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In game Textures / Sat Grid

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Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong on this?

As you can see the grid is just off and I can see the grid lines on the ground as well ?



Cell Size = 10

Sat Grid = 48 (also tried 496)

Sat segments = 248 ( 20x20)

Layers -Just renamed A3 textures

class Layers
 class grass
texture = "god_ahmshere\data\god_grass_green_co.paa";  
material= "god_ahmshere\data\god_ahmshere_grass.rvmat"; Some advice on Layers / in GAme texti
 class sand
texture = "god_ahmshere\data\god_desert_co.paa"; 
material= "god_ahmshere\data\god_ahmshere_desert.rvmat"; 

class Legend
 class Colors

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I have a map the same size, here are my settings :

Sat grid = 96

In texture layers, the base layer is set at texture size 40x40m

Satellite segment = 24

I see nothing wrong in your layers.cfg ;)

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hmm thanks ill give that a try,

Also my Sat_Loc.png I am using is also 2048x2048 is that OK or does that need to be bigger ?

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ha ok, well i use 20480x20480, but 2048 is ok for testing purpose.

If you use 2048x2048, my config will be useless to you.

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Ah I thought that was a typo. You should try to get the sat image to the same size as your island otherwise it will be insanely scretched to get to your map size of 20480.

If you want something just for testing reasons you can just create a 20480x20480 image and fill it entirely with green(for grass) just to see how it works. Or if you have l3dt you can use the image it produces as a sat mask to start with.

Also this may be a typo but the sat image should be labeled sat_lco not sat_loc

Also where did you get the surfacemaplegend.png? Reason I ask is because it's normally call maplegend.png

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thanks ill update my sat & mask

Yes it was a typo is is called sat_lco

I got the surfacemaplegend.png from an old A2 tut is there a new A3 one i can use ?

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No it'll probably be the same. It doesn't really matter what it's called as long as your configs all point to it when they need to.

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Just remember when you export your texture map L3DT it is a bit fussy with large images, make sure you when you export select "Split map into tiles" and don't select "Re-size for Export" option. Once you hit next save the file format as .png and tile size 8192 (should give you a 4x4 mosaic) around 16 tiles to reassemble in Photoshop or Gimp.

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Well for me the easy way is to save as a .BMP and then open it in photoshop, this way you don't have to merge the tiles together.

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That will work as well providing L3DT doesn't crash or you get a save error.

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Well for me the easy way is to save as a .BMP and then open it in photoshop, this way you don't have to merge the tiles together.

Yea try anything larger than 32000x32000 and you'll most likely get an out of mem error. I went out and got an extra 8gb of ram then realized "oh wait l3dt is only 32bit"

I don't know why but his program needs to have enough consecutive ram in order to export the pictures. It's turning into a real pita trying to a high res sat map.

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I've just re-calculated my texture from 2048 testing sat image to a 32000+ image, so far its going on 18hrs processing.. what a pain

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;2466955']I've just re-calculated my texture from 2048 testing sat image to a 32000+ image' date=' so far its going on 18hrs processing.. what a pain[/quote']

I'm almost certain it froze. It happened to me before. Anything higher than 32000 you may have to try using export as mosaic bmp and try some of the sizes in there.

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;2466955']I've just re-calculated my texture from 2048 testing sat image to a 32000+ image' date=' so far its going on 18hrs processing.. what a pain[/quote']

Like M1lkm8n said, it must have crashed in the process.

My 20480x20480 bmp image takes 15 mins to render, 18hrs seems impossible.

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It just finished and is now Calculating mip-maps time remaining 11 hrs.. lol .. I can't win.

That's what I originally thought as well but it was still chugging along according to task manger, I double checked to ensure the CPU throttle was not on so it's not that either.

Canceled the process, try another route.

Edited by Sig [USMC]

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The only thing I think may happen is when you actually try to export the image you may get the 'ran out of memory' dialog box. Hopefully you don't but it happened to me constantly.

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Ended up reinstalling L3DT Pro, everything seems to be running smooth again. Was able to generate a 20480 in 10 min.

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The only thing I think may happen is when you actually try to export the image you may get the 'ran out of memory' dialog box. Hopefully you don't but it happened to me constantly.

It only happens if you select another image format than bmp, i saw that on the L3DT forums. If your image is very big in size (like 1.7 gb for 20480) choose bmp and everything should be fine.

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It only happens if you select another image format than bmp, i saw that on the L3DT forums. If your image is very big in size (like 1.7 gb for 20480) choose bmp and everything should be fine.

Yea It exports 20480 fine. It's anything larger than 32000pixels is where the problems start to arrive.

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Ok ! well it's true that when i tried a 40960x40960 image L3DT would crash all the time ^^

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I - with some sat images - encounter the same problem with this ugly texture grid when ingame...which value affects it? Is the bit-depth of the sat image also of influence? My texture layer is 40x40, image size 20480x20480, Satellite Grid 96...

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I assume your terrain cell size is still 10.0, and you generally want to have that doubles for your texture layer so 20x20 should be efficient.

You can alter the cell size to something smaller but I wouldn't go past cell size 4 or you will start running into performance issues.

Edited by Sig [USMC]

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Experimented around and found out that the (Visitor 3 calculated/proposed!) setting "Satellite Grid 96" was responsible for this grid error appearing on the map and ingame (I use 4096x5 terrain grid, 20480x20480 satmap, 20x20m texture). If I raise or lower that sat grid value manually, I don't have the error ingame. Odd.

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