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Altis desync/players walking in place etc

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Ok I know Altis just came out. I'm just posting this for myself an others for info an also see if other servers are experiencing this as well. Playing the mission ingame ai an players periodically become in a desyb state like we saw in ArmA1 an armA2 where there stuck in place walking. Is this a server issue? Is this a map issue? Is this Altis issue?

Is it possible that http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162372-Battleye-lags-MP-servers could also be the issue?

Feedback tracker...http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13366

Edited by Call_911

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Yes I confirm that issue. I've edited Xeno domination mission and it looks like on stratis everything works ok, but on Altis server "stops" for 1-2 mins - everything is desynch than back to normal and again and again. If "stops" monitor server command for admins show no info (memory, uploading, downloading, etc.) It is clearly Altis problem. (all mods disabled, battleeye disabled).

What I have found is: When server stops, it loads tonnes of data to memory, 500MB or more.

Edited by PawelKPL
More info Added

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Yeah gettin a BE issue also lil leary about disabling BE on the server ATM get a BE crash #3 also, but had'nt seen desync like this since ArmA1 pre-US release sure they'll sort I have a ticket up will update post with it.

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I've never experienced a problem like that, server I run is based on i7 2600K and stratis with tonnes of AIs, cars, tanks, helis never goes under 35fps. On Altis it stops for a while and back to normal state. It goes from 0 to 48 fps for a while then goes to 0 fps again and again.

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Apparently nearestobject takes 1 minute to return a value on Altis, where it takes 1 second to do the same on Stratis.

There are a lot of publicly released scripts that use this and just about all the public play missions, Dom, I&A etc run these commands fairly often making those type of missions unplayable on Altis especially with high player numbers

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Yeah it stopped almost immidiatly after not running Domination. Invade Annex seems to be ok.Least it's playable,unlike my pc :(

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Yes there definitely are issues with a lot of commands on Altis. Missions need to be optimized until BIS fixes the issue (as on Chernarus/Takistan there was no issues and there is no reason to have issues on Altis - At least not issues of this order of magnitude).

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