona Submit your finished BECTI for "Multiplayer Game Mode" in the Make arma not war contest ?

If so count me in on any testing, think tank , or other stuff ya need to help m8.

Why not :)

RE: Hooking...

On the plus side, the current implementation means you need to have an above average pilot in order to be able to air lift successfully... Personally, I think the awkwardness is good... but i'm often one to swim the other way. (thats swim, not swing!)

Tweaks are on the way

A new addition to Arma 3 just made its way on the DEV build today, check it out!

This means I can have a player throw a IR grenade to a target and from the cockpit I'll see a red target box to lock onto, designated by the IR grenade and drop either a scalpel or GBU right on the nades poisition!

Should make for VERY interesting matches when players can just throw IR nades rather then have to paint them with the laser designator.

Could you please provide server info? I didn't even know HC was working for Arma 3 BECTI. How did you guys get it to work? It would be great if you had a guide for other server admins out there who are not able to get HC working. Currently the slowdown BECTI suffers after an hour or so of gameplay is what prevents many players from taking the time to learn this great game mode. Thanks!

I've wrote a guide some pages ago

Also, there's no license attached to the code. What license is BeCTI Be released under?

Licensed under nada, use/edit what you want as long as you keep the credits :)

Now that the independent faction is getting some new stuff what's the chance of being able to play as independent like in that version you made back in Warfare BE.

It shouldn't be hard to do that with the system I've made. May have to change 2-3 script with side checks.

@ Benny

Some things I have added to an edit I am working on that might interest you...

The prices might look strange but that's because I am using a param for prices and default is *10 the base value

The code might look a bit crap thats easy to explain I wrote it :)

If you use the ideas feel free to make the code look and work better !!

We use the next one because your mission works so well that we play for days on one mission

an example is the last restart was because we had a new version of the edit but the previous mission was running for 72hrs

and still going strong :)

Empty Vehicle Removal based on Vehicle cost


_vehicle = _this select 0;
_Vtype = typeOf _vehicle;

_cost = ((missionNamespace getVariable typeOf _vehicle) select CTI_UNIT_PRICE);

diag_log format ["_cost = %1",_cost];
_delay2 = 0;
_delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {missionNamespace getVariable "CTI_VEHICLES_EMPTY_TIMEOUT"};

if (_cost <= 1000) then
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost / 6;
if (_cost > 1000 && _cost <= 10000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost;
if (_cost > 10000 && _cost <= 500000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost * 2;
if (_cost > 500000) then  
_delay2 = _delay + _cost  * 2;

//--- set highest and lowest allowed
if (_delay2 > 86400) then 
_delay2 = 86400;
if (_delay2 < 600) then 
_delay2 = 600;

//--- make quads quick respawn no matter what the cost or the timeout setting

if (_Vtype == "B_Quadbike_01_F" || _Vtype == "O_Quadbike_01_F") then 
_delay2 = 300;
diag_log format ["Vehicle timeout in seconds _delay2 = %1",_delay2];

_timeout = time;
while {alive _vehicle && time - _timeout <= _delay2} do {

I had to remove Static Defenses from the list of watched items but I guess you will be able to add them back in if you tweak the code to be neater

Also added a line to the vehicle bought message :-


//--- bl1p add vehicle timeout message Start

_delay2 = 0;
//--- bl1p create a timeout on the cost of the vehicles

if (_cost <= 1000) then
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost / 6;
if (_cost > 1000 && _cost <= 10000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost;
if (_cost > 10000 && _cost <= 500000) then 
	_delay2 = _delay + _cost * 2;
if (_cost > 500000) then  
_delay2 = _delay + _cost  * 2;

//--- set highest and lowest allowed
if (_delay2 > 86400) then 
_delay2 = 86400;
if (_delay2 < 600) then 
_delay2 = 600;
//--- make quads quick respawn no matter what the cost or the timeout setting
_Vtype = typeOf _vehicle;
if (_Vtype == "B_Quadbike_01_F" || _Vtype == "O_Quadbike_01_F") then 
	_delay2 = 300;
//--- create time in 00:00:00
private ["_r","_h","_m","_s"];
_r = "";
_h = floor(_delay2 / 3600);
_m = floor((_delay2 / 60)-(_h*60));
_s = floor(_delay2 mod 60);
if (_h != 0) then { _r = _r + str _h; _r = _r + "h "; };
if (_m != 0) then { _r = _r + str _m; _r = _r + "m "; };
if (_s != 0) then { _r = _r + str _s; _r = _r + "s"; };

