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Visual Studio (10 or 12) SQF syntax highlightting.

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I'm looking for a plug-in/extension that will allow me to use syntax highlighting when editing SQF files.

Does anyone know if this exists for VS2010 or 2012? (I've seen it for UE and Notepad++, but not VS)

Does anyone have a link?. (looking for the terms 'arma visual studio highlighting' or 'sqf visual studio highlighting' did not yield any viable results on either google or this forum)

Edited by Onno

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Hey there was a program call squint that worked great for arma2 SQF but after one of the last game updates or somthing it stop working for me I never really look into why! See if the program is still around And working. It may be worth a shot.

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Thanks. I already found out about squint.

However, that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want yet-another-editor for yet-another-tiny-language.

I'm looking for VS (or very maybe eclipse) support, not a limited editor like squint.

Also, Notepad++ or UE are not really options to me, as that would boil down to yet-another-editor for me.

Edited by Onno

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It's extremely unlikely it exists. Visual Studio is expensive software that casual home users would never buy, and adding custom language support is far more demanding than it is for a simple text editor.

There is also some support for free IDEs: Eclipse, NetBeans

Edited by ceeeb

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Notepad++ or UE are not really options to me, as that would boil down to yet-another-editor for me.

Well, sorry, they are certainly more common and well used than your "yet-another-editor".

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@[APS]Gnat: I have access to VS through MSDNAA, and it has become my favourite editor by far.

Netbeans is second, and Eclipse a close third after Netbeans.

NP++ and UE are just not in the same ballpark for me. I've used them in the past, and they lack many functions I want in an editor. Both in the editing and in the options to support tools.

@.kju [PvPscene] & ceeeb: thnx :)


I've been using ArmADEV for a couple of days now, and it is absolutely awesome. Thanks for the heads-up! :)

Edited by Onno

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