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Did last friday patch broke the revive scripts?

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did anyone else notice that after last friday's patch both INS and BTC revives started acting weird.

INS Revive only seemd to work for some people and BTC gave the revived units 80 clocks to their inventory and sometimes spawned them 10 000 meters up the air.

Is there already thread + info about this somewhere?

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i noticed the same thing. When respawning or being revived my vest, chest-rig and backpack filled up with clocks. However, i did find a workaround that work in missions with the Virtual Ammobox System.

When respawning, go to a VAS ammobox and load one of your saved loadouts (if you have any). That should stop the clocks from filling your inventory. At least it worked with me.

Cheers M8

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When respawning or being revived my vest, chest-rig and backpack filled up with clocks.

that'S pretty funny :D

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The watch bug seems to be a known issue with BTC and the creator of that script is working on fixing the issue(s). For more info I suggest you read the =BTC= Revive thread here.

Meanwhile I can recommend using - or at least taking a look at - Farooq's Revive which can be found here and seems to be working very well even with all the recent changes.

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Yes we changed to Farooqs revive, its just a bit hassle to update bunch of missions all the sudden. I really liked the stuff that came with INS Revive (squad management and View Distance settings), but for know I had to find a new revive to keep the server alive.

Is there any released patch notes for this morning's Arma 3 Patch. In case it also broke something.

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The watch bug seems to be a known issue with BTC and the creator of that script is working on fixing the issue(s). For more info I suggest you read the =BTC= Revive thread here.

It has been already fixed as far as i know...

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