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ACE wounding No instant death

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Hey people,

I'm currently struggeling with the ACE 2 wounding system. I ran a couple of tests and noticed that in about 50% of the cases I get hit by the enemy (50cal/7.62/5.45) I die instantly. Yes, some of these might be critical and a 50cal shot is likely to kill you at once BUT

when I'm watching youtube videos of several clan operations it seems the players actually never really die but only get unconscius and can be patched up by a medic. No matter what caliber it was to hit them. I remember the same from some missions I played with some guys in the past as well (no contact at this time and no missions saved).

So here my big question: Is there a specific script, function, whatever, to "disable" the instant death by shooting?

I really love the ACE wounding system at all but I went back to Bohemias first aid module because too often in COOP it was like: Hey I just got hit, I'm dead. - Yeah, wait I come over and patch you up. - No, I'm dead instantly. One player less.

Yeah, I KNOW a headshot is killing instantly. I KNOW some calibers are very deadly. I KNOW it is realistic.

But somehow the guys on YT managed to stay alive all the time and won't die at all but just get shot unconsciuos. And I don't believe they are just lucky.

So, what is the trick here?

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In many missions, there's a "revive" script, which works a little different from ACE's wounding. In ACE, you're incapacitated if your health is below some level (say, exempli gratia, 0.3). With "revive, in majority of missions, you actually die and then instantly respawn on the same place with "incapacitated" animation. So, while in ACE you can instantly die (because one hit may kill you straight away), in the "revive" version you always need to actually "die" to trigger the "incap".

Hence, with revive scripts, it doesn't matter what you've been hit with (past certain threshold) - you'll end up "heavily wounded" in any case, even if it was a satchel charge under your feet.

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Thanks for that info,

Are you talking about something like norrins revive?

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Any ideas which of these works the best with ACE?

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Are there any scripts but Norrins Revive (which seems kind of bugged when running with ace because Norrins Medpack and bandages get in conflict with the ACE bandages etc), that work fine with AI in your Team? I haven't tried it yet but Columdrum said his script doesn't work with AI.

Anyway, I found out that the magic all these guys I was talking of used wasn't some revive script with spectator camera and medevac and all this but a simple line put in the ACE wounding module init:

ace_wounds_prevtime = XXX;

Unfortunatly this doesn't work for AIs, so my question is still there.

Edited by Dar

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ACE wasn't really designed with AI in mind, unfortunately. I've never seen a "fix" for this, but if there is one out there I'd love to know as well.

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This is what I was looking for. I knew and love DAPs Ai medic, but that ace code line was the missing parameter for my work.

Thank you Sir, made my day. *salutes*

This thread is is to be marked [solved]

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Ah, nice one. I didn't even know DAP released stuff for A2!

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Yeah and it looks like he'll be releasing stuff for A3 as well

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