zachgibson22 3 Posted August 11, 2013 After some searching to see if there was any mod to make Arma 3 a RTS I came across the Window of Opportunity mod for A2: CO. I've only played it a little bit and I started to look at the unit configs and I was thinking that it may not be TOOO hard to try and port this over to Arma 3. Now I've never done something like this, but it was mentioned in the thread for the Mod and the read me that putting the mod into a new map was as simple as copy and paste. Now I know since we'd be putting it in Arma 3 it may be a little more difficult but I think it would totally be worth it! And the unit configs wouldn't be too hard to change, because you just need to define the new units and models as mentioned in the Manual of the Mod. I was just curious if anybody else would be interested in helping me out or if they think it would be worth it! It would be cool in someone had a bit of experience in porting or possibly scripting. If nobody can help I'll attempt to just port a couple units over and see if I can even get any of it to work! If not that's cool to because Arma 3 itself is already fun! Thanks guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted August 11, 2013 Sounds great, but you did ask Mondkalb for permission to do this right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CombatComm1 10 Posted August 11, 2013 I too have been wanting an RTS game mode for Arma 3. The fidelity of the graphics and possibilities are endless for a proper RTS to rival even the most dedicated RTS game. Imagine the options to use UAVs and for the other team to establish jammers in certain areas to disrupt the UAVs of the other commander. I am by no means a great scripter but I have been messing with the editor on and off since 2008, ARMA 1. As the post above said if you have permission from the mission author to tweak his, (As I played it but it was never supported much) then I am more then willing to help develop and improve it. If not, we can try and put together a team to create our own from scratch? Some Ideas - 1. PVP and Player vs AI version?? 2. Only allow map usage untill one side can acquire or build UAV terminal which then could allow them live picture view to command troops. 3. Deploy jammers in certain areas to disrupt enemy UAV feeds? 4. CAS capabilties from actual assets after capturing runways or building them with enough material. Same goes for FOBS 5. Logistical needs capabilities. Suppply lines can be cut etc. 6. If we are feeling really ambitious, allow the use of players on the ground slots for squad leaders that take orders from the commander. I will edit as I come up with more. Kind of excited to see if this can go anywhere. PM me if you like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zachgibson22 3 Posted August 12, 2013 Although I do not have permission to port it. No one can stop me. I will say though it states this in the manual, "I encourage everyone who is interested to convert this mission to a different mod or addon-compilation." For now It's for personal use because I have no idea if I even have the knowledge to do it. But if I do get it to work decently, I will be asking him. And CombatComm1 I would be willing to make one from scratch but I have no idea where to even start! hah As of Right now I would want to attempt to port it, which would actually be easier when the full game comes out because of more vehicles. Then if that works, would try and improve the GUI a bit. Then go from there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scarecrow398 43 Posted August 12, 2013 Although I do not have permission to port it. No one can stop me. Yeeeea. but your posting rights here can be revoked for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brain 12 Posted August 12, 2013 Yeeeea. but your posting rights here can be revoked for it. I don't see the problem. He said, for now it's personal use. He also said, it states in the manual, that he encourages everyone to use/convert it to a different mod/compilation. He also said if it works out, he'll ask him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mondkalb 1087 Posted August 12, 2013 Yes, I have no problems with it being ported over to Arma 3. :) Just please make sure you give proper credit to the original author! The instructions on what files to modify are all in the manual, and the entire system of WOO was kept modular so porting it over to a new set of toys would be easy. A problem you could run into is that the base structures I made all use objects from Arma 2 via proxies, and they are currently not available in Arma 3, so you will have to substitute the base structures with new items as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zachgibson22 3 Posted August 12, 2013 Eyyyyyooooohhhh. Thanks Mondkalb! XD Yeah I found a couple things I could start with. You did mention that adding to a new island is "as easy as copy and paste," but I couldn't figure out what exactly I would be copying and pasting! Also is it possible to use the editor with this mod in A2? Thanks for the support! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted August 13, 2013 Yes copy n paste, and yes you can use it and play with it via preview through the editor. Heres what you do, its an addon coupled with missions, the missions are obviously what you play, the addon enables the missions to play out as an RTS. Tutorial 1. Now from the missions for the sake of testing, they are all pbos, just extract one of them for the map you have. 2. Move that folder (not pbo) of the pbo you just extracted to your editor's missions folder (that would be singleplayer editor missions folder aka usermissions). 3. start the game with Woo running, then go to sp and then editor 4. choose the map that mission is on and then load it and open it, what you will see are dots all over the place, not alot but around towns, and certain areas, these are the objectives to be captured by either side. 5. Now in the top left corner of the map on the land itself there should be some units both blufor, and opfor facing each other, maybe different for different missions IDK, I only play the I44 version. 6. Considering this is Coop, and pvp you can make it you vs AI if you want, just decide what side you want to play based on what pbo you extracted, and then put down AI units in areas that make them look as if they are protecting their "base" save and hit preview 7. once ingame hit your action menu and go to commander, this should bring you to a house or a base, from there click on the house and start putting down units, you are now playing Arma RTS. copying n pasting, to a new map As for copying n pasting, to a new map, 1. load up your map you want to port a mission too, and then save it with whatever name in the sp editor, 2. locate that folder just created in the mission editor folder and then transfer all the files (except the mission.sqm) from a Woo mission. 3. From here, heres what you can do, i do this all the time, start up the map you want Woo to be on, open it in the editor dont preview it and then hit Alt tab, and startup the game again, and then load a woo mission you like and want to port in the editor 4. now you should have 2 games with 2 editors open, copy all the markers and things from the WOO mission over to the blank map. 5. Be sure to set the player and playable characters, and make sure theres a function module down. lastly you'll want to move around these markers you just placed. Save when done and preview it and see how it goes. Hope that helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites