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AI shooting accuracy

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I play ARMA for much years now. But in the time of ARMA3 i will ask me an question what is very old for me. about my feeling the accuracy of AI soldiers, it is in ARMA3 much more increased then in ARMA2...

I newer was at the army, but is it that real that every soldier can hit you with with the first or second on a distance from 400+ Meters?

maybe i am such a bad player, but i feel it like unbalanced. Best example was yesterday. it is 05:30 AM and enemy has LMG or defauls assault rifles without scope. They kick your ass every time with the first 2 or 3 bullets.... is that realistic?

It is very frustrating to me. i am thinking about to set their pecision skill down to 0.3 or lower, and how do you handle this on your servers?

thank you so much


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I WAS in the army, and I can tell you that the default AI accuracy is a bit extreme. We trained at ranges out to 300m, and those 300m targets were tough to hit (with iron sights). And they were stationary pop-up targets, and we were firing from a prone position.

I've been popped in the face by a standing AI unit from those ranges pretty regularly at the default AI settings. It's even more frustrating when you go prone behind underbrush, and the AI is still able to put accurate fire on you even though they shouldn't be able to see you. The AI autoriflemen are especially brutal. Near sniper accuracy, and enough ammo to wipe out your whole squad. But at least you can dumb down their accuracy if you want. Default settings can definitely be a challenge if you don't have good cover.

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Thanks for your feedback, this is exactly me feeling.

How can i set down the accuracy of the AI? i just found the slider in the difficulty, but it seems that will nothing change in my mp mission :(

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I newer was at the army, but is it that real that every soldier can hit you with with the first or second on a distance from 400+ Meters?


I have two missions I use to test AI performance so I can reproduce behaviour to some extent. A test case is important so you can confirm what you think is happening is really happening.

Sometimes I get hit like that at that range. Most times I don't. I can see them shooting towards me and tracers closing in. If I pop out of cover two or three times at the same location I get nailed. Like I do to them if they don't move or stay behind the same cover. At closer ranges like <200 meters they can hit me with one shot regularly but then I can hit them with one shot regularly too so to me the skills, on Regular difficulty, are what I would expect because I am only an average shot. Scopes make it a lot easier but I found if If practiced with iron sites I could still do pretty well though 400 meters might be tough unless I had a bigger monitor!

I don't die so quick now because BIS have tweaked the AI to be not so uber and I am less likely to be lazy and move around and/or vary the attack (grenades/smoke) more.

The one lesson I have really learned with Arma 3 AI is that concealment is only useful before you're detected. If you don't find cover or you and your squad are bunched up so the enemy can focus their fire easily then you're dead. A bitch some times but I think very realistic.

The are two areas I find Arma really a bit too hard:

1. I think spotting the enemy with such a detailed and textured terrain (and I reckon they maybe still see though some trees or shrubs) is bleeding difficult sometimes. Sending friendly AI ahead can help there but it is annoying. I hope I get better at it.

2. The AI can shoot more accurately in crouched or standing than I think I can ever hope to. Prone I don't have a problem with because I feel we are well matched but the weapon sway. grrr. Some mods help with that.

If AI is too hard then dial it down in the Configure screen. I didn't want to lower the enemy skill (we all have pride :-)) so I increased my AI skill a bit so they took more of the heat off me.

---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ----------

It's even more frustrating when you go prone behind underbrush, and the AI is still able to put accurate fire on you even though they shouldn't be able to see you.

A lot of how we say things in the messages is open to interpretation hence probably more disagreement than there should so I would be interested to know what "accurate" means here. Getting hit by a single shot reliably is my definition but then if that is the case then I would wonder how you know there was only one enemy shooting at you and that they only shot one shot? Not saying there is no issue but as a programmer myself I always want to know exactly what the conditions were :-)

As for the overall observation, I know that if I see someone go into or duck behind a bush I will spray around the base of the bush and up a bit. If there is a line of shrubs I even follow it a little in case they try to move. I would expect no less from the AI! If they have an automatic weapon I expect to almost never survive it.

That said. I think I read about a tracker ticket where AI didn't lose sight if you went prone and moved but in my missions they often get me when I expect they should so I'm not convinced yet. :-)

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The AI accuracy is reasonable, but only for absolutely ideal conditions. That is, prone, unstressed, shooting carefully at a stationary target.

This is slowly changing for the better, but at the moment they appear superhuman because the factors that ruin human accuracy don't apply to them. They have to worry about recoil and fatigue, but they can shoot just as well standing as prone (better, even), are almost impossible to suppress, and shoot their best from the first shot, without having to walk rounds onto a target.

The problem here is that the precision value is universal. In order to lower their accuracy in appropriate situations, you have to turn them into Parkinson's afflicted stormtroopers 24/7.

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You need to edit your User.Profile (Arma3Profile) in your mydocuments - Adjust Precision Enemy down to say .50

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Editing your profile only affects SP missions NOT MP.

I also find AI too accurate and they target you too quickly when you are prone.

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