na_palm 19 Posted March 12, 2014 Send me the mission once more then, please. greetings Na_Palm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 12, 2014 Here you go ;-; I owe you like 1000 favors >.< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
na_palm 19 Posted March 12, 2014 (edited) I feel a bit tested now! :) you made both changes and that's causing the same problem, now only the other way around... But maybe i should have only posted one of the both solutions, wrote the either in bold or put an XOR between them :) ... nevermind So to clear it up, change clientAction_gatherIntel.sqf back to: if isServer exitWith {}; private["_obj"]; _obj = _this select 0; if !(isNil {_obj}) then { _obj addAction ["Gather Intel", GatherIntel]; }; greetings Na_Palm PS: in spawnarray line 80, you need to change the ID, double used one Edited March 12, 2014 by Na_Palm the PS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 12, 2014 I did try one then the other then both at the same time last. Did what you said anyway but it's still not working, and thanks for the PS, i forgot to change that after i added it to the array as an afterthought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
na_palm 19 Posted March 12, 2014 here: its working as expected.:bounce3: I didn't change more as mentioned above. greetings Na_Palm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 12, 2014 (edited) I don't understand what's happening, i took all the related files from the pbo and put them into my mission and it still isn't working D: i.e LV\GatherIntel.sqf LV\spawnarray.sqf Scripts\SP\Insurgents\GatherIntel.sqf Scripts\SP\Insurgents\clientAction_gatherIntel.sqf They are all exactly the same as in your version but i still can't see the action :/ I also tried playing your version directly and it wasn't working... are we trying to fix two different problems? xD Edited March 13, 2014 by Blasturbator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
na_palm 19 Posted March 13, 2014 ???? "LV\GatherIntel.sqf" could be deleted, as the compileFinal in init.sqf directs to "Scripts\SP\Insurgents\clientAction_gatherIntel.sqf". For testing i cleared Gravia north of the airport with an tank from the base and then gathered intel from the dead bodies. On dedicated, only to mention. As it now takes over an site here in AISSP, should we take it to another new? thread, as it is now not related to AISSP anymore? Or pm me on it?! as you like.... greetings Na_Palm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elchucho7 10 Posted March 15, 2014 Really stupid question here, I attempting to make a mission on Iron front: Liberation 44. Would some of these scripts work in the game as far as random squads, reinforcements etc? I completely new to the whole mission editor thing so don't know to much about it. If they don't work, anyone know of a place that has some scripts pertaining to that game. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zlin 10 Posted March 18, 2014 NOTE: Doing some testing with Civilians only, noticed that they throw smoke grenades!UPDATE: For the numbers thing, I can just use blocks of hundreds to stay organized. For example: One layer is 300's and the next would be 400's. Should work fine for now... Any more info on why civilians spawned with the militarize script throw smoke grenades? Where do they even get them from? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spunfin 34 Posted March 21, 2014 Any more info on why civilians spawned with the militarize script throw smoke grenades? Where do they even get them from? Heys o/ I've been away for a while so I'm not sure what implementations your version has, but: as default militarize.sqf has variable called _smokesAndChems which you can set to false. It's somewhere top parts of the file. And if they still throw smokes, you can find the actual smokes & chems block at very bottom of militarize.sqf. Huge thanks to Na_Palm for helping people here! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meatball 25 Posted March 27, 2014 Alright, so I'm looking for some ideas/suggestions using the Ambient Combat script. I'm using it in a few missions to create a zone of combat around the players, and for the most part it works great, but what I'm finding to be a problem is if the players hop in a vehicle and start driving, they basically outpace the AC script and never see any AI. They're basically moving so fast that as stuff spawns within a range about them, it's relatively quickly past the delete distance (or so far that the players would never interact with the AI). So, has anyone come up with a good way to use Ambient Combat in situations where it won't overload players if they're travelling on foot and won't make the mission a 'ghost town' if they're travelling fast by vehicle? I'm almost thinking that there's not really any way to 'fix' it and it's just a limitation of the way the script spawns/despawns around the player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spunfin 34 Posted March 27, 2014 Meatball, you're right, it would need some redesigning for this one. You could surely modify it so that it checks if player is in vehicle or not and adjusts group amount and distance parameters related to that information, but I guess it would be the hard way. Or maybe tracking down what direction player moves or looks to, or even his movement speed, and use those informations slightly for the "spawn pos" formula & patrol stuff. Or... wouldn't it be more exciting to make vehicles move slower! :) I know this has been heard many times already, but soon I'll start rewriting these! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddazs 10 Posted March 30, 2014 (edited) SpunFIN, this is a fantastic script. So far I have only tried out the fill house but that will change soon. I was wondering, if I wanted to use custom units to be spawned by your script is the LV_fnc_menGroup the place to change the soldier classnames? EDIT: And how would I go about forbidding a certain area from spawning recon units? Edited March 30, 2014 by Baddazs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spunfin 34 Posted March 30, 2014 Heys Baddazs, For AmbientCombat that would be the file, but all other scripts has classname arrays inside them, usually somewhere top parts of them. About avoiding some areas - only AmbientCombat has this functionality, but you could surely duplicate it. It basicly has: if(isNil("LV_IsInMarker"))then{LV_IsInMarker = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_isInMarker.sqf";}; _spotValid = false; while{!_spotValid}do{ ....look for good spawning position...and when found, assign it to _spawnPos... _avoidArray = []; for "_i" from 0 to 30 do { if(_i == 0)then{_m = "ACavoid";}else{_m = ("ACavoid_" + str _i);}; if(_m in allMapMarkers)then{_avoidArray set[(count _avoidArray),_m];}; }; { if([_spawnPos,_x] call LV_IsInMarker)exitWith{_spotValid = false;}; }forEach _avoidArray; }; And it checks if there's markers named "ACavoid", "ACavoid1""ACavoid30", and inside those possible markers nothing should spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddazs 10 Posted March 30, 2014 Hey, awesome! Thank's for the quick reply. I've got a couple of addons that I made for myself and I wanted to use them with your script. Works like a charm now! Finally I can get that urban combat feeling without spending literally hours in the editor! thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted March 30, 2014 Hi spunfin! iv been using your script via the app for a while now,very easy to drop down units and cache them for performance and very time saving.IV been using ambient combat and setting the sides to east 0 ind 0 and west 1 (2groups) to spawn around the player and other friendly AI squads to simulate "ambient patrols" Is there an actual way to make a zone that enemy can patrol but also be cached? I see you mention ambient patrol in your script but i dont know how it works or how to implement it. could you help? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spunfin 34 Posted March 30, 2014 Hey redarmy, I actually didn't think about that feature, so currently you would probably get that outcome (kinda) by using a trigger to mark the area where you need units to spawn -> when player(s) triggers it, AC would be called and 'centerUnit' -parameter would be array of players who are inside that trigger area. When player(s) leave the area, trigger would execute LV_fnc_removeAC.sqf. If you decide to try this, you need also to make sure this trigger will be repeating, but not if it hasn't been deactivated first, so you would use global variable in both act -fields. This is messy method, and outcome might be ugly with multiple players, as you can't update 'centerUnit' array on the fly (without some modifications). But I'll keep this feature on mind when I get to rewrite AC. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted March 30, 2014 Hey redarmy,I actually didn't think about that feature, so currently you would probably get that outcome (kinda) by using a trigger to mark the area where you need units to spawn -> when player(s) triggers it, AC would be called and 'centerUnit' -parameter would be array of players who are inside that trigger area. When player(s) leave the area, trigger would execute LV_fnc_removeAC.sqf. If you decide to try this, you need also to make sure this trigger will be repeating, but not if it hasn't been deactivated first, so you would use global variable in both act -fields. This is messy method, and outcome might be ugly with multiple players, as you can't update 'centerUnit' array on the fly (without some modifications). But I'll keep this feature on mind when I get to rewrite AC. :) Thanks spunfin,i will test that method out. Would be great if you rewrote this script,not that it needs much work however,its already got lots of uses in ALL my missions,even ones incorperating ALIVE and MCC. However just 5minutes ago while making a mission,i found a strange glitch in MILITARIZE. Using FIA faction,and calling militarize in location with spawn of "one" vehicle unit,it actually spawned the offraod vehicle,but funnily then started spawn multiple types of that vehicle in the perimeter of militarize.I never had this happen before,im on takistan map,and the militarize area is only about 70 meters in diamater if that makes any difference. Have you had this happen yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*tcf*jackal 10 Posted April 7, 2014 I'll try again, as I've had no success trying to troubleshoot this issue myself. Has anyone else come across an issue with the reinforcementchopper.sqf script, in that the heli spawns with troops inside as defined by the variables in the call, flies to the waypoint where it should land, but instead the heli never lands and just hovers about 50m up? Prior to patches this used to work perfectly. The heli would land, the troops would hop out then follow the player as expected. Im not running any mods, just vanilla A3. Very interested to see if others see the same behaviour. Any help greatly appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silent_sniper 10 Posted April 7, 2014 Hey Can You Set up a Sample File Just The Chopper With What The Issue is, This is happening on another script pack and Has something to do with an Update on the Arma 3, So If I Can Get It Pinned Down to What the Issue is, BI Should Fix It. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dashnaw 0 Posted April 15, 2014 Hello Let me just start by saying that these scripts are little pieces of wonder - really greatful for them. However, I've run into an issue with the top group limit of 144 pr. side, and figured I could get around this by joining the AI that are spawned from the militarize and fill-house scripts to existing groups. However, I can't seem to get that particular function working. Once I enter in a group name all AI simply cease to spawn. Has anyone else had issues with this? And if so, what am I doing wrong? I've created a very simple test mission, and uploaded it here: Simple Join Group Spawn Test It's a simple build with: 1 player unit placed, 1 AAF unit placed with the following in its initialization line group1 = group this; and then a gamelogic with nul = [this,3,0,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[1,2],[1,0],"default",nil,nil,1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; as well as another gamelogic with this: nul = [[1],[player],500,true,true] execVM "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf"; Loading up that test mission, with the above parameters works. The AI are spawned correctly, however they don't join any existing groups. Once I change the spawn code to nul = [this,3,0,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[1,2],[1,0],"default",group1,nil,1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; nothing spawns. If I try to change it to nul = [this,3,0,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[1,2],[1,0],"default",group player,nil,1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; nothing spawns either. So is it at all possible to have groups spawned with these AI spawn scripts, join an existing group? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zlin 10 Posted April 16, 2014 Is it me or did the latest BIS update kill the scripts?? I have been using the fillhouse and militarize on our dedicated server and it seems like since the last update, nothing is spawning. Everything was working great prior to these latest updates. Anyone else having issues with fillhouse and/or militarize?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kilo1-1 1 Posted April 16, 2014 Is there anyway to get the fillHouse to not spawn units at certain heights or whatnot? My issue is that I am having the fillHouse fill a hotel building in Fallujah. From here I will have a MH9 come in and land on the roof and hotel has to be cleared from the top down. The problem is the script is spawning a majority of the units on the roof, instead of hallways, rooms, and the lobby. The script is spawning units correctly in these parts of the building though, its just that there seems to always be a big group on the roof which shoots my MH9 down immediately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dashnaw 0 Posted April 16, 2014 (edited) Hello Let me just start by saying that these scripts are little pieces of wonder - really greatful for them. However, I've run into an issue with the top group limit of 144 pr. side, and figured I could get around this by joining the AI that are spawned from the militarize and fill-house scripts to existing groups. However, I can't seem to get that particular function working. Once I enter in a group name all AI simply cease to spawn. Has anyone else had issues with this? And if so, what am I doing wrong? I've created a very simple test mission, and uploaded it here: Simple Join Group Spawn Test It's a simple build with: 1 player unit placed, 1 AAF unit placed with the following in its initialization line group1 = group this; and then a gamelogic with nul = [this,3,0,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[1,2],[1,0],"default",nil,nil,1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; as well as another gamelogic with this: nul = [[1],[player],500,true,true] execVM "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf"; Loading up that test mission, with the above parameters works. The AI are spawned correctly, however they don't join any existing groups. Once I change the spawn code to nul = [this,3,0,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[1,2],[1,0],"default",group1,nil,1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; nothing spawns. If I try to change it to nul = [this,3,0,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[1,2],[1,0],"default",group player,nil,1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; nothing spawns either. So is it at all possible to have groups spawned with these AI spawn scripts, join an existing group? Had a little look at the script, and found that if I changed this line (line 58 in militarize.sqf), from _milGroup = if (count _this > 9) then { _this select 9; }else{nil;}; if(!isNil("_milGroup"))then{if(_milGroup == "nil0")then{_milGroup = nil;};}; to _milGroup = if (count _this > 9) then { _this select 9; }else{nil;}; if(!isNil("_milGroup"))then{if("_milGroup" == "nil0")then{_milGroup = nil;};}; That spawned groups are now correctly joined to existing groups. However, now I get a "missing ]" error message instead, but the AI groups are spawned and do their thing as expected (so far)! I have been able to isolate the "missing ]" message to the following line 275 in militarize.sqf: if(!isNil("_grpId"))then{ call compile format ["LVgroup%1 = _milGroup",_grpId]; call compile format["LVgroup%1spawned = true;", _grpId]; _thisArray = []; { if(isNil("_x"))then{ _thisArray set[(count _thisArray),"nil0"]; }else{ _thisArray set[(count _thisArray),_x]; }; }forEach _this; call compile format["LVgroup%1CI = ['militarize',%2]",_grpId,_thisArray]; //<--- THIS LINE }; Edited April 16, 2014 by Dashnaw new data Share this post Link to post Share on other sites