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Weight distribution - Balance model

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Been playing with some old addons, like the An72

Using the old Simulation and no Physx Geo LOD. All fine, flys well etc, except for 1 problem;

The centre of gravity (when only on wheels?) is not following the centre of weight in the Geometry LOD.

So when its on the ground it constantly falls backwards. Nose wheel in the air.

Even when I force the weight CoG forward in the GEO LOD, doesnt change the problem.

Oddly I'm not getting the same problem with the float version of the C185, (wont be noticeable with tail-dragger version)

Any ideas?

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No proxies that are adding weight or something in Geometry LOD ?

Only diffence i notice is the folowing but that may only be concering PHYSX but i put it in anyway ,also landcontacts and Geometry must have name of the wheels ( i did it to eliminate arma.rpt errors)

driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_2_1","wheel_2_2"};

ony other thing is that you have done yourself or inherited the class wheels in config.cpp that is for Physx not normal (oldstyle) i have avoided for the Airplane cfg

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Thanks guys.

Typing the question got me thinkin further (as it does :) )

Turns out its the "balance" of points in the MEMORY LOD. (yeh, not logical right! )

Just added a bunch of unnamed points forward of the nose ..... bingo, now sits normal on the ground.

... while the plane still flies fine, I haven't yet checked what this change did to visual center and maneuver center.

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hello !


having the same problem, and I can't solve it.


I'm working on CL-415 for my SCmod.


if I use simulation = airplaneX > plane react normaly on wheels, but don't be amphibious.

if I use simulation = airplane > plane is perfectly amphibious, but have the same problem described by Gnat.


Gnat's memory LOD method don't work for me !


Plz help me !

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amphibious? do you have a proper buoyancy lod and enabled it via geo LOD and config?

That said, it could be that it just doesnt work at all with Planex.

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