//--- Notify the current client
_picture = if ((_var_classname select CTI_UNIT_PICTURE) != "") then {format["<img image='%1' size='2.5'/><br /><br />", _var_classname select CTI_UNIT_PICTURE]} else {""};
hint parseText format 
["<t size='1.3' color='#2394ef'>Information</t><br />
<br />%4<t>Your <t color='#ccffaf'>%1</t> has arrived from the <t color='#fcffaf'>%2</t> at grid <t color='#beafff'>%3</t>
<br /><t>Vehicle Timeout is <t color='#ccffaf'>%5</t>
</t>", _var_classname select CTI_UNIT_LABEL, (_var select 0) select 1, mapGridPosition _position, _picture,_r];

Auto ejection from mhq when locked action is used.

We dont have AI on So players cannot buy any AI at all.

You may want to make it so it only kicks players out when locked :p


private ["_lock", "_vehicle"];

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_lock = if (locked _vehicle == 0) then 
//--- bl1p eject all on lock
unassignvehicle _x;
_x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];
sleep 0.5;
} forEach crew _vehicle ;

_vehicle lock _lock;

A global resistance AI count Limit

This is a param the the admins can set that allows you to state how many resistance AI you want to have before the creation script decrease the amount they make

As I also use CQB , Roadblock and Heli reinforcement AI scripts this also suspends the use of thouse scripts until the amount of resistance AI is below the limit set.

Example :- (with UNITLIMIT as the param and a value of 0 as off my default is 175)

if (UNITLIMIT > 1) then 
	_ResUnits = resistance countSide allUnits;
	CountUnits = _ResUnits;
	diag_log format["Toatal RESISTANCE units = %1", CountUnits];
	if ((CountUnits) < UNITLIMIT) then
		if (_value >= 350) then 
		_resistanceSize = _resistanceSize + 8;
		diag_log format ["CountUnits = %1 _value = %2 creating extra group ",CountUnits,_value];
	if (_value >= 350) then {_resistanceSize = _resistanceSize + 8 };

_totalGroups = round(_resistanceSize / 12 + 1);

// switch value...
_pool_group_size = 12;
_pool_units = [];
_chtime = 0;

if (UNITLIMIT > 1) then 
	if ((CountUnits) >= UNITLIMIT) then
		_pool_group_size = 6;
	_pool_group_size = 12;

Anyway hope they come in handy m8 and sorry the codes so crappy.

No credits needed or expected.


Glad to see the mission running so well :)

Any errors in the rpt btw?

Removal based on cost is a nice idea, I'll see if I can work something out from it.

For the client notification it's easier to use PVF as the time tick is never the same between the client and the server. It shall be done server-sided. I'll add a notification too in the next one :)

For the player eject you have to use PVF too I think otherwise locality may kick in just like A2's.

I may add a similar unit limitation system with difficulty params. Thought I don't know if I shall base it on FPS or unit count.

Credits are important

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I may add a similar unit limitation system with difficulty params. Thought I don't know if I shall base it on FPS or unit count.

I thought about server FPS being the limiter aswell but noticed that the server is sometimes at 50 before a large towns is created but then at 25 or less after the creation.

I couldn't think of a way to backtrack the creation after the drop in fps had occurred.

Although a mix of the two would maybe be a better way.

I have altered mine slightly... by calculating the amount that Would be created for the town then using that to determine what amounts it Finally creates.

What does PVF mean ?

Only RPT errors we are getting are ACRE 117f radio errors when the mission creates a vehicle that uses that radio.

And one error from Zertys Strategic mode that he kindly let me use.

the current mission has been running for 1 day 21hrs and some minutes :)

Last check was 50fps on server unless a big town or two is active obviously. I just checked the RPT and zero BECTI errors using an "error in" notepad + search.

We use Zertys Strategic mode as I mentioned because its a cool game mode and because it limits the max amount of towns that can be active at anyone time to 4.

As you can tell our server struggles with too many AI being active at once on the server. Hence my attempts to negate that problem.

If ya want the mission file to see any changes Ive made as I cant remember them all and i dont keep a change log.

I will gladly send it ya m8.

I do comment any file I altered so a search would show them or a comparison if you use that type of tool.

No giggling at my scripting though :)


Edited by BL1P

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What does PVF mean ?

PublicVariableFunction, those are used to send messages (which can run functions or change local variables) to the clients, server and so on

Only RPT errors we are getting are ACRE 117f radio errors when the mission creates a vehicle that uses that radio.

And one error from Zertys Strategic mode that he kindly let me use.

You should use the last one, I tweaked several stuff in it and there should not have any error left (normally, but i got some on JIP when the server cps is dropping for some reason).

