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3D Editor in the version right now?

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So, simple question - is it possible to access the 3D editor right now through the game itself since it has left beta state, or is it still the old method?

Or how do you people edit your maps and add new buildings and stuff? Also, does it only happen to me or is it "normal" that everything i place seems to stand way off ingame? Is there a fix for this?

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What do you mean by "everything I place seems to stand way off"? Well, if you still check this thread, I can answer some of your questions. I've been using it a lot lately and I absolutely hate it. Hell, I would pay bohemia interactive to release a DLC that contained only a working 3d editor. The RTE for A2 was awesome and bi can't even come close to that, yet a user created it and it was perfect. I was starting to think I could actually get used to bi's 3d editor. I can work around some of the issues. But they give us a bunch of objects, like fortifications and construction equipments, etc. Things that you ABSOLUTELY MUST be placed in a 3d editor for accurate placement or else it's all guess work. But it's still pointless because you can't make anything flat. Everything follows the terrain. So fortifications end up leaning to the side. Not only that but it will not put items at height. No matter how high you put them, they always start the game on the ground. AND AND AND you can't put them into the 2d editor because the 3d saves it in a different file type. So you can't set vectors in order to make them flat and can't enter the height in the init for it. Cause there is no init.

It just baffles me how such a reputable company can't (WON'T) develop a simple working 3d editor. And it sucks because bi heavily relies on the community to make addons, like the RTE editor I love so much. This game would have been dead a long time ago if it weren't for community made addons.

I do thank them for creating such a great game though.

Edited by Victim9l3

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