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Player objective rewards in multiplayer should be introduced.

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Players should be rewarded with additional money for kills of enemy factions or securing bases. As looting enemies is not always possible (eg. 1.5 km sniper kill or helicopter kill) kills should be rewarded and capturing spawn points for team also seems pointless without rewards. Alternatively introduce a team credit currency that can be used in stores and is acquired for being a team player. Looting was an excellent idea for dayz but in the end arma 3 is not a survival game its war.

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This is mission specific and shopuld be directed to the user missions section.

ArmA is not just about wastelands and other typical Public style missions. There is a hell of a lot more to it and you wont find that on those style of servers

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God, go back to BF ppl. Let us play ArmA War Simulator. This is not fu*king arcade shooter. DEAR GOD!

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If you want to make suggestions for improvements to a specific mission, it's probably a good idea to suggest it in the specified mission's thread. Obviously, what you are asking for is completely unsuitable for a lot of missions, so it's not like you are making a generic suggestion for the whole ArmA.

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This shows us that the game does not make it clear enough to new players how multiplayer missions can differ.

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God, go back to BF ppl. Let us play ArmA War Simulator. This is not fu*king arcade shooter. DEAR GOD!

No need to be offensive.

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This shows us that the game does not make it clear enough to new players how multiplayer missions can differ.

Makes sense, considering that most games have like 1-4 game modes that usually aren't really all that different, so you just join a server (which will naturally usually be wasteland) and assume that's what the whole game is like.

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The game engine is capable of simulating reasonably closely a hell of a lot of triple A titles out there. Especially anything based in the air or on the ground.

With it's extensive command library you can create a vast array of user interfaces and scripted systems.

It is unbelievably moddable, which is probably why it has endured for so many years.

It does have a steep learning curve both to play and edit, afterall, it's not your typical first person shooter, it is actually a simulator and a version of which is used by the military.

So with gifted scripting skills, a good modelling and texture team, the level to which you can take this engine way supassses anything you are seeing right now.

Even without the modellers and texture artists, the scope is massive. Only the imagination limits you.

The arma engine is best utilised at company sized level with AI/humans led by good group leaders with a good command and control system.

This is what it was built for, unfortunately the public game types, due to difficulties in communications and a small minority of impatient public players fail to show you what the game can be like.

You need to get yourself into a community and away from wastelands to find this style of gameplay where all 40, 60 or however many players there are on the map are being coordinated properly by a good mission commander and all players are disciplined enough to play there role. (A machine gunner should be carrying a machine gun. A sniper should not be shooting at anything that moves. Emptying you mag in a couple of minutes is not the way that role should be played.

Typically in a lot of public play missions everyone is allowed to carry a sniper rifle and an AT weapon. In this scenario you are only likely to find small pockets of teamwork but mostly solo play.

You can do that offline, so why bother to come online and do that?

Edited by Terox

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