Anyway benny, if you want to implement some sort of territorial mode, you are free to use parts of my code (as long as you keep proper credits :) ). If you need a DL link for the code, send me a private.

No giggling at my scripting though :)


Too late mate :)

Oh, and before I forget, some video link that could be used to make the promotion of the warfare BE. Taken during a match between the Jammy warfare and arma2.ru servers :


Edited by ZertyKchan
shameless self promotion
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playing is sp mode i only see enemy resistence in town, but don't see the enemy faction (WEST) conquer the city...is normal?

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I was playing last night, and I was using the AI micro management window to give orders to my squad. I had told my squad to capture X city and when they did, the started to move to the next one, so I told my squad to get in the truck I was driving and as soon as they got in, they would get out and continue to the next city, or also they would all get in, but as soon as I stopped the truck they would all get off again. Is there any way to cancel/stop an order/command?

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2days 6hrs and some minutes

This error started to happen to all clients

When they joined so was JIP related.

Error in expression <ex < _m) then {_x setGroupID [_milalpha select _forEachIndex]};

if (CTI_IsClient>

Error position: <select _forEachIndex]};

if (CTI_IsClient>

Error Zero divisor

File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\Common\Init\Init_GroupsID.sqf, line 12

Error in expression <{_x setVariable ["cti_alias", _milalpha select _forEachIndex]};

} forEach (_x ge>

Error position: <select _forEachIndex]};

} forEach (_x ge>

Error Zero divisor

File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\Common\Init\Init_GroupsID.sqf, line 13

This alone didn't crash the game but it did mean that acre would then crash TS not thats any fault of the mission.

And I know you don't support any mods atm.

anyway the server will be restarted not bad 2 days 6 hrs :)

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I still gotta upload it on github or something.


Licensed under nada, use/edit what you want as long as you keep the credits :)

Thanks! I know you get a lot of messages, so I'll try to keep this short. I'll keep an eye on SteamWorkshop and here for a source code repository link before I try writing any code.

If you don't mind people doing whatever they want with your code, I would feel better with an explicit BSD, or MIT etc. license packaged with it to guarantee those freedoms, at the least so I know how to license my own contributions. I don't mind the GPL either, because I wouldn't use your code in a closed-source project without specifically asking anyway, and I can't imagine why anybody else would.

Thank you for your time and for the great game!

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Headless Client just got easier for admins to implement:


They are releasing Arma 3 server exe for free.


The previously mentioned Dedicated Servers can be downloaded via the standard Steam client (Arma 3 Server in library filter: Tools). Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility. The app ID is to be 233780. We should also point out that both servers have been tested on a limited scale and there may be unforeseen issues to solve in 2014 (especially for the Linux variant). We are releasing them now to gather feedback from a broader range of network situations and distributions than we are able to simulate in-house.

Last week we mentioned compatibility issues between BattlEye and real-time ESET scanners. The latter partner has begun targeting this on their end, and they have a solution which they are testing. Future updates to their software should therefore work with the anti-cheat technology much smoother.

Our programmers have fixed an old issue in triggers. There is a much-reduced update delay after triggers are created (not yet in 1.08). We highlight this because scripters may want to check their timings and execution orders are not affected by this."

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Will this mean you can run a server and a headless and connect to the server.

On one purchase ?

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Headless Client just got easier for admins to implement:


They are releasing Arma 3 server exe for free.


The previously mentioned Dedicated Servers can be downloaded via the standard Steam client (Arma 3 Server in library filter: Tools). Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility. The app ID is to be 233780. We should also point out that both servers have been tested on a limited scale and there may be unforeseen issues to solve in 2014 (especially for the Linux variant). We are releasing them now to gather feedback from a broader range of network situations and distributions than we are able to simulate in-house.

Last week we mentioned compatibility issues between BattlEye and real-time ESET scanners. The latter partner has begun targeting this on their end, and they have a solution which they are testing. Future updates to their software should therefore work with the anti-cheat technology much smoother.

Our programmers have fixed an old issue in triggers. There is a much-reduced update delay after triggers are created (not yet in 1.08). We highlight this because scripters may want to check their timings and execution orders are not affected by this."

you misread, there is nothing about dedicated client (headless client mode) ... this is about Arma 3 Dedicated server package ...

for engine there is only one client no matter if it's dedicated or not

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you misread, there is nothing about dedicated client (headless client mode) ... this is about Arma 3 Dedicated server package ...

for engine there is only one client no matter if it's dedicated or not

So if we want to use HC we're still going to have to purchase a 2nd copy of Arma 3?

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