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JTD SmokeEffects with ACE gives me an error

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I get a warning message when game loads:

No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgModels.default'

My Arma shortcut looks like this:

D:\games\arma\arma.exe -nosplash -profiles=Profiles -mod=DBE1;@test;@ace;@gl3;@ecs

JTD SmokeEffects is in '@test' folder together with XEH 1.93 and I got 'DMSmokeEffects_config.hpp' in main 'Dta' folder. When I start game without ACE then this warning won't pop up. When I disable JTD SmokeEffects then warning also won't pop up. So there must be some kind of conflict between ACE and this addon. Does anyone know how to make those two work together?

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My Arma shortcut looks like this:

D:\games\arma\arma.exe -nosplash -profiles=Profiles -mod=DBE1;@test;@ace;@gl3;@ecs


you can try -mod=DBE1;@ace;@gl3;@ecs;@test but without guaranties of success because, with these mods, you will risque to have some conflicts between them.

Sorry for my english, have a good day.

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I tried many different combinations for the shortcut parameter but it won't work as long as ACE is running.

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When you say it doesn't work, does it actually not work or are you only getting an error message but without any consequence?

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When you say it doesn't work, does it actually not work or are you only getting an error message but without any consequence?

Just my humble interrogation but how know if your (excellent) mod works with GL3, ECS and ACE who include a "view block" for the AI and the "ArmA Effects mod" by Maddmatt ?

Three Mods with smoke effects ... A psychedelic question. :P

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When you say it doesn't work, does it actually not work or are you only getting an error message but without any consequence?

I'm sorry for not being specific - I got this warning message so I assumed it didn't work. But to be honest, I even don't know how to check it? And besides J3aLeiNe made a good point - it's hard to tell if so many addons/mods is running at once. More over I made some test today (disabled GL3 and ECS) and the warning didn't show up. So it looks like I was wrong - there is no conflict with ACE and your addon. It must be something different.

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What is DBE1?

Suggest you remove all the other mods and test the smoke effect by itself first then add ACE to it and see if it works then, then add the other mods in to make sure they work.

Always try to run mods by themselves to see if they themselves work for you, then if and when it does add another mod 1 at a time and see if anything changes,

if after adding another mod something breaks, take note of it, then remove it and add the other one in, and repeat.

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DBE1 is a mod folder from QG pack (I got Arma Gold). Thanks for this advice Günter, it looks like I rushed things a bit and made a mess with all these addons running simultaneously. I'll do as you said and see if everything works. Thank you guys for your help.

Edited by vitamin

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