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Greyhawk missile & bomb deployment. What is going on?

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I can't even fathom what's going on. I'm quite used to flying and all that, but this laser designator nonsense is confusing me.

So first off. You can control the "flying" itself. And left clicking shoots a missile or drops a bomb straight ahead. BUT it still fires automatically on targets it feels are appropriate. How do you prevent that? If you use the "Never Fire" or "Hold Fire & Engage at Will" waypoints, it simply never fires if you are in turret mode, ever.

Then you can put it in "Manual fire", which essentially REMOVES manual fire from you, and only lets you use the laser designator, which obviously doesn't do anything when you're in the "flying" seat.... Uh?

Secondly, you can control the "turret" itself. The laser designator. If your greyhawk is set at a waypoint to loiter or search and destroy or whatever, it keeps circling the area in such a SMALL radious that the wing is constantly blocking the very area you're trying to target! If you raise the altitude, it doesn't help, since it can't just dive bomb in such a small area without crashing or wobbling like nuts.

If it is set to Never Fire or Hold Fire, it seems to never ever shoot, even if you laze a target straight ahead.

if it is not set to anything specific, it will automatically fire missiles even if you don't laze anything ???

And when it actually seems to work, when it tries to turn around to face the area you just targeted, it obviously pushes your laser off target when the wing dips down in front of your face, causing it to CONTINUALLY re-adjust the trajectory to the now new and wrong target pointing straight down in the ground since it pushed you off target........... So that's worthless as well.

The only way it seems to work properly is if you do a ridiculously long 2km approach slow as a turtle. But even then, it will randomly engage targets and even FIRE on it's own without you even lazing anything, or it will wobble up and down like a nutcase when you're just trying to hold the point on a tank, since the missiles are guided the bloody UAV wouldn't need to wobble to re-adjust it's flight path what so ever! It could just fly straight ahead and the missile would still curve down and hit.

AND if you want to change the waypoint or path of the UAV mid-flight or while in the turret? Grats, you need to release control, causing it to swing around wildly in a random direction, scroll wheel fast as heck to find "UAV Terminal" and then give a new waypoint. Ridiculous. Why can't i just open the map?

Sigh. It really frustrates the hell out of me.

Please tell me there is some magical keybind that solves this? Some sort of thing that just directly lets me laze targets, and have it ONLY fire when i do so, never before.

Thanks. Someone out there MUST have had better luck with this than me, after 3 hours of desperately fighting against it.

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Every time i try to use one, It blows up upon engine startup. So thats all my experience with the Greyhawk

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This is one of the BIG things that turns me off about this Arma ( Not that it was much better in II ). Vehicles and Aircraft were essentially just made for AI use. When you try to use them, their just a joke. Its like all programming and tweaking went into infantry alone. That's why I'm hoping that DCS, with their awesome flight simulation, decides to put in infantry and vehicles, and become the next Arma. They have the hardest part done already. Plus, they have a bunch of third party developers as well.

I was watching one of their combined arms missions the other day, and while somewhat primitive still in the graphics, it had some good points, like realistic ballistics. If they could just push it the rest of the way, it would be great.

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Indeed. It's astonishing how something as simple as "lock target and shoot" is so confubuzzled in Arma. When even half-arsed scripted 3 minute missions in CoD can manage a lock-on mechanic that works reliably.

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Add another one to the count. I never understood how to use UAVs reliably in this game.


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Someone out there must have figured it out, or are they utterly broken?

I've had UAV's turn 180 degrees around to chase targets on the other side of the map even when ordered with a waypoint on "Never Fire".

I still have occurances where they refuse to fire.

More editor troubleshooting i guess.

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i don't think you're suppose to do both at the same time.

you either engage a target, or you circle up high and laze a target. not both.

but aside from that, yeah i agree the controls are very wonky and a lot of times don't even work. lost count of how many times i made it land to refuel only for it to never lift off again. And thats if i got the bloody thing to lift off to begin with!

so many times it just drives off into a random direction or doesn't move at all and just stands there.

some tweaking is definitely needed and i would also love for there to either be a keybinding or just be able to use the map when you're a UAV operator.

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For the Greyhawk using GBU's, I managed to conduct bombing runs several times on my own, heres what I did:

1)Go into turret controls and laze the target you want to hit with bombs.

2)Hold the right mouse button down with the laser on. The drone will move into the attack.

3)Continue holding it down until you see the boom.

Its just a shame theres no lock camera to a particular spot button.

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The turret should be used for firing missiles, instead of the laser des. It would make more sense and really help out in multiplayer.

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The turret should be used for firing missiles, instead of the laser des. It would make more sense and really help out in multiplayer.

You do use the lazer in the turret though to laze. (not a personal laser marker tho)

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I made another thread before I found this, it's impossible to finish something like Preventative Diplomacy where you need to use the drone but it doesn't work in any way.


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havn't used the Greyhawk since Beta... And a matter a fact, i was pretty good at it, as in all i did was fly it like a jet... But anyway, they added where you can press "Ctrl + T" to lock on a spot with the laser.

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First up, you can control as many drones as you want to with one operator, simply going to the UAV map and selecting the drone you wish to use and then clicking on the camera to control it. This keeps the annoying "connect to drone" issue at minimum

second up, drones can be completely automated and given basic task, this INCLUDES destroying a target, and following a target(which you can select even the distance.). To give them orders, you need to have spotted the enemy so it shows up on your map, rather its you or the drone that does this. Then you can right click and give them orders.

The destroy target is limited by the drone AI abilities, the tank UAV will automatically assault infantry you order it to attack, the CAS ones require a lock, rather that be a laser or the vehicle itself.

All drones have a basic AI in them, missiles and bombs will automatically fire if they detect a laser they can lock into, and a good trajectory. This means any laser, not just the drones. The downside to this is the fact that if you keep the laser on, they will keep bombarding whatever thing you mark, so make sure you only do it when ready.

I personally find the Darter/grayhawk combo to be quiet deadly.